Sunday, November 20, 2011

Walking - Why Its Never Mentioned

By Jules Eke

Being Active is very important if a healthier lifestyle is an aim to be achieved. There are many benefits of physical activity including: Preventing Coronary heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis, providing more energy, and reducing high blood pressure. Unfortunately in the United Kingdom (UK) a recent study by the Health Survey for England found that physical activity levels are low. Over 50% of the population (both male and female) are not active enough. This can increase the risk of heart disease, as well as other risks. Unfortunately one reason people are not active is because of the assumption that high strenuous exercise has to be achieved. This can include: gym, taking on a sport, going to aerobic classes. To stress these exercises are caustically beneficial to people's health, however the rest of the population does not do these types of exercises due to the stigma attached with them. This is linked to an increased risk of health problems.

Walking is one best option for increasing physical activity but also fitness as well. Walking can help to aid the problems mentioned above, but also can burn calories, therefore lose weight. The UK Government recommends that the population should aim to do 30 minutes of physical activity five times a week.

Some communities may find this difficult, however a mixture of walking and splitting the times to 15 minutes can aid this, and encourage physical activity. For example 15 minutes of brief walking in the morning, then 15 minutes of walking again in the afternoon, can achieve the Governments recommended time.

The other benefits of walking is that it can help raise the heart rate slightly. Walking and other types of physical activity that raises the heart rate slightly is very beneficial for the health. Once the heart rate is raised slightly it is very important to keep doing the particular exercise (or other exercises) on a regular basis. Weight Management advisors in the UK use the Acronym FIT to promote the importance of physical activity. The Acronym fit stands for Frequency, Intensity, and Time. Frequency is the number of times one person exercises in a week. Intensity means to increase the content of the exercise, in order for the body to burn more calories, and to loose weight overall. Finally time means to make sure the person achieves the minimum time of physical activity, which is 30 minutes.

Overall walking is one best activity to increase physical activity. Young, older generation, families, male, female and children can walk. It can also form good relations among mothers, fathers and new born babies. Walking does not cost anything, which can be a bonus, especially in this financial climate.

i am a qualified nutritional advisor with 4 years experience. I can support people with weight management issues and general wellbeing. You can view me on either my website on Or you can view me on my blog

Both of the above can help you with any nutritional support. Or if you have any queries you can, contact me through the websites above.

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

What Parents Should Know About Healthy Eating For Kids

By Trevor John

Healthy eating for kids is an issue that affects parents everywhere. Children need to consume a diet rich in the vitamins and minerals needed for proper growth and development. Instilling good habits when children are young will encourage them to live a healthy lifestyle when they become adults.

Eliminating excess fat is important to avoid obesity. Overweight children have a higher risk of developing a variety of health problems. Making the right choices at the grocery store is an effective way to reduce fat intake. Suitable options include lean meats and poultry served without the skin. Whole grains and nonfat dairy products are better choices than processed foods made with white flour and whole milk.

Protein is important for growth of virtually every part of the body. The proteins are broken down into amino acids, which go into producing tissues, cells, hormones and enzymes. Animal and plant products contain proteins. Eggs and other animal products are the body's only source for certain essential amino acids. Protein needs fluctuate during development with the greatest need during infancy and just prior to the adolescent growth spurt.

Most people are aware of calcium's role in the development of strong bones but this mineral is crucial for other physiological functions. The body needs calcium for normal muscular activity, to regulate heartbeat and to assist in blood clotting. When calcium levels become too low, the body compensates by withdrawing it from bones. Dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese are rich in calcium.

Milk is also the primary dietary source of Vitamin D. The bones need Vitamin D to absorb enough calcium for proper growth.

Many kids do not get enough fiber in the diet. Foods like beans, vegetables, fruits and whole grains contain large amounts of fiber in addition to minerals and vitamins. Eating foods rich in fiber promotes healthy digestion. These foods will also make the child feel full longer and decrease the desire for between meal snacking.

Iron plays a crucial role in early brain development and the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout every portion of the body. Heme iron from animal products is more readily absorbed than the non heme iron in plants. Good dietary sources of iron include meat, spinach, seafood and legumes. Some food suppliers add non heme iron to pasta, cereal, bread and rice.

Children who are included in shopping for food and preparing meals will learn good nutrition habits by example. Snacking is not a bad thing as long as the food provides nutritional value instead of just empty calories. Whenever possible, parents should serve water instead of sodas and juices packed with sugars.

Sticking to a regular meal schedule will encourage good eating habits. Parents dealing with children who are finicky eaters may have to get creative at mealtime. Most kids hate plain vegetables but can be convinced to eat them with a nutritious dipping sauce. Cutting foods into shapes is a way to make dinner fun. Finding ways to encourage healthy eating for kids is challenging but necessary for proper growth and development.

Check out these tasty healthy eating for kids recipes and find out more about healthy eating for children.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Garlic Everyday Helps Keep Candida At Bay

By Timon Weller

Do you suffer from Candida? If so you would know how horrible and never ending the condition can feel. With that being said other than going on the strict diet and adding probiotics you may be wondering if there is any other powerful ingredients that may really help.


That is where garlic comes in, this small easy to get ingredient really is a powerful anti fungal food. In fact I would say it is so beneficial that it is really a super food as well. Ranging from reducing Candida all the way to reducing blood pressure, cleaning the blood, reducing colds, reducing flues, to killing infections in the body to boosting the immune system. This simple to add product does wonders. And to think any supermarket stocks it as well.

Now if you have Candida one of the best ways of having garlic for its anti fungal benefits is simply to cut a clove and stick it in the mouth fresh. I know this is hard because it is such a strong flavor however if you find you can get past that bitter taste then you will allow the anti fungal juices to come out in there strongest forms. If you can't handle it raw then try chopping really fine and adding to yeast free rye bread (like garlic bread) and see how that goes. The trick really is to have it raw as much as possible.

How Much Should I Take?

The recommended dose for those that have Candida is around 1 to 2 cloves daily, but to me personally when it comes to a yeast infections always go with the 2 unless of course you find the garlic upsets your stomach then ease back. Hopefully in time however you will get used to it as it can really help reduce the symptoms.

Just like an apple a day helps keep the dentist away with garlic it is the same for those with any type of yeast infections. However once you have your infection under control make sure to keep it in the diet as well to help keep it from coming back.

When one uses garlic for this type of yeast infection, it is always recommended to stay on the strict diet as well and also to include all the recommended supplements and probiotics ( such as Threelac ). Garlic is not the be all end all cure, it is a part of the piece when it comes to the battle of Candida. However with that being said that means it should definitely become part of your diet regime.

Thanks for reading this post on Garlic and Candida. For more reading on Candida cures visit my blog My Candida Cleanse.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dieting and What It Can Do for You

By Rob WH Harris

Dieting is a way to lose weight without having to do any rigorous exercise. By cutting out the calories you are taking in and burning the calories during the day, and you do burn calories without exercise with the body's natural processes, then you will lose weight.

By rigorous exercise I mean that you will not necessarily have to go for a run or bike ride to burn calories if you merely cut down your calorific intake. However, if you were to do so then you would lose weight a lot quicker than if you'd just dieted.

Not only will dieting help you lose weight but it will also help you to gain and maintain a healthier standard of living. If you live mostly on ready meals and you switch to eating something better prepared by yourself then this is one change that will be for the better as you can see what you are putting in your food.

Also, by cooking food from raw, you wouldn't add preservatives and other chemicals to the food that manufacturers would, had it been a ready meal.

Try to get more fruit and vegetables into your diet. Health experts say that one should consume an average of at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day. That is a conservative estimate too; it should be more than this. But then the more fruit and vegetables you get into your diet, the better.

If you think that by drinking diet equivalents of carbonated drinks, you are better off than if you'd had the full sugar original one, think again. If you are drinking them regularly then this is not a good thing. The diet version may have less sugar but they make the taste up using artificial sweeteners.

If you have these artificial sweeteners too often, then when you give your body natural sugar, it will take longer to break down than it should. This could result in gaining weight from the sugar being stored in the body and not being burned for energy.

These are just a few tips on dieting healthily. If you are looking to lose weight even quicker, you may want to take up some form of exercise as this also burn off calories quicker. If you are new to exercise, in the sense that you rarely exercise, then try just starting by going for a quick walk or a little jog and build up as you see fit.

Get access to your FREE video series on how to diet properly and thus lose weight the healthy way by visiting

Alternatively check out my blog on how to diet healthily at

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Tuesday, November 08, 2011

So What's The Big Deal About Gluten?

By Gayle Wortz

Is Gluten Bad?

Gluten just is. Is music bad, no but it could be used to promote bad things or good things. Is water bad? Depends on the proportions- good is 8 glasses a day, bad is a Tsunami, both are water. The point is, gluten is a naturally occurring part of a plant that in the right proportions will not harm most people. The problem is, it generally is not being used in the correct proportions any more. So let's take a moment to explore what gluten really is.

What is GLUTEN?

Gluten is a natural part of many different grains including wheat, barley, and rye. It is naturally "gooey" in texture, holds gasses in, and absorbs water, but is not soluble in liquid. Practically speaking, it gives dough and other products a "glue-like" texture when raw, allows the product to rise when cooked, and makes a chewy texture when consumed.

That's great in it's natural state. The problem is, farmers and food manufacturers have found that this natural part of grains, when genetically altered and/or distilled down and put into foods in higher than naturally occurring proportions causes a "feeling of fullness". According to The Natural History of Wheat, "...what is on our table has been selectively bred over time to increase the gluten content for baking or pasta-making. Most are hexaploid, octoploid, double hexaploid, or hexaploid-octoploid hybrids. This means that they have 6, 8, 12, or more sets of chromosomes. Some of this extra DNA is coding for amino acid sequences that human beings cannot break down, including a 33-amino acid sequence named 33-MER." What does that mean to you? Your wheat has been genetically altered to contain more gluten, meaning more of a feeling of satisfied fullness. That's great if you're starving in the Third World, but for most of us, it means trouble.

You see, that 33-MER that cannot be broken down can actually cause an auto-immune reaction. When it's full blown, it's called Celiac Disease, but even if you don't suffer from Celiac, ingesting things on a regular basis that your body cannot break down is not a good way to live. This 33-MER causes your immune system to hype up and can be part of the package that can lead to auto-immune or gut inflaming conditions.

Where Is GLUTEN?

Gluten has crept into areas you may not expect. The highest gluten foods are things you would assume, like breads, pastas, crackers, cereals, etc... But did you know there's gluten in all malted beverages, most condiments (like catsup), any kind of cream based soup or sauce (that's not made gluten free), most frozen meals, and even candy like gummy bears.

Fresh meats, fruits and veggies, and most dairy products generally do not naturally contain gluten. If they have been canned, breaded, creamed, or otherwise altered, they probably do. Another surprise: oats grown in the USA contain at least trace amounts of gluten (especially the rolled oats). Only Steel Cut Irish Oats contain no gluten.

What to Do With GLUTEN?

First of all, be aware of what you are consuming. This week, as you eat foods that are processed or browse the grocery isles, I challenge you to read the label. You'll be amazed where you find gluten popping up as an ingredient!

Second, try and stick to the outside of the grocery store. If you stay on the outside edges of your grocery, you'll generally be alright! Fresh fruits, veggies, meats, and dairy are generally your best bet if you are trying to avoid gluten.

Third, be sure your supplements contain no gluten.

We strive very hard to keep a wide variety of gluten free quality vitamins and dietary supplements in our stock at We also have detailed product information on every single product we sell. We want to help you get better and better, not inflaming your immune system in any way. We also have great supplements for gluten sensitive people that help restore gut health!

Gayle is a thirty-something stay at home mom who suffered from several different diseases over a two-year period including Interstitial Cystitis and Graves Disease. She chronicles her journey to health and wellness using nutrition, vitamins, supplements, and integrative medicine providing health and wellness advise and encouragement in her SupplementRelief Blog of the Nutritional Concierge.

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Monday, November 07, 2011

Food Crisis - Turning the Tide

By Gabriel J Thelen

There is a food crisis in many of our schools and society at large. I believe two fundamental questions must be answered in any effort to address this issue and affect long-lasting, sustainable solutions; what socio/political-economic forces have brought us to this point and what sustains these forces on a macro as well as micro level? The issue of skewed priorities placing an inadequate or nonexistent focus on nutritional basics has been fuelled by a range of far-reaching changes, especially over the last few decades.

Looking back over the decades one can seen an unhealthy shift in general western eating culture. Many underlying social, economic and political forces have come together to affect a confluence of changes which have significantly driven up obesity, behavioural disorders and a range of other issues such as age-related diseases triggered by cumulative nutritional deficiencies and increased oxidative stresses - with nutritional understanding sinking to unacceptable levels. Thankfully there is growing awareness that it is the underlying attitudes, educational methodologies and political/economic biases that must be addressed if we are to see long lasting and self-perpetuating general health awareness and allow more people to look after themselves and go through life with at least basic nutritional understanding and positive health-awareness.

As cities became more urbanised after the war and car-ownership exploded, more and more took up residence in what you could call 'urban islands;' people began to rely on their cars for transport to ever greater degrees, and the distances at which dwellings were being built from essentials such as shops and town/community centres generally became larger. At the same time new technologies allowed the rise of the food industry in its creation of mass-produced, highly processed, low-quality fat and sugar based food of extremely low nutritional quality. This has previously not been possible. Looking into the past, the acquisition of food was fairly generally connected to some degree of physical exertion, and even then, the sugar and fat contents for one thing, of the foods consumed, were present in a more natural manner; fruits and vegetables serve as substantive sources of sugar in the form of fructose, and whole grain, high quality, hand-made bread for example, provide a balance of carbohydrates, effecting the slow-and-steady absorption of energy. Foods that combine fats (such as trans-fats) and high concentrations of sugars in the worst possible way were practically unthinkable, literally.

At the same time, many primary and secondary schools do not practice anything resembling good nutritional education - this general lack of learning is often not compensated for at home and subsequently reinforced through the peer group. An understanding of what a balanced diet is and why we need one is certainly not innate wisdom; if signals at school are not balanced and/or reinforced by parents who set a good nutritional example, children will develop those eating habits with which they are surrounded and may be surprised when their health deteriorates. This state of affairs has been compounded by the rise of electronic distractions which are not challenged by unappealing urban environments and due to which many children are now far more sedentary than would have been possible in times gone by. This is also a developmental hazard, as physical activity is vital for healthy bone-development in children.

Junk food advertisements on television are a further major problem which induce some children to crave certain products, especially, as many have found, when insidiously connected with recognisable childhood figures. Parents cannot always control what their children eat and this kind of advertisement undermines parental authority. It should not be tolerated in such blatantly immoral forms. Even in the family environment, parents have varying grades off ability to be firm with their children and some will give in to nagging; this has been dubbed the 'nag effect.' Such pressure on parents should be minimised.

This convergence of factors; lack of nutritional awareness in schools compounded by a lack of this knowledge in more teachers than can be seen as acceptable, lessoned physical exertion, the rise of cheap, 'fast' food, and certainly a general culture that does not give meal-time informed attention and respect - are some of the main drivers behind the high obesity rates and behavioural disorders which we see across much of the western world. The food-like substances churned out by the industrial 'food' criminals and subsidised by their insiders working through government (e.g. the F.D.A in the U.S) have been shown over and over again to form the root of a plethora of problems; through their encouragement of an extremely low-nutrition diet, packed with grotesque amounts of sugar and saturated/trans-fats, packaged up with all manner of artificial preservatives, colours and taste enhancers, passing as food, generates addiction through skewing of qualitative taste signals, subsequent obesity, disruption of healthy biological processes (insulin overflow and hyperactivity through high-intensity dumping of glucose into the system by virtue of chemical-soup soft-drinks for example) and hormonal imbalances leading to diabetes. This comes together with chronic nutritional deficiencies, fuelling problems such as autism, ADHD,...(insert acronym).

All the labelling mainly serves the pharmaceutical companies who, through government control of the medical sphere resulting in competition restricting, anti-market practices, and intrenched by mandatory medical associations (special-interest tyrannies of control-freaks), reinforce such problems through a myriad of 'targeted' drugs which superficially claim to treat symptoms, ignoring the treatment of causes which is required in order to solve the problem. Furthermore, government policy, and this seems particularly pronounced in the U.S, more often than not subsidising and allowing loopholes (e.g. ingredient concealment, immoral advertising monopoly, phoney safety 'investigations' etc...) for the food-imitation 'industry,' facilitating an inordinate degree of influence and control by the junk lobby, allowing anti-ecological corporatism to run-amok, does little to assuage the problems with which we are faced. Indeed, a focus on preventative nutrition and cause-orientated, 'functional medicine,' as it is increasingly being called, within the auspices of a greater socio-political movement, is indispensable if we are going to stem and turn the tide of these problems moving into the 21st century.

Things are on the move and it seems schools are increasingly weaving basic nutritional awareness into their curriculum. In Australia there has certainly been promising progress, with many schools implementing snack policies which encourage fruits and vegetables and even some policy banning certain soft drinks and junk vending machines from school premises. It is to be hoped that these changes are set against the proper educational background. Much of this improvement is a reflection of societal shifts; the global food movement, focusing on sustainable agriculture and natural forms of cultivation has many different specific offshoots - the rise of understanding and subsequent demand for the benefits of organic food has been very pronounced, and this has come with a realisation of the need to support local produce and work towards sustainable agricultural practices. At the same time there is a growing focus on alternative medicine and the intrinsic merits of preventative living, allowing more informed and balanced medical choices, as the failures and immoral and unsustainable consequences of the special interest biased mainstream health system become ever more patent.

All this is leading to an explosion of farmers markets, which are able to offer quality and prices which are not reflective of the imbalances and artificiality of international corporatism (unfair corporate monopoly through domestic and international, government facilitated trade biases, allowing for the absurd situation of limp, pesticide infested, nutritionally leeched fibres passing as fruit and veggies taking precedence over local produce in a community). There are programs underway which have linked this local produce with schools, bringing astounding benefits to the community. I think there is a growing understanding that the more self-contained a regional economy can be, the better it is for all. We do still have a long way to go before government policy adequately reflects these changes, yet I believe the pressure will grow; as the global economy becomes more and more unstable people will increasingly move towards the safety of greater community sustainability, with aggressive and destructive forms of industrial corporatism no longer harbouring the same degree of sway in this changed world.

Schools will continue to cater to community expectations, as they become an increasingly fertile environment for the development of healthy eating habits, within a greater focus on substantive lifestyle practices. Many teaching courses now incorporate mandatory nutritional components, which is another promising sign. Society must find its feat in our modern world and develop sustainable structures which incorporate the benefits of a modern lifestyle into a necessary awareness of what we require to stay healthy. People are learning and the more we can all contribute to spreading knowledge of what sustainable living and good nutritional awareness means, the more healthy society can become. We are part of local and global ecologies which can only survive in their rich fertility if we adapt our modern lifestyle to become synergistic with one's natural environment. The illusion-induced focus on monoculture and productivity which has developed in the agricultural field disrupts our ecology, leaves us poorer, attacks our health, and robs future generations of the resources they require. A more local, quality driven focus, naturally taking advantage of the ecological and economic fundamentals of our environment is the key to prosperous, more sustainable societies.

If you would like to continue reading about this topic, I have compiled a recommended reading list pertaining to this article, to be found on my blog.

Hi, I'm passionate about nutrition, what it does for us and how important it is in this modern world to spread good knowledge about smart and balanced nutrition.

My main area of interest is preventative nutrition, so ensuring that our diets are catering to the body's requirements and giving it a foundation which reduces the likelihood of degeneration and resultant diseases, whilst helping to ensure the body remains as young as possible for as long as possible.

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