Sunday, January 15, 2012

How to Lose Weight Quickly With Diet and Exercise

By George Sayed

Obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States and many people are trying to lose weight. With the busy lifestyles of people all over the country with work, school, and families, people want to know how to lose weight quickly. Although losing extreme amounts of weight will not stay off long, you can still in a healthy manner lose weight quickly. There are two main things to keep in mind for losing weight and that is proper dieting and losing calories through working out.

As far as dieting goes, you should cut out all junk foods and processed foods such as chips, soda, candy, etc. Foods should all be whole and natural. The best foods for losing weight are chicken, eggs, milk, beef, and oats. These are filling and high in protein which is great for women diets. The reason that women that are dieting need more protein is because most do not weight life and they require additional protein. A moderately high protein, medium carbs, and low fat diet is the most common and proven to be the best and quickest way to easily lose weight.

Workouts can be either using weights, but to lose fat quickly, it is best to stay with doing cardio exercises only. The way to lose fat is simply having less calories eaten compared to the calories being burned. Cardio workouts increase the amount of calories burned which means more pounds of weight are lost compared to other means. Great workouts for cardio are the elliptical machine but the best fat burning workout is doing interval sprints. For example, running for 60 seconds followed by a 30 second walk. This will make the body burn extreme amounts of calories and also spike up the metabolism making the body naturally burn more calories.

There are many different ways to diet and workout, but keeping things simple will help lose the weight quickly. Starting with simple changes to diet and slowing becoming more active will build motivation and a strong foundation. After a few weeks, it all becomes a habit and almost second nature. You will feel better and excited about losing weight and in no time will quickly lose all the weight that was planned to be lost. An important last tip is to always consult your general doctor on what you plan on doing and what you will eat and how your workouts will go.

Losing weight for most people is a struggle but knowing the correct information will help especially when following easy diet tips. You can also get information specifically on diets for women HERE.

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