Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Twist on Today's Poor Eating Habits

By Tammy Davis

Have you ever read the book, 'A Wrinkle in Time'? At one point in the story, the characters find themselves on a planet that's given in to evil forces and life has become synchronized to such a degree that even kids bounce their balls at the same time. In many ways, this is our world. Fear is the evil force that we've succumbed too, and far be it for us to step outside its controlling promises. Instead, we've adopted behaviors like those of our friends, families, and mentors because we at least 'know' the outcome.

Take eating, for instance. It was something we used to do because we felt the need for nourishment. How do we know if we're hungry? Well, you can search for true hunger signs on the internet and you'll find many websites with suggestions on how to know if you're really hungry or emotionally starved; yet, I'm wondering, did someone inform our primitive ancestors of these signs? Or, for that matter, is there a specialist out there sharing this information with today's infants? The answer to both those questions is no. Eating is something we did to satisfy our hunger; hunger was and is an instinct. Sure there are signs, and knowing these signs is vitally important especially if you've lost touch with your body as many people have.

As babies, we knew when we needed food and we did not hesitate to ask for it. Over the years and with the help of society's dictates, we developed eating patterns directing when to eat as well as what to eat, eliminating the requirement to pay attention to what our bodies actually need.

If someone eats more than they THINK they should have, it's not uncommon to hear him or her say, 'I won't / can't / shouldn't eat much if anything tomorrow.' What? If you get a true sign of hunger, you're not going to eat? This goes the other way as well. If someone doesn't get a lot to eat today, it's perfectly ok to eat twice as much tomorrow to make up for today. Really? And then, there are all the diet programs to lose weight and fat, again, dictating when and what to eat which only serve to perpetuate unhealthy practices. Unfortunately, the more ingrained the habits, the more difficult it is to see our way out; even though, it is entirely possible.

Think about babies and very young children. They eat every few hours. Not only that, they'll even let you know what they want to consume. I know, many people would argue with this; however, our kids adopt and mimic our attitudes and choices in food. Keep in mind, we have MANY years of establishing our preferences and whether we like it or not, we hand these off to our children which means a conscious effort to fundamentally shift our practices in addition to honoring theirs (another discussion).

As for the point of this article, realizing we have it in us to instinctively eat is HUGE and it's going to take a willingness to break free of the collective patterns in order to be healthy and energized. Being a part of this world is what we're here to do, and honoring our needs is what it's going to take to allow us to be vital participants.

Tammy Davis, Writer & Holistic Nutrition Coach, Sarasota, Fl

Feel free to drop me a note or sign up at for additional insights and information.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Organic or Not? A Quick Reference Guide for Healthy Food Choices

By Dr. Chase Hayden, D.C. QN

Many people are confused and overwhelmed when it comes to choosing food based on nutritional value. Does it really matter if the food is organic, fresh or frozen? Although the debate will continue to rage on between scientists, doctors, and nutritionists, one thing is for sure: pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides are being linked to more and more disease. As these toxins begin to accumulate in our bodies, they are disrupting optimal function, and contributing to the symptomatic presentation of many chronic conditions. Organic foods are becoming increasingly popular for people wishing to maintain and improve their level of health.

A new report published by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has provided a great "go to" list when it comes to choosing which produce to by organically, and which ones to buy conventionally. The group's annual "dirty dozen" list of fruits and vegetables is based off of the highest levels of ingestible pesticide residues. The EWG uses compiled data from the USDA in order to publish these findings.

When purchasing your produce, fresh, raw, organic foods are always best, but not everyone is in a position to purchase food in this manner. The following list can be beneficial when purchasing fruits and vegetables if you do not already purchase 100% organic produce.

Dirty Dozen 2011

  1. Apples
  2. Celery
  3. Strawberries
  4. Peaches
  5. Spinach
  6. Nectarines (imported)
  7. Grapes (imported)
  8. Sweet bell peppers
  9. Potatoes
  10. Blueberries (domestic)
  11. Lettuce
  12. Kale/collard green

Clean Fifteen 2011

  1. Onions
  2. Sweet corn
  3. Pineapples
  4. Avocado
  5. Asparagus
  6. Sweet peas
  7. Mangoes
  8. Eggplants
  9. Cantaloupe (domestic)
  10. Kiwi
  11. Cabbage
  12. Watermelon
  13. Sweet potatoes
  14. Grapefruit
  15. Mushrooms

The EWG claims that if consumers eat the five recommended servings of fruit and vegetables from the least contaminated list over five from the dirty dozen, they would reduce the amount of pesticides ingested by 92%.

Conventional, non-organic farmers use a variety of pesticides to protect their crops from insects, bacteria, rodents, molds, and fungi. These substances can end up in the food supply. Washing and peeling fruit and vegetables can lower pesticide residues, but these practices do not guarantee absolute removal of these toxic substances. When the USDA tests for pesticides, they wash and peel fruit the same way a typical consumer would and then evaluate the residue content.

Many people that experience symptoms related to toxic burdens experience relief from altering their diet to the organic foods listed. Weight loss, headaches, chronic immune burdens, hormone imbalance, skin and hair health, and improved sleep are a few of the many symptoms that can change when the body's toxic load is decreased by switching to organic produce.

Dr. Chase Hayden, DC, QN is a holistic doctor that incorporates quantum neurology rehabilitation, functional endocrinology, chiropractic and functional nutrition in his practice. He is the owner of The Hayden Institute in Houston, TX where his general practice sees patients with a variety of symptoms and conditions including: menopause, PMS, epilepsy, thyroid imbalance, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, sports enhancement, and more through the use of complementary and alternative approaches. He is happily married and currently has three children. For more information regarding Dr. Chase Hayden and his services, please visit

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Foods to Flatten Your Stomach

By Jesse Hedeen

You are probably hoping that there are some tasty foods to flatten your stomach...well there are definitely some foods that can serve as a catalyst of the right nutrients for your stomach flattening voyage. Yes, it's a voyage, not an easy task, but there is hope, especially if you follow the right guidelines for proper diet and exercise.

Before you modify your grocery shopping list to include more foods to flatten your stomach (and remove foods that fatten your stomach!), you should also plan to eat more than 3 meals a day - a good start would be to eat 5 small meals a day. You should find a good metabolic calculator and determine your daily caloric requirements. One more thing, increase your water intake. In fact, if this list were "Drinks and Foods to Flatten your Stomach," water would be on the top of the list!

The right metabolic calculator will also provide you with a breakdown of how many calories should come from fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. This list of foods to flatten your stomach will be broken into these three categories.


Monounsaturated fatty acids are extremely favorable to your stomach flattening effort - the best sources are avocado, nuts and seeds, olive oil, olives, and dark chocolate. These foods are heavy on calories per serving so you will want to consume small, measured portions. For example, 3 slices of an avocado total 50 calories, so you'll probably only want to have half of an avocado at a time. You'll likely find that you are able to curb your cravings - creamy, sweet, or salty - with one of the foods from this group! Just remember there is a HUGE difference between good fats and bad fats. Focus on monounsaturated fats (polyunsaturated fats are good too).


The most popular and well-known sources of carbs are not found on this list of foods to flatten your stomach. You want to think about carbs that are also high in fiber and/or other nutrients. For example, Farro and Quinoa are great carbohydrate sources that are also packed with protein and fiber. You can also enjoy a sweet potato or a yam.

For lighter, more snack-y carbohydrates, look to fruits, vegetables and berries. Oranges and cantaloupe are not as sugar-loaded as pears or apples, but are excellent sources of fiber, vitamin C and beta carotene; all of which promote healthy cellular function in the body. When it comes to veggies, think leafy green, such as spinach and collard greens. Collard greens are loaded with Vitamin K which keeps insulin levels steady, a huge factor in maintaining a good 'diet' and flattening your stomach! Finally, you may enjoy a handful of berries - the best source of antioxidants and energy.


The most popular breakfast protein source is eggs - look for Omega-3 brown eggs and enjoy a hard-boiled egg, or scramble a couple with egg whites. The key is to eliminate or reduce the amount of egg yolk that you consume; the best nutrients are in the egg white. Oatmeal is also a source of protein, a balanced source of protein and carbs actually, so a great way to start your day and it won't take very many spoonfuls to fill you up and get you going.

The best stomach flattening meat sources of protein are chicken and fish. You'll want to have fish once or twice a week maximum. Fish, such as tuna, is an exceptional source of protein and monounsaturated fat. The fish on this list of foods to flatten your stomach does not include breaded shrimp or pretzel-crusted trout - sorry. But you can drizzle lemon and a little oil on salmon, halibut, or tilapia and enjoy it with a glass of wine for an awesome evening meal! (If this were a list of Drinks and Food to flatten your Stomach, a 4 oz. glass of wine would be on the list too).

For a good snack-y protein, try any of the following: (a) Plain low-fat Greek Yogurt (check to make sure the brand you're buying is low in sugar), (b) Almonds - a source of highly absorbable protein that also happens to be nutrient loaded (amino acids, monounsaturated fat, vitamin E, fiber, calcium, potassium, iron and more!), (c) cottage cheese, or (d) protein bars and shakes (just make sure they're low in sugar).

Let's summarize this list of foods to flatten your stomach: avocado, nuts and seeds, olive oil, olives, and dark chocolate (all in careful moderation) + Farro, Quinoa, Sweet Potato, Yam, oranges, cantaloupe, spinach and collard greens, berries, eggs/egg whites, oatmeal, chicken, fish, Greek yogurt, almonds, and cottage cheese. Just remember to watch your caloric intake, to plan according to a 5-meal-a-day schedule, stay away from extra sugar and drink your weight in ounces of water.

To learn more about the Internets #1 Rated Abs Program and get your FREE copy of "Insider Secrets To A Lean Body" Click Here Now!

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Gluten-Free: Is It a Fad?

By Toni B. Snyder

Is the gluten-free diet a fad or is it really a necessity? It depends on your reason for doing it. Are you following the celebrities and hoping to lose weight and look like a starlet? Then it is a fad.

But, if you have been diagnosed with celiac disease or are gluten intolerant and have experienced greater health since eliminating gluten from your diet, then it is absolutely a necessity!

Let's explore why the gluten-free diet is perceived as a fad:

1. Weight Loss

Ok, so you've heard about the Hollywood folks going without gluten and how they've lost so much weight. The "no gluten" weight-loss theory claims that digestion is improved, metabolism is faster, and weight loss is imminent. Not so fast. Gluten-free diets have a tendency to be lower in fiber and nutrients and higher in calories, especially if you do not increase fruit and vegetable consumption. And, if you are just replacing your chocolate chip cookies with packaged gluten-free ones, you are still eating processed foods and are probably not on your way to a slimmer body. Sorry.

Honestly, the adage "eat less, exercise more" still applies to most people. If you must stop eating gluten for health reasons, please make sure you add more fruits, vegetables, beans, and explore other grains (quinoa, rice, etc.). Your waistline and overall wellness will thank you.

2. Gluten-Free Grocery and Restaurant Options

Doesn't sound like a bad thing, huh? It's fabulous for those of us who have gluten intolerance or celiac disease. We have so many choices these days! Eating is becoming easier and acceptance is more mainstream.

And, boy, are the gluten-free food manufacturers raking in the cash! Just look at the size of the gluten-free aisle in your grocery store. These foods make it so convenient and easy, but these packaged non-gluten goodies can have lower fiber and higher calories. So, your best bet overall is to eat a more natural diet for better health.

The problem with these grocery and restaurant alternatives is that many people may consider gluten-free as a trend and, therefore, not take it or us seriously. Uninformed, uneducated restaurant staff may not think it's a big deal and carelessly contaminate our food (not remove wheat ingredients properly, cook/mix in pans/bowls used for gluten-containing foods). Hidden gluten in food can result in dire consequences for some of us: intestinal damage, bowel disease, anemia, malnourishment, osteoporosis, and other debilitating conditions and autoimmune diseases. Let's be careful, please.

3. Not Adhering to a Strict Gluten-Free Diet

Some folks are gluten-free at home but don't bother at parties, restaurants, or kids' sleepovers. In my opinion, this behavior causes gluten intolerance and celiac disease to be taken less seriously (see grocery and restaurant section above). Not to mention, if you must eliminate gluten for health reasons and are approaching this casually, you are not doing your body or this serious health condition a favor.

People diagnosed with celiac disease must strictly adhere to a life without gluten in order to begin intestinal healing to absorb vital nutrients and alleviate intestinal inflammation. Even with gluten intolerance, which may or may not cause permanent damage to the intestines, going totally without gluten is a safe bet to feel well and keep illnesses at bay.

In summary, the gluten-free revolution has increased awareness and food options for those of us who must eat this way to thrive. However, we are often not taken seriously and sometimes carelessly contaminated by nay-sayers. Educating the public to better understand the risks of gluten intolerance and celiac disease and appreciate the benefits of the gluten-free diet will best serve us all.

Toni B. Snyder invites you to visit for more information on gluten-free living. Dr. Snyder is a nutrition consultant specializing in the management of common nutrient deficiencies and related health concerns associated with food sensitivities and allergies. Take her Free Health Assessment and discover the benefits of personal nutrition consulting.

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Weight Loss: Simple Steps to Good Nutrition

By Aaron Meredith

Good nutrition and eating healthy, nutrient rich foods is going to be very important if you are going to succeed in reaching your weight loss goals. The truth is it's no accident that people who practice good nutrition are able to do so regularly and on a consistent basis. Good nutrition takes a little planning and by following these simple steps, you will be on your way to eating better and achieving your weight loss goals in less time.

The truth is it takes more work to eat healthy nutritious meals than it does to eat junk and food that does nothing to move you towards your weight loss goals. "Junk" food (food that does not provide much nutritious value and does not help you achieve your weight loss goals) is far more convenient and accessible most of the time. This is why in order to eat health, you must plan.

The first step is to plan your meals as best you can. Take some time on the weekend (or whatever day is convenient for you) to plan your meals for the week or at least the next few days. Factor in where you will be and weather you can run out and get something healthy or if you will need to prepare something and bring it with you. By planning and having a clear idea of what you want to eat, you will greatly increase the likelihood of eating nutritious foods.

Another simple step is to get into the habit of buying fresh fruit and/or vegetables and bring them with you when you go to work. One reason people often eat poorly is because they get hungry and the only thing available to them is a vending machine with chips and candy bars. By having nutritious food in the form of fruits and/or vegetables right there for you, you will be able to consume nutritious snacks instead of junk from a vending machine.

Another simple step is to give yourself a cheat meal once in a while. As odd as this may sound, by giving yourself a cheat meal every now and again, you satisfy the urge you may have for a particular food that you really enjoy which may not be all that healthy. I wouldn't advocate more than one or two cheat meals a week. However taking one or two meals per week in which you allow yourself to indulge in items you really enjoy will be very satisfying and allow you to keep on course the rest of the week.

Follow these simple steps and you will be on your way to eating healthier and achieving your weight loss and fat loss goals in less time.

Aaron's Mission is to "Empower Women to Better Health, Fitness, and Quality of Life!" Aaron wants to help you reach your goals... CLICK HERE and get access to Aaron's "Lose A Size in 10 Days" Program... Normally a $97 Value, Absolutely FREE! You can also hear the transformation stories of several women Aaron has worked with and get on the path to a leaner, sexier, slimmer, happier YOU! Visit NOW!

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Double Your Nutrient Intake With Half the Effort

By James Khe

In this modern rush and hurried world, time has become so short that many do not have enough time to do things that are essential to their well being. Chief of which is looking after our nutrition and health. Added to this, our modern diet of processed and fast food consist of largely destroyed micronutritients devoid of the essentials. Ingesting of high sugar diet which is pervasive in our food choices leads to eventual health ailments. When we get bloated from all these bad diet, we pump ourselves with quick fix diet solution s only to make things worst.

Instead of being caught in this vicious system, we can choose to break out by increasing our intake of good nutrients. The easiest way lies with the benefit of juicing. Once you understand and enjoy the benefits for yourself, you will never want to look back and probably wonder why you didn't start earlier. It is definitely easier to down one pint of juice and reap its natural benefits than to eat two large bowls of salads. Or drink one cup of carrot juice than crunching through four cups filled with diced raw carrots. It's simple maths and opting for a wiser course of action.

For parents, children commonly go through a phrase where, having to eat certain veggies is nothing short of torture. There is no need to make healthy eating a battleground! Consider juicing. The benefits of juicing plus its palatable taste offers a smart and easy way out.

There are so many types of fruits and vegetables that can be used for juicing. We will explore the use of just one very versatile vegetable- The carrot. Children love the sweet taste of carrot juice, combined with apples, grapes or peaches. They will not even notice that mom has in the name of healthy benefits, added a few secret ingredients in the form of cucumber, celery, leafy greens, and other healthy unmentionables.

Add a bit of beetroot which is a great source of fibre for an appealing colour - not too much though, as young palates may not enjoy the strong taste.

Tag fun names to the juice combination so that the kids can associate and call by name. With this they will be more likely to drink it. Or ask them to come up with a name for their own concoction! If you can coerce them to drink juice on a regular basis, they will have sufficient vitamins and minerals and probably won't need additional supplements, unless they have special health needs.

Even adults who detest certain vegetables, such as cabbage or broccoli, will be surprised by how palatable they become when juiced together with other produce. If you combine the detested vegetables with carrots, apples and beetroot, for example, they won't even be noticeable. Through the benefit of juicing, you will bypass the tongue and enable your body to absorb all their valuable nutrients.

To experience the advantages of juicing to the fullest, use as wide a range of produce as possible. Variety is necessary to ensure nutritional balance. It helps to have an equally wide range in the colours of the fruits and vegetables too.


The author is strong believer of natural food and its abilities to help put our health on the right track. The new order in the way we eat and how our food is processed leaves much to be desired. Corrective steps need not be expensive or complicated and anything along those line may well be wrong. Going back to nature and using its gifts should be the right direction. For more, please visit

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

An Actionable Plan For Getting In Shape

by Katherine Crawford

The most successful dieters have the highest speeds of implementation. In other words, they take action faster than the average Joe.

Thus, here is a plan for getting in shape you can begin right now:

1. Start writing down what you eat: Simply estimating caloric intakes is not accurate enough. As a bare minimum you need to spend at least 1 week tracking what you eat. This will show you exactly how many maintenance calories you need.

2. Beef up breakfast: A small piece of toast and a huge coffee don't count as breakfast. Breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day for you. If it's not, you will hinder the efficient absorption of every single other meal in your day.

3. Stop drinking calories: Liquid calories are the worst thing you can put into your body. Not only are they a significant source of calories, but they also spike levels of insulin. Even worse, they promote tooth decay.

4. Optimize circadian rhythms: This is a very powerful technique for increasing energy while simultaneously maximizing the output of fat burning hormones. Interestingly, even individual organs follow their own rhythms. One way to begin optimization is by eating at regular times every day.

5. Eliminate processed food: Especially fast food because this type of food will make you balloon up faster than you can imagine. Even worse, if there are hidden trans fats (very common) your cells will change at the structural level.

6. Bring your own food to the rat race: Please do not assume that the food at your office is healthy. You are the person that cares most about your health. So start bringing your own home cooked food to work.

7. Go overboard with vegetables: I've never heard of someone getting sick from eating too many vegetables. In fact, increasing your vegetable intake to insane levels will increase energy and rates of weight loss more so than anything else.

More Information:

Writer Katherine Crawford, an exercise physiologist and former flabby arms sufferer, instructs on how to get rid of bingo wings. Unearth how to get sexy and toned arms by visiting her blog with arm exercises for women now!


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Univera Introduces New Product Line of Bath and Body Products

Yesterday and convention. Univera executives announced a new product line of bath and body products called Hilltop Gardents Perfect ...  The 7 products include:

  • Nourishing Shampoo
  • Strengthening Conditioner
  • Purifying Body Wash
  • Protective Body Lotion
  • Exfoliating Body Scrub
  • Soothing Hand Cream
  • Hydrating Foot Cream

All products include the compounds from baby aloe plant (pupps) that are not found in the mature aloe plant. 

This new line will be available to the general public on 13-Jun-2011. Retail prices range from $18,99 to $28.99 USD depending on product. Convention attendees were able to get product at the convention as of yesterday.

Stay tuned for more information on how to order on this web site. or contact us if for more information.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Clean Eating: What It Is And Why It Doesn't Have To Be Difficult

By Kerri E Randall

If you follow me on social media, you probably saw this post yesterday: "I'm not promising perfection, but as of today, I'm making a conscious decision to eat totally clean. I'm sure I'll mess up, but one day I'll get it right!"

Well, I fail already.

I still have a lot to learn about clean eating. I don't propose to understand it or have it all right just yet--I only just started reading about it. I subscribed to both Oxygen and Clean Eating magazine, and let me tell you, I was pretty surprised to learn what you CAN eat when focusing on eating clean.

The current issue has a picture of a chocolate banana pie on the cover! And it looks really good! I was so relieved to see that there's still yummy-looking foods on the menu.

Here's what I do understand about clean eating, as described by both the magazine and the website, "Clean Eating": "Clean eating is all about consuming whole food in its most natural state, or as close to it as possible."

So, fruits and veggies are on the menu, Greek yogurt is good, eggs, whole grains...things you already know to be healthy.

More importantly, it means avoiding absolutely anything and everything that is processed, chemically altered, sugar-laden, etc.

I think I do tend to do a pretty good job of eating mostly clean already, and you probably do, too. I'm sure you've heard that if you can't pronounce the ingredients or if your grandma wouldn't recognize the ingredients, don't eat it! But when you start reading labels, you might be surprised at how many things have hidden sugar, unheard-of chemicals, dyes, etc.

For example, regular yogurt is made up of sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Common peanut butters like Jif and the like have extra sugar, and they add unhealthy oils! This is why you want Greek yogurt (as close to a natural state as possible) and natural nut butters, where it's basically just a jar of mashed and smoothed-out nuts.

Natural food tastes better than you think. You might just need some time to adjust your tastebuds--this is how our ancestors ate. I'm sure they weren't adding ranch to their vegetables or figuring out a way to make corn syrup tasty and drinkable.

Your body doesn't want or need chemicals. It just needs fuel. The right fuel.

I have often wondered why so much of our food supply has to be messed with in the first place. I'm aware that a lot of it may have started as a method of preserving the food so it could be shipped farther across the country, have a longer shelf life, etc. But we don't need any of that added junk--unfortunately, most of us have grown up accustomed to the flavors of processed foods, so when we try to eat more natural foods, our taste buds can't find the subtle flavors, and then we label it bland and boring and we return to our familiar, comforting, tasty junk food.

And believe me, because of all this, I understand how it can be difficult to really and truly begin to eat clean once you understand the definition.

Let me tell you how I failed. First, I found out my mom made chili tonight. My mom's chili is awesome, and I refuse to argue about how your mom's is better cuz it's not.

I'm just kidding, but seriously, her chili is amazing. And it's still cold here in Wisconsin, even though May is almost over. We've had maybe 2 days in the 70s and the rest have been in the 40s and rainy. So of course I had to go have some.

I also have a very sore throat right now, and I have a tendency to give into anything comforting when I have a sore throat--anything to coat it, calm it, and hopefully annihilate it!

And is it just me, or is it sort of an unwritten truth that anything "Mom" cooks is ALWAYS good and ALWAYS good for you, no matter what it is? Mom made it, it's good for you, so eat up! In all honesty, her chili might pass the clean eating test, but I added noodles to it, and no, they were not whole grain.

I also gobbled up my last Cadbury egg from Easter, again in the hopes of coating my sore throat, however temporarily.

I believe I also had a Special K bar and a Quaker granola bar. (Okay, I don't believe; I did.) Both great-tasting and low in calories, but in no way are they natural. I know that, but I ate them anyway. =)

But right there is why it doesn't HAVE to be difficult. Somewhere in my mind and your mind, I'm sure, we all know what is natural, what is good for us, and what isn't. We just need to train ourselves to choose what we know is right more often, over and over again, until it becomes second nature (pun intended).

So tomorrow's a new day on this journey. I invite you to come with me as I post my successes and failures along the way, here and on social media. Perhaps you'll even join me?

Kerri Randall is an AFAA-Certified Group Exercise Instructor and a Beachbody Coach. She teaches Turbo Kick, Hip Hop Hustle, and PiYo, and is dedicated to spreading the message that working out and eating right can be fun and easy! Check out easy methods to stay fit, healthy, positive, and happy on her site,

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Sunday, June 05, 2011

My Nutrition Theory To Healthy Eating

By Kit Cassingham

No-Nonsense, aka Mom, made sure we had healthy, nutritious meals. We mostly ate whole foods like oatmeal, vegetables, and fresh meat. There was also Velveeta and marshmallows (these aren't real foods, but they can be fun) to round out our diets, but that wasn't the norm. No-Nonsense always said we were getting a balanced meal if the plate was colorful. You figure a brown meat, a white starch, a green vegetable, and a colorful fruit (often in juice form) to keep us healthy.

I started my personal approach to nutrition and healthy eating when someone chided me for eating chocolate. I tend to be flippant and teasing, especially when the situation seems tense. Telling me what to eat, and when, steps into tense territories.

One eating approach I like to take sometimes is to start with dessert, and if there's room when I'm done I'll start on dinner foods like salad and meat. My X would yelp in protest, saying we couldn't eat dessert first! My reply? I'm an adult now and can eat anything I want, any time I want.

My attitude is that food should be fun. Healthy in general, but fun all the time. All of that helped form my approach to healthy eating. I call it the Color Pyramid. You have the brown, white, blue/red/purple, green, and yellow food groups.

People generally laugh and enjoy my approach, but some take me seriously, and without thinking. Let me share more about my approach.

The brown food group includes meat, chocolate and coffee, brown rice and dark rum. The white food group encompasses milk and ice cream, rice and potatoes, apples and bananas, and sugar.

You'll find red wine, raspberries and blueberries, blue corn, watermelon, and blackberries in my blue/red/purple food group category (blue isn't a common natural food color, so you aren't going to find blue curacao or blue energy drinks included there!

Green foods, for that element of my food pyramid, include peas and beans, lettuce and avocado, broccoli and lima beans, and honeydew melon. The yellow element of my pyramid includes butter, corn, lemoncello, cantaloupe, and yams.

You can see that if I have a rainbow of foods on my plate I'm eating well. Some foods can actually fit into several categories, like ice cream: vanilla fits into the white group, coffee or chocolate into the brown food group, and raspberry sorbet into the red food group.

My friend Barbara Feldman, founder of SurfNetKids, has a information for you too: Coloring Book - Food Pyramid for a bit more fun and variety. (Even if you don't have kids, her site contains information you might like on a variety of topics.)

Some people want to subscribe to the USDA's food pyramid scheme, and that's fine with me. You may still want to subscribe to the older food pyramid scheme.

But, I'm going to have fun with my healthy eating and use my color scheme food pyramid approach. (I'm sure No-Nonsense is rolling her eyes at me over this one.) Get your daily quota of brown, white, red, green, and yellow foods. Have more fun eating, and be healthier too.

Kit Cassingham has been a greenie most of her life, even having a degree in Environmental Conservation. Her articles share lessons learned, both failures and successes. Food, cleaning, travel, energy and water conservation, waste reduction, home improvement projects, etc -- it's all part of green living, which you can follow at

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