Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Health and Nutrition Facts

By Gladys Alvarez

There are a great number of health and nutrition facts that are a "given". We are all aware of the many rules that have been handed down for generations about nutrition, but we ignore them. We know, "You are what you eat!" but we eat snack cakes and doughnuts and drink soda pop and chow down on corn dogs, anyway!

The very unfortunate thing about this is that the more we do it, the more we want to do it. Processed foods have an addictive quality that just causes people to never be satisfied. Eating poorly leads to lethargy and poor health that lead to even more lethargy and poor health. It's necessary to break the cycle and introduce whole nutrition to get our bodies clean, active and performing at optimum levels.

People often think that it's too much trouble to eat whole foods. Processed foods are pretty much pure poison, but they're cheap and convenient - or at least that's how they are marketed to us. However, if you take a step back and look at the hype, you are bound to see the truth. Even though a lot of preparation of processed foods has been done for you, a lot of that preparation consists of things you would never choose to do yourself, such as the addition of chemicals, artificial colors, central nervous system wrecking hydrogenated oils, and diabetes producing high fructose corn syrup.

Whole foods are truly convenient! Fresh fruits and vegetables come in handy, natural, often consumable packaging. Preparing the most healthful whole foods takes the least amount of work and cooking for the greatest amount of nutrition and true, wholesome flavor. Although whole foods may cost a little bit more to buy, you will surely see your doctor bills reduced when you change your diet from ground up chemicals and additives to simple, pure, whole food.

When you eat processed foods, your body has to struggle to try to get rid of all the junk that's ground into processed products. On top of that, your body has to try to sustain life on a severely depleted level of nutrition found in dead ingredients. This is a drain on your energy that causes you to just want to sit around and do nothing. The more inactive your are, the lower your metabolism level will be and the less calories you will burn. That's a great recipe for obesity, depression and poor health.

When you eat whole foods, your body works hard in a wholesome, healthful way. It gets natural exercise from processing whole natural foods and reaping every bit of nutrition and energy available. When you eat fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and other high quality protein sources, you are eating foods that are filled with life and that give you life. That spark of life will give you energy and make you want to get up, get out and live your life.

We all know, "You are what you eat!" So which would you rather be, a sluggish sack of chemicals and additives or a living, vibrant being filled with life?

Dr. Gladys Alvarez has spent over forty five years working in different Medical Fields to include Surgical Oncology, Research on Aids at one of our most prestigious universities as well as has been a correspondent who has traveled extensively around the world studying different lifestyles, cultures and their nutritional habits because she is committed to educate the consumer as to the benefits of living a happy, healthy lifestyle through fitness and weight loss. If you have found this article helpful, please visit my website at TODAY!

Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Healthy Benefits of Cinnamon

By Tina C. Loren

We are all familiar with cinnamon, the delicious and versatile spice that is often commonly used during the holiday season. It is added to many desserts and it is readily available on the spice racks of most grocery stores. But cinnamon also has a centuries old tradition as a natural remedy with many health benefits. In Indian medicine known as "ayurvedic", it is used to naturally increase the body's circulation. In Chinese medicine it is often prescribed for colds as it has a warming effect in the body. Cinnamon has been used and can be beneficial for colds, nausea, digestion and diarrhea.

There are even biblical references to this ancient spice where it was used in the form of an anointing oil. Greek and Roman cultures used cinnamon to alleviate digestive issues. An interesting historical event occurred during the 1918 Spanish flu outbreak which involved workers at a cinnamon factory that seemed to be immune to developing this deadly flu. Research and clinical studies are continuing to be conducted to see how this spice may help protect against a variety of viruses.

Balances Blood Sugar: Cinnamon has been shown to help keep blood sugar levels stable. People who have diabetes may benefit from this spice because of their blood sugar spikes which can cause serious health problems. In fact the American Diabetes Association recommends cinnamon to diabetics to help control their insulin levels. A recent study conducted in The Journal of Diabetic Medicine found that participants given cinnamon supplements had better blood sugar balance than those who only received prescription supplements for this condition.

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits: Cinnamon may have beneficial effects on inflammation in the body. The active ingredient in cinnamon known as "cinnaldehyde" helps to prevent blood platelet clotting which protects the heart. This anti-inflammatory effect makes cinnamon a very heart healthy spice to incorporate into your diet. Cinnamon contains the mineral manganese, fiber, iron and calcium. Fiber is helpful constipation or diarrhea. It may also be helpful to high cholesterol levels.

How to use Cinnamon: You can use it as either a ground spice or as a stick. The sweet smell of cinnamon indicates that it is fresh. It is preferable to use organic cinnamon as this would not be irradiated and would more likely have a higher vitamin c content. You should store the cinnamon for no more than six months in a cool environment.

There are many ways to enjoy cinnamon. If you are feeling under the weather you can make a delicious tea and add a little fresh ginger as well. Cinnamon toast is a delicious morning treat on healthy wheat bread with a drizzle of honey and olive oil. Cinnamon sticks can be simmered for teas and hot beverages such as warm milk and honey. For entrees you can sprinkle a little on vegetables, grilled meats, beans, curries and rice dishes.

Anti-Fungal and Anti-Bacterial: Numerous studies have shown that the oils in cinnamon possess anti-fungal and anti-bacterial qualities. Many people use cinnamon for conditions such as yeast infections and head lice.

Healthy Brain Activity: The sweet scent of cinnamon has been shown to stimulate brain activity. A recent study determined that smelling cinnamon actually promoted better cognition in areas related to memory, attention, alertness and computer related tasks. These brain boosting effects has led to further research being conducted to see how cinnamon may help those who suffer from cognitive decline such as the elderly.

Precautions: As with any supplement you must always consult with your medical doctor before using, especially if you are currently taking prescription medications as there may be interactions. Never substitute an alternative approach for medically supervised diabetic management. Also cinnamon can be toxic in large doses so only use sparingly as a spice and not on a daily basis. Do not substitute cinnamon for the current prescriptions you may be taking. Enjoy the flavor and the health benefits of this delicious spice.

The Issels Medical Center in Santa Barbara, California is a world renowned alternative cancer treatment center. The Issels Treatment is an Integrative Immunotherapy program with a 50 year history. Founded in 1951 by a pioneer in integrative cancer medicine, Dr. Josef Issels, MD., a German oncologist, The Issels Medical Center in Santa Barbara, California treats patients with all natural non toxic therapies for a variety of health conditions including cancer.

If you would like more information regarding the treatments available at The Issels Medical Center in Santa Barbara, California, please call 805-962-2126 or toll free at 888-374-7735. And please visit the website at:

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

How to Lose Weight Quickly With Diet and Exercise

By George Sayed

Obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States and many people are trying to lose weight. With the busy lifestyles of people all over the country with work, school, and families, people want to know how to lose weight quickly. Although losing extreme amounts of weight will not stay off long, you can still in a healthy manner lose weight quickly. There are two main things to keep in mind for losing weight and that is proper dieting and losing calories through working out.

As far as dieting goes, you should cut out all junk foods and processed foods such as chips, soda, candy, etc. Foods should all be whole and natural. The best foods for losing weight are chicken, eggs, milk, beef, and oats. These are filling and high in protein which is great for women diets. The reason that women that are dieting need more protein is because most do not weight life and they require additional protein. A moderately high protein, medium carbs, and low fat diet is the most common and proven to be the best and quickest way to easily lose weight.

Workouts can be either using weights, but to lose fat quickly, it is best to stay with doing cardio exercises only. The way to lose fat is simply having less calories eaten compared to the calories being burned. Cardio workouts increase the amount of calories burned which means more pounds of weight are lost compared to other means. Great workouts for cardio are the elliptical machine but the best fat burning workout is doing interval sprints. For example, running for 60 seconds followed by a 30 second walk. This will make the body burn extreme amounts of calories and also spike up the metabolism making the body naturally burn more calories.

There are many different ways to diet and workout, but keeping things simple will help lose the weight quickly. Starting with simple changes to diet and slowing becoming more active will build motivation and a strong foundation. After a few weeks, it all becomes a habit and almost second nature. You will feel better and excited about losing weight and in no time will quickly lose all the weight that was planned to be lost. An important last tip is to always consult your general doctor on what you plan on doing and what you will eat and how your workouts will go.

Losing weight for most people is a struggle but knowing the correct information will help especially when following easy diet tips. You can also get information specifically on diets for women HERE.

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Discover the Health Benefits of Broccoli

By Brad Booysen

Did your mum tell you to eat your broccoli when you were young? Chances are you were more focused on eating sweets and only ate your broccoli so she'd let you have some dessert. These days you're all the wiser because you understand the health benefits of this green, crunchy vegetable.

But there's one fact about broccoli and other members of the cruciferous vegetable family that you may not be aware of. These ultra-healthy veggies contain natural compounds that could help you shed body fat and improve your health overall.

It makes sense that eating cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and kale would help with weight loss since they're low-calorie foods. After all, if you fill up on low-calorie vegetables, you'll have less room for a high-calorie bowl of mashed potatoes with butter and sour cream. But scientists from Taiwan think this group of veggies has weight loss benefits that go beyond simply being low in calories - and that's good news if you're watching your waistline.

Why cruciferous vegetables help weight loss

What are these natural compounds that make cruciferous vegetables like broccoli such good weight loss foods? Cruciferous vegetables are a good source of a unique chemical called indole-3-carbinol. Researchers from Taiwan discovered when they gave mice genetically bred to be obese a diet rich in indole-3-carbinol, it lowered their body weight and reduced their blood sugar and insulin levels. As an added bonus, it reduced inflammation in these mice.

Why is this important? Obesity is a disease marked by inflammation. Research shows that inflammation plays a role in obesity, and obese people produce higher levels of inflammatory markers. These rogue inflammatory markers not only boost the amount of fat they carry on their tummies but increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. So, it's not surprising that indole-3-carbinol could lower body weight by reducing inflammation. Reducing inflammation by eating cruciferous vegetables would have the added benefit of reducing the risk of chronic diseases linked with inflammation such as heart disease.

Other benefits of eating cruciferous vegetables

The indole-3-carbinol that comes from eating cruciferous vegetables also has positive effects on the breakdown of estrogen by converting estrogen from a more potent form that increases the risk of breast cancer to a less potent one. This may explain why cruciferous vegetables are protective against breast cancer. Other studies suggest that indole-3-carbinol may protect against other types of cancer as well.

Eating broccoli and weight loss: why it works

At only 27 calories per half-cup, you can't go wrong eating broccoli if you're trying to lose weight. Other cruciferous vegetables that contain indole-3-carbinol include cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale and collard greens. All of these veggies are low in calories, rich in antioxidants and have lots of heart-healthy fiber. The key to maximizing their weight-loss benefits is not to cook them in butter or heavy sauces. Lightly sautee them in olive oil - or lightly steam and season them with spices for a low-calorie side-dish.

Improve your health and waistline by eating more broccoli

Whether indole-3-carbinol causes weight loss in humans by reducing inflammation as it does in mice is a topic for further research, but there's little doubt that eating cruciferous vegetables is part of a healthy weight loss plan. Eat them in place of starchier foods such as potatoes and white rice and you'll take in fewer calories. Plus, you'll keep your insulin levels more stable - all favorable when it comes to weight loss.

It's possible that these green, crunchy vegetables have benefits that go beyond being low in calories when it comes to warding off obesity. But don't forget about other cruciferous veggies such as cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, collard greens, arugula, watercress, bok choy and radishes. So, now there's even more reason to get your "five-a-day". Do it for your health, your well-being and your waistline.

Successful Workplace health and employee health programs can help your company reduce its business costs and improve team morale.

Brad Booysen is the founder and director of Triscope, a successful New Zealand based corporate wellness company. Triscope offers a range of cost effective yet easily administered wellness programs for companies who want to reduce their business costs and look after their most valuable asset..their people. For all your corporate wellness needs contact Brad Booysen of Triscope.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Universal Nutrition For Exercising - 5 Tips To Help

By Datu Ken J.

Proper juicing and eating will provide the universal nutrition necessary for your exercise workouts.

To ensure that your body is working efficiently while working out, you must drink and eat the right foods at the right time. This is the path to burning calories and building muscles. Your body will work efficiently if you stick to the following juicing and eating tips for your pre and post-workouts.

1. How long should you wait to workout after you eat?

If you do your exercises in the morning, have a good breakfast. The size of the breakfast will determine how soon you should start your exercise program. A big breakfast usually means an interval of two hours after eating. If you have a light breakfast an hour or less is a good interval. Be mindful that most of the energy you got from your dinner last night has now been used up. If you start your exercise without replenishing that energy you may feel sluggish or even light-headed.

For the light breakfast, here are some options to include:

� Whole-grain cereals or bread

� Low-fat milk

� Bananas

To reduce any hunger pangs that may develop use the following juice recipe:

1 orange, cut in wedges

3 carrots, peeled

Place both ingredients in your juicer. Juice, stir and enjoy.

2. For pre-workouts, without breakfast, what foods are good to eat?

If you're not having breakfast, use quality snack-foods to eat. Many people can eat snacks before and during exercising. What's important is how you feel. Experiment and find out what is best for you. Start with small snacks and gradually increase the size and numbers of snacks, and see how that fits your program.

Good snack options include:

� Energy bars or drinks

� Bananas or other fresh fruit

� Yogurt

� Fruit smoothies

� Whole-grain bagel or crackers with peanut butter

� Granola bars

Plus the ever helpful juice recipe to top the list:

A huge quantity of B family vitamins to send energy coursing through your veins!

2 beet greens

4 broccoli spears

1 cup cauliflower

Juice each ingredient separately, and then pour them together.

Stir. Get revitalized! Enjoy.

3. What's good to eat after you exercise?

You want to help your muscles recover and to add to their glycogen stores, so eat a meal that has both protein and carbohydrates about two hours after you finished your exercise program. If you're not hungry after your workout, drink juice or a sport drink to provide replenishing carbohydrates.

Good post-workout food choices include:

� Yogurt and fruit

� Peanut butter or meat sandwich

� String cheese and crackers

� Nuts and dried fruit

� A regular meal with meat, starch, and cooked vegetable or salad

And use this energizing power juice recipe:

2 apples, peeled, cored

1 stalk of celery

1 handful parsley

2 handfuls spinach

5 leaves of green leaf lettuce

Process all the ingredients in your juicer. Stir. Enjoy.

4. How often should you eat while you're working out?

This is an individual call and has no set rules or universal nutrition guide lines. Everything depends on how you feel. Obviously larger bodies are going to need more nutrition than smaller bodies, before, during and after exercise. In this matter you have to let your personal experience be your guide. If you eat too much while exercising this can leave you feeling sluggish, or even worse, with a case of diarrhea or stomach cramps. Eating too little may not give you the energy to keep you feeling strong throughout your workout. Call this shot as you see fit (no pun intended).

5. How much water should you drink before, during and after exercise?

The universal nutrition guide suggests the following to keep you well hydrated for exercise.

� Drink roughly 2 to 3 cups of water during the two to three hours before your workout.

� Drink about 1/2 to 1 cup of water every 15 to 20 minutes during your workout. You may need more, the larger your body is, or the warmer the weather is.

� Drink roughly 2,to 3 cups of water after your workout for every pound of weight you lose during the workout.

Water is the best way to replace lost fluids. But if you're exercising for more than 60 minutes, use a sport drink. Sport drinks usually contain carbohydrates and can support your electrolyte balance which gives you a bit more energy.

Good luck with universal nutrition for exercising. Keep juicing.

Datu Ken is a Mixologist dedicated to juicing for health. To read more articles on the proper way to juice please visit A free mini-course on how to juice is available.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Types of Fat - Can You Eat Fat and Lose Weight?

By Dan Niko

Is fat the enemy to weight loss? Do you know the different types of fat out there? Next time you are doing your grocery shopping pay attention to how many supposedly healthy fat-free or low-fat options are available for purchase. Products such as low-fat ice cream, cakes, chips, biscuits and lollies are all on offer.

Have these supposed better options helped the obesity problem in our society? No! So why are they so popular? Because when people are eating them, they don't feel guilty. They can justify it in their heads that it's a healthy option, because the packaging or the fancy TV commercial says so. WRONG!

The Truth About Fat

Let's get one thing clear, eating fat doesn't make you fat. Eating calories in excessive of what you body needs makes you fat. The problem with fat is that it is so calorie dense. A gram of fat equals 9 calories, whereas a gram of protein or carbohydrate on equals 5. That's nearly twice the amount of calories!

It is therefor easy to see how you can reach you daily calorie limit when you eat a diet high in fat.

Don't get me wrong, fats are a vital part of you diet, as your body requires them for many functions including but not limited to energy production, helping you manage your moods, fighting fatigue, protection of your organs and even help you control your weight.

The problem is most people eat too much fat. The reason for this varies from person to person, but essentially fat tastes good, it gives food texture and using fat when preparing food can speed up the cooking process, think deep fried vs baking.

If you are eating a balanced diet, you will not need to concentrate on adding fat to your diet. Focusing on the good food in your diet, will result in you consuming enough good fats.

The key to weight loss isn't cutting out fat, learning to replace bad fats with good ones, by making smart eating choices.

Myths and Facts about the Different Types of Fat

Myth: All fats are bad for you.

Fact: You should avoid bad fats such as saturated and trans fats but monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are actually good for you.

Myth: Lowering the amount of fat you eat is the most important thing when trying to lose weight.

Fact: A calorie deficit is the most important factor when trying to lose weight. The types of fat that you eat is also a consideration, but without a calorie deficit you WILL NOT lose weight.

Myth: Fat-free or Low Fat means healthy.

Fact: Most fat-free or low-fat products should also be labelled "High in Sugar" "Loaded with Refined Carbs" and "High in Calories". A "fat-free" label doesn't allow you to eat something on the premise that it is healthy.

I have seen marshmallows labelled as low-fat, does that make it a healthy eating option? No way!

The battle of Good vs Bad Fats

Que 'Bruce Buffer'

"Introducing first, fighting out of the good corner hailing from avocado, nuts and olive oil is monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Their opponent fighting out of the bad corner hailing from butter, ice cream and fried foods is saturated and trans fats."

Sorry for the bad intro, but I'm a UFC tragic. Jokes aside fats can be broken up into four major types. You need to have an understanding of these types to help you in making healthy food choices.

  • monounsaturated fats
  • polyunsaturated fats
  • saturated fats
  • trans fats

Basically monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are good fats, as they improve your overall health and are good for you heart and cholesterol. Good fats are vital for good health and well-being.

Some sources of good fats are:

  • Olive oil
  • Peanut oil
  • Sesame oil
  • Avocados
  • Olives
  • Nuts
  • Peanut butter
  • Walnuts
  • Sunflower, sesame, and pumpkin seeds
  • Flaxseed
  • Fish
  • Soymilk
  • Tofu

Saturated fats and trans fat are bad fats, because they are bad for your health. Bad fats WILL raise your cholesterol levels and WILL increase your risk of heart disease.

Some sources of bad fats are:

  • High-fat cuts of meat
  • Chicken skin
  • Full cream dairy products
  • Butter and margarine
  • Cheese
  • Ice cream
  • Pastries such as biscuits, doughnuts, cake and muffins
  • Packaged snack foods such as chips and crackers
  • Fried and fast food
  • Chocolate bars

It's pretty obvious from looking at the above lists to spot the difference between the good and bad fats. But how can you tell the difference between good and bad fats when they are in their raw form.

Well, appearance wise, good fats at room temperature will remain liquid, think of olive oil.

Bad fats will tend to be solid, think of the fat that you trim off a steak while you are eating. What happens to the fat when you leave it on your plate after you have finished eating? It turns solid at room temperature.

Ways to eliminate bad fat

  • Pick lean cuts or trim the fat off meat such as beef, pork or lamb prior to cooking
  • Eat more fish and skinless chicken
  • When cooking food bake or grill instead of frying
  • Avoid fast and deep fried foods
  • Avoid baked products, such as biscuits and pastries
  • Choose low-fat dairy products
  • Use liquid olive oil or canola oil instead of lard

Ways to Increase you Consumption of good fat

  • Use olive oil when cooking as a substitute for butter, margarine or lard.
  • Eat more avocados. Try using it as an alternative to butter on your sandwiches.
  • Snack on nuts.
  • Snack on olives or add them to salads.
  • Dress your own salad. Don't use packaged salad dressing, they are usually full of fat or sugar. Mrs Niko makes an awesome dressing using olive oil, balsamic vinegar and mustard. Just Google healthy salad dressing for some great ideas.

The simple message is when trying to lose weight or improve your general health don't become obsessed with your fat consumption. You just need to have an understanding of the different types of fat.

The bottom line is you can eat fat and lose weight, in fact you good fats are vital for your health. Remember the key to weight loss is a calorie deficit. You could almost totally eliminate fat from your diet, but still be in a calorie surplus, which will result in weight gain.

Niko is a 34 year-old happily married, shift working, father of a two young boys. Niko's site shares his fitness knowledge and helps regular, time-poor people stay in shape and achieve their goals.

Good luck with your efforts and remember: 'There is no such thing as a good eXcuse'

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Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Healthy Eating And Living Habits Increase Longevity

By Kirsten Whittaker

New numbers just in on healthy living and eating bring some welcome news... Americans are living 12 months longer than just 10 years ago. American life expectancy went from 76.8 to 77.8 years according to new numbers.

So why are we living longer?

Fewer people are dying from cancers like breast, colon and prostate, heart disease and conditions like HIV. This is great news out of the HealthyPeople 2010 report. The program, which started back in 1980, sets challenging, measurable goals to boost the health of everyone. The 2010 incarnation aimed to increase our life span, how well we live as well as removing the disparities in health care.

The report is based on 733 health indicators, each that had a very ambitious quantifiable target. Data was collected during the 1990s and early 2000s, and then compared to recent information - 23% of the targets set back in November 2000 for HealthyPeople 2010 were met, 48% showed improvement.

That's leaves just 24% of the indicators moving in the wrong direction - away from the goal. Diabetes and other problems associated with obesity still clearly need to be addressed. Solving the obesity issue will help people make strides in a huge number of health problems.

While HealthyPeople 2010 didn't make impressive gains in lowering rates of obesity, diabetes, lack of exercise and disparities in health care, experts do find some good news in the latest numbers.

Prevention was another bright spot of the findings; the numbers of adults over 50 who'd been screened for colon cancer went from just 35% in 1998 to 55% in 2008 - beating the goal that had been set. Full immunizations for children aged 19 to 35 months old went from 73% in 1998 to 78% in 2008 - close to the target of 80%.

At least we're talking about the issue, where ten years ago, it wasn't part of the dialog.

Today Michelle Obama, America's first lady, has taken hold of the issue and has us talking about obesity in both adults and children. This, the experts believe, is the start of real change. Part of the first lady's plan is known as the Let's Move campaign, aimed at bringing down childhood obesity by getting kids to exercise and make good food choices.

Already the numbers show that obesity numbers in many populations are leveling off. Progress is sure to come next.

What we eat is only part of the story...

Exercise (or more properly lack of it) is also a significant contributor to the problem. Add to this that healthy foods are more expensive, less well advertised and often harder to come by. This sets people up to make unhealthy food choices. Naturally experts are calling for government and others to do all they can to make it easier for people to select healthy choices.

Moving forward to HealthyPeople 2020, the access in health care for minorities will be addressed by a law passed in 2010 that's already helped with coverage for young adults under 25 who are now able to stay on their parents insurance plans. There's progress in insurance coverage, and reforms are in the air that encourage healthy living and eating habits.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover more of the benefits you can gain from healthy living and eating.

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