Friday, October 31, 2008

Creating Your Healthy Life - Genetically Modified Food

Creating Your Healthy Life - Genetically Modified Food By Pamela Heyen

The Western diet has a love affair with "fast food". There are sugar laden breakfast cereals, snack cakes, fruit juices, and soft drinks. Our frozen, "already prepared" dinners and appetizers are high in sodium. Then add into that our "fast food" restaurants with foods high in fat and cholesterol, including but not limited to fried hamburgers, French fries, fried chicken, fried pies and the list goes on. These are a few of the food choices made every day by millions of people in our society. Study after study has shown us that a diet of these foods will adversely affect our health. Eating too much sugar can result in diabetes...too much sodium can result in high blood pressure....too much fat can result in clogged arteries leading to coronary and heart disease. All these things combined can lead to obesity which then begins to affect our bones, joints, cartilage and nervous system. Before long, you have a body with chronic disease(s) and riddled with inflammation! These are our obvious "food enemies", but what about the unobvious? What other "foods" in our common Western diet, could result in chronic disease? According to Andrew Kinbrall AAL, the Head of Food Safety in Washington, D.C., All our food sources are questionable. Our food supply is being "genetically polluted" from the very first link in the food chain, the SEED! Scientists are just now beginning to study and question the affects of DNA altered foods on humans. In our quest to produce bigger and better foods, we may have opened ourselves up to a biotechnological nightmare. Professor Terje Traavie at the institute of Gene Ecology in Norway is researching what effects genetically modified foods may have on organisms. His study of mice injected with growth hormones has shown that the foreign DNA material is found in their internal organs and then gone on to invade their DNA. His concerns are that there is no control groups for these "genetically modified" foods which are on our tables in our homes and our restaurants being eaten by millions. There are no labels to advise us as a society what we are eating; it is to the benefit of these "genetically modified" food companies to keep the consumer ignorant. Many scientists believe that many chronic illnesses and diseases and the weakening of the immune system may be a result of these biotechnological altered foods. This could account for innumerable cancers, the unexplained auto-immune diseases such as CFS, Fibromyalgia, Epstein-Barr Syndrome to name a few, as well as chronic headaches, migraines, even arthritis and other chronic inflammatory diseases. No one knows for sure what the long term effects will be on the human body. No one knows for what the long term effects will be on our future generations. The facts known and documented are only on the effects of the animals being injected with this DNA altering technology. Some cows and pigs injected with growth hormones have suffered from unspeakable nervous system side effects, unable to walk or even stand. Some are so grossly large that they suffer respiratory distress and skeletal breakdown. DNA altered fish have produced offspring with birth defects and chickens that have been altered tot extinguish the brooking instinct have exhibited aggressive behavior. Even our wildlife is being put at risk with genetic altered grains and the escape of genetic altered fish into our streams and rivers. This genetic revolution has not been observed in a real ecosystem with real organisms and there could be an ecological catastrophe or alarming disease. Everyone must take responsibility for their own health and know as much as they can about what they put into their bodies. We cannot depend on the purity of our food sources off the shelf or plate anymore. That healthy looking salad filled with fruits and/or vegetables, nuts, seeds, baked chicken strips and drizzled with olive oil, just may be a ticking time bomb when it comes to our bodies and "chronic disease"!

"Creating Your Healthy Life" series of articles written by Pamela A. Heyen to inform and empower individuals who want to take control of their health.

Pamela began her natural health education after regaining her own health through natural remedies and therapies. Her credentials were obtained through Australasian College of Health Sciences in Portland, Oregon.

She uses her personal health related experience, combined with her formal training to educate, encourage and support the option to heal with natural therapies.

For more information on specific natural therapies and remedies regarding the subject matter of this article, contact a Holistic or Natural Health Practitioner.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Skinny on Good Carbohydrates

The Skinny on Good Carbohydrates By Denny Phillips

Choosing a carbohydrate-friendly diet can be confusing. There are good carbs and bad carbs. There are simple carbs and complex carbs. Should I choose a low-carb diet or a no carb-diet? What are good carbohydrates anyways and why should I include them in my diet plan?

Good carbs generally refer to those foods such as vegetables, whole fruits, gains and beans (which are unrefined carbohydrates). They contain a great deal of fiber which can help you keep your blood sugar at the proper levels. Other benefits of the fiber contained in these foods include regulating your digestion processes, lowering your cholesterol levels, and decreasing the risk of certain types of cancer.

Eating the good carbs and fiber can also help in your dieting plan. Fiber allows for better digestion of the food you eat and helps you to feel full longer. This can help you feel less hungry and help keep your cravings at bay. In other words, eating fiber can help prevent over-eating, which can be a major benefit when you are trying to lose weight.

Increasing the amount of good carbs in your diet can make a real difference when you are trying to lose weight. The average person typically does not take in enough dietary fiber in their daily foods. If you are trying to lose weight, it is a good idea to take in at least 25-30 grams of fiber per day.

The most beneficial fiber comes from carbs from unrefined foods, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables (not from processed foods). For example, it is better to eat whole grain bread than white bread. Also it would be better to eat a high-fiber bran cereal than a sweet sugar-filled cereal that contains no fiber.

There are many other ways of getting the good carbs into your daily eating without going off your diet. Small changes in the way you eat can result in you including more of the good carbs, without you having to worry about gaining weight by eating too many carbohydrates. Including fresh, whole fruits as a snack (instead of the bad carbohydrate-rich chips you may now be eating) is one way to switch to a good-carb friendly diet. Also, eating less refined flour (like white flour) can give you the added benefits of a good-carb diet. You can use soy flour in place of white flour and get more of the benefits of fiber.

As you can see including (but not eliminating) good carbohydrates into your diet plan can be a good thing. Not only can they help you lose weight by aiding your digestion, but they can help you feel full and give you other health benefits. When you come to think of it, eating good carbohydrates can actually help you become skinny.

Everyone who has ever dieted knows they may need help to achieve dieting success. If you need more tips and help with your diet plan, visit: to sign up for a FREE 5-Part Dieting Tips E-Course.

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fiber - It's Not Just For Making Clothes!

Fiber - It's Not Just For Making Clothes!

By Linda Henderson

It takes fiber to make rope and pants. But, we need to eat fiber as well. We all know, whether we do it or not, the need for good nutrition, which is a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrate and fat. What we don't always think about is fiber, that is, dietary fiber, and its importance to our health and well-being. Fiber is not broken down by the digestive process and thus, it passes right through without being absorbed. So you might wonder why bother then? Fiber actually performs a variety of important functions to help us stay healthy.

Fiber comes in two varieties and each has importance in helping us maintain health. The first is soluble fiber and its job is to slow the passage of food through the intestines, allowing for more absorption of nutrients. By dissolving in water it forms a gel which helps keep the stool soft. Good foods for soluble fiber include fruits, vegetables and beans.

Insoluble fiber comes from the cell walls of grains, beans and vegetables. It provides bulk which helps us feel full with less food, and also aids in the movement of food through the intestines. Also, it increases stool bulk benefiting people who have problems with constipation.

Here are some benefits to a high fiber diet:

Helps us lose weight by taking longer to chew and it makes a meal feel larger and linger longer in the stomach.

Aids in controlling blood sugar levels by slowing the absorption of sugar.

Can reduce low density lipoprotein, the bad cholesterol.

Prevents constipation by increasing the size of the stool and keeping it soft.

Lowers the risk of hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome.

So we need a balanced nutrition of protein, carbohydrate, fat and fiber. Rope, clothes and food. Fiber is great stuff, indeed!

Article Source:!&id=1594885

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

5 Healthy Fruits That You Will Love to Eat

5 Healthy Fruits That You Will Love to Eat

By Gabriel J. Adams

As everyone knows, fruits and vegetables are great sources of important nutrients. Of course, most fruits are super-tasty, in addition to being healthy. Here are 5 fruits that are nutrient-packed health foods - add these to your diet and you'll be well on your way to a healthy diet.

If possible, eat your fruits and veggies fresh. Cooked fruits and vegetables lose most of their nutrition value. Salads are one great way that you can eat fruits on a daily basis.


Forget the magic pills promoted by salesmen; nature has it's own anti-aging food - blueberries. Blueberries are rich sources of antioxidants that neutralize the unstable and harmful free radicals in our bodies. Blueberries are known to improve the short term memory and improve night vision. Plus, they contain resveratrol, potentially an anti-cancer agent,, in addition vitamin to C and E.

There are many great ways to eat blueberries. Of course, if you eat them fresh you will get more nutrients than if you eat them cooked. You can use them to make a fresh fruit salad, or eat them fresh with other foods. A handful of blueberries can taste awful good, too.

Black Currants

Great for cardiovascular health, weight loss, and the health of your vision, black currants are also easy to make a part of your regular diet. The antioxidant polyphenol in black currants protects the body from disease; for this reason, black currants have been used as a natural remedy for centuries. Pound for pound black currants have more vitamin C than oranges, making them one of the best sources of vitamin C.

Goji Berries

Considered one of the world's most powerful anti aging foods, goji berries boast antioxidants and polysaccharides that reduce the speed of aging and help the body recover. Goji can also boost the immune system, boost energy levels, and improve overall body function and health.

Goji juice is probably the easiest and tastiest way to eat goji berries. Goji is very hard to find fresh - pretty much impossible for most people. Dried berries aren't as tasty as the juice.


Cranberries are an amazing source of nutrients: Rich in vitamin C, they are also great antioxidants, and great sources of phytochemicals. They also contain Hippuric acid (a antibacterial), potassium , Vitamin A, and many trace nutrients. Cranberries have been used for years to combat urinary tract infections.

You'll want to eat your cranberries fresh to get the most nutrients. They can be rather sour plain, but you can easily make a healthy salad with plain yogurt, nuts and honey.


Kiwi fruits have a variety of great nutrients - The fruit contains Serotonin which has a calming affect on the nerves, reducing stress. Plus, the large number of electrolytes in the fruit make it a great option for those who regularly find themselves short on energy. In fact, it is regularly used by athletes because of its minerals and electrolytes. The presence of Inositol in the kiwi makes it great for diabetes patients, as it helps regulate the body hormones and neurotransmitters.

Learn how goji juice can help your health. Visit our Australian goji site and jugo goji sitefru

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Lose Weight Fast--But Not Too Fast

Many of us who are overweight would very definitely like to lose weight. We would in fact prefer to lose it as fast a possible. We don't want to be on a starvation diet but we are not happy with our appearance. We also worry worried about the health effects of the excess weight we are carrying around. We sooner or later decide that we must do something about it. Sometimes,usually if some special event is approaching,we would like to lose weight fast. Maybe we are attending a high school reunion and we just don't want to show up there badly overweight. Maybe summer vacation time is coming up and we want to look trim in our swimsuit. For whatever reason,we want to lose weight quickly. Or as fast as is possible anyway. We don't expect a miracle but we surely would like to find a miraculous way to lose weight fast. The fact is that the amount of weight you can lose,and how quickly you can lose that weight,is dependent on how much overweight you are. If you are badly overweight you should probably expect to lose about one pound every day,or a little more,on a good diet program. Anything more drastic than that would require serious fasting and might be dangerous to your health. Pay absolutely no attention to diet ads which say you can take off 35 pounds in a week or something similar. It's absolutely untrue and there is no way to do this. A good diet program will help you to lose weight fast and that is excellent. But once again don't expect a miracle. If you are about twenty pounds or so overweight,you really should not aim to lose more than a pound every day on any worthwhile diet program. You might lose weight quickly by fasting but this should only be done under strict medical supervision by your health care professional. You must not fast with nothing to eat at all. A modified fast which allows you to eat small amounts of solid foods and lots of liquids can be alright for a lot of people. But once more anything this drastic should be attempted only if you are in good health and after seeking the advice of your doctor. If you would like to know how to lose weight fast, the simple answer is that it will be much better for you to lose weight gradually. A slower rate of weight loss requires much less of a change in your lifestyle,and is a great deal simpler to achieve. If you take on a crash diet you may lose weight quite fast,but you no sooner come off the diet than you will gain all the pounds back again very quickly. Don't try crash dieting. It is very simply a poor idea. The new style of diet programs which are based on research are easy to stay on for extended periods of time. You can select the foods you would like to eat rather than having to go on a selection of foods you do not like at all. You can lose a lot of weight and easily keep it off by staying on a good diet program. There are several new no starvation diets available now which we recommend for long term weight loss.

Do you want to lose weight as fast as possible? Do you want to do it on a diet of foods you like? Check out the new diet programs here and you will be surprised at how easy it can be.Click here Top Three Diets

Friday, October 24, 2008

What Are the Health Benefits of Blueberries?

What Are the Health Benefits of Blueberries? By Lyla Feldman

Blueberries are one of the most heart healthy fruit available. Who would have ever thought that something so delicious can be so good for you? Just one cup of blueberries each day (whether they are fresh, frozen, or dried) can have a major impact upon your health.

Blueberries are very rich in antioxidants. The antioxidants in this particular fruit reduce the buildup of "bad" LDL cholesterol. This "bad" LDL cholesterol if left untreated can contribute to cardiovascular disease and stroke. Compared to 40 other fruit and vegetables, blueberries rank number in antioxidant activity. Antioxidant activity is very important because it can help neutralize harmful byproducts of metabolism, called free radical. These free radicals can eventually lead to cancer and other age related diseases. By consuming blueberries we slow down or prevent the damage that is caused by these free radicals. The beneficial antioxidant that is found in blueberries is called Anthocyanin. This particular compound can also be found in blackberries, black raspberries, black currants, and red grapes; however, the highest level is found in blueberries.

Adding blueberries into your daily diet is easy. You can buy them fresh, frozen or dried. Of course fresh fruit always offers the highest number of nutrients since no processing was required. When purchasing dried blueberries, try to purchase some that were not processed or chemically treated; usually the best place to go is the greenery or other organic food shop. You can add this dried fruit into your morning cereal or oatmeal. If you chose to purchase frozen blueberries, all you have to do is defrost them and add them to your favorite yogurt or eat them plain. There are countless ways to add more blueberries into your diet and with all of their health benefits who wouldn't want to!

Lyla Feldman writes about health and fitness. Some of her favorite passions include writing about energy drinks and natural sleep aids.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Feeling Sluggish? Boost Your Energy Today!

Feeling Sluggish? Boost Your Energy Today!

By Graham Park

One of my friends swears by a red bull first thing in the morning and believes it keeps her going but can't figure out why she hits a wall at around midday. Guess what - red bull might give you wings for a few minutes but the answer to long term energy and health does not come in a bottle.

If you are reading this sitting at your desk and really should be working (because you just can't be bothered), perhaps the lack of concentration is because of stress, resulting in energy drain. Stress is the leading cause of your energy decrease so try some simple breathing exercises and see if the oxygen doesn't help for a start.

Some other really important tips to note are below. If you integrate them into your every day, you will find that there is a spring in your step and a smile on that dial.

1.Eat breakfast - We have been told for decades that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but with our hectic lifestyles means our ability to rise a little early and make something good to eat is impossible for nearly half the population. You need to think of food as fuel. After a nice long rest, you must fill your body's gas tank and get it revving or it simply won't carry you to where you have to go. Try some quick and easy solutions or at worst, just try to grab a piece of fruit on the way out the door. Yogurt and fruit Whole grain cereal with skim milk Eggs - any way you like.

2.No snooze, you lose - The average amount of recommended sleep is eight hours but really it is up to the individual as to what feels right for you. Without proper sleep the body drains itself of energy and obviously, that fuel tank of yours will feel empty.

3.Supplement your diet - Even eating only organic food and the right amount of it does not guarantee that your body will get the minimum dietary requirements you need. A multivitamin is an absolute must. Make sure you choose a good, tested brand. (Email the author for a list of preferred brands.)

4.Water - In the winter months just gone, it is easy to forget to drink water but now that the weather is turning, make it one of your "must do's" every day. It is important for so many reasons like keeping your skin and digestive health in top form, and also for energy levels.

5.Exercise - Now, I am the last person you will find at the gym or running down the road in short shorts but I do know that physical activity is important so even if you just do some walking or go to a yoga class or the like, it will increase your energy by getting the heart pumping providing oxygen to working muscles and increasing cardio respiratory capacity.

Although the idea of getting your daily energy requirements from a bottle, muesli bar or local cafe is inspiring and a common theme on TV, the reality is that energy comes from a number of sources and by implementing these tips into your everyday routine can make changes happen really quickly.

Put us to the test! 1300 657 207

Article Source:!&id=1591535

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Discover New Fat Burning Foods

Discover New Fat Burning Foods By John Hartie

People generally correlate food with energy and those who prefer oily stuff, consider food to be helpful in gaining weight. But if somebody talks about food stuff which can reduce the weight, it obviously may surprise many. In reality, there are certain food items which help in improving the metabolism of your body and thus play great role in reducing the weight. Let us now understand some of the fat burning foods. There are certain foods which boost your metabolism if taken in properly. They help in reducing the fatty deposit in your body and thus helping you to lose your body weight. Such foods are considered as fat burning foods.

1. Apple: This delicious fruit has the highest percentage of pectin, a fiber which is soluble in nature. It is well studied that if you consume one apple before each of your meal, then you are likely to lose weight more easily. If you include this wonderful fruit in your diet then you can get rid of extra pounds.

2. Carrots: If you wish to lose one pound in one week, then you should have a carrot before you begin your meal. It is quite an effective trick to lose weight because the sweetness of carrot hardly will leave any space for dessert after meals. 3. Garlic: This peculiar smelling underground food item is one of the most effective ways to lose your weight. Garlic contains a compound namely allicin that has anti-bacterial effect. It helps in reducing the cholesterol and other unhealthy fat deposits in your body. 4. Mangoes: Apart from its mouth-watering taste, this kingly fruit is very rich in fiber and low in calories. No doubt people just love to include it in their diet.

5. Oranges: Most of the citrus fruits have fat burning quality in them. While oranges are very juicy and rich in vitamin C, they prove the best to lose weight when combined with some exercises.

6. Lemons: Lemons are the greatest source of vitamin C which is very helpful in weight loss program.

7. Tomatoes: Adding tomatoes in your daily diet does not only help you fight against weight problem but also prevents your body against cancer and problems related with high blood pressure.

Apart from the above mentioned fruits and vegetables, there are other food items too which help in great deal in the weight-loss program. Most of the green and leafy vegetables are considered as fat burning food and a good way to fight against the problems related to weight loss. Add fat burning food and low calorie food in your diet and you will lose fat even while eating. If you include fiber rich food items in your daily meals then you do not need to bother much about your weight. It is very likely to be in control and you do not have to keep yourself on diet control to reduce weight.

To your health John Hartie

John Hartie is a recognised authority on fat burning foods, his website, provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you will need to know about fat burning foods.

Article Source:

Friday, October 17, 2008

Annihilate Belly Fat With These 4 Flat Tummy Diet Foods

Annihilate Belly Fat With These 4 Flat Tummy Diet Foods

By Avy Barnes

Okay folks, are you ready to annihilate belly fat? Are you tired of looking at the "spare tire" and can't figure out how to get rid of it? Well, the 'secret' (if you want to call it that) to get rid of tummy fat begins and ends with proper nutrition. In this article here, I have listed for you 4 flat tummy diet foods to help you "annihilate belly fat" fast!

Before I talk about the types of foods everyone should have in their diets to lose tummy fat, and lose it fast, let me first explain to you the basic core principles of a healthy lifestyle. These principles are so basic, but yet so powerful....which leaves me scratching my head wondering why most people don't follow them.....

What are these principles you ask? Obviously, proper nutrition as stated above, drinking plenty of water daily (I recommend for you to drink 1/2 to 1 gallon daily), get plenty of sleep daily (7-8 hours of sleep nightly is ideal), cardio exercise (high intensity works best), and weight training exercise (make sure you focus on building lean muscle as this is a sure fire way to get a flat tummy lightning fast)!

Okay, what are those 4 flat tummy diet foods?

1. Protein (Lean poultry such as chicken and turkey, almonds, egg whites, protein shakes)

2. Fiber (Lentils, quinoa, whole grains, apples)

3. Healthy Fats (Fish...especially tuna and salmon, almonds, olive oil)

4. Vitamins & Minerals (This should be a no brainer - fruits & veggies!) Here's a little tip: Make sure you get a lot of green veggies daily as this will do wonders on your digestive system causing an extra boost in your metabolism.

Those are the best foods you should have in your diet to get a flat tummy lightning fast!!

Are you ready to lose belly fat now? Get a completely packaged and authentic customized weight loss plan, plus a "diet generator" designed specifically for YOUR body, and learn the secrets to "shift" the calories from the foods you eat to effectively burn off fat, get toned, lose weight, and also start seeing mind blowing results in as little as two weeks at

I wish you the best of success in getting yourself in better health and getting yourself a body you've always dreamed of!

Avy Barnes is a long time health and fitness enthusiast. Being someone who once struggled in weight loss, muscle building, and overall health improvement, you will be able to connect more to all the information he provides through the several articles he has written right here on

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Introducing the New Super Immune

It's that time of year again. Your friends, family, and even work colleagues are doing their best to cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough. Nonetheless, doesn?t it feel like it's just a matter of time before you succumb to whatever is ailing them?

The good news is that it doesn't have to be that way! You can kick

your immune system into high gear during these chilly fall and winter months. Univera is set to release a new and improved formulation of our immune-boosting product Super Immune™ that is sure to help keep you healthy. Super Immune is now stronger than ever with the addition of two new ingredients, Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) and Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng). Cat's Claw has an array of immune-strengthening effects that will further reinforce your immune system against the ravages of everyday life. Eleuthero helps individuals cope with physical and emotional stresses and aids in protecting cells from damage due to environmental conditions.**

In addition to Genoderma (Reishi mushroom), this formulation also includes increased potency levels of Astragalus and Schisandra chinensis

- traditional immune-enhancing Chinese herbs with historical and scientific data validating their effectiveness - to boost and support your body's natural immune system.**

The new formulation, on sale Oct. 22, 2008, in the United States only (but will launch in Canada in the next several months), is included in the October 22 CP run and reflects the price increases below. This means that the existing formula will no longer be available as of October 21. And all Customers and Associates will be migrated to the new prices on October 22.

** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

More information  CONTACT US or SHOP

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How to Power Start Your Day

How to Power Start Your Day By John Lark

There was a time when breakfast used to be the time when most of the family were together.

Papa Smurf popped off to work after reading the paper, Mamma Smurf cooked up the eggs and cereals, whilst the kids lamented over their day at school.

Fast-forward 50 years.

Most people are on their way to work before the sun rises. Kids are hurried off one arm in jumper with the other grabbing a bit of toast. Mum in the meantime is grabbing a bit of lippy and providing a gentle but firm kick up the backside to get out of the door.

Yet we all know and rightly so - breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Skipping it altogether will tee you up nicely for fat gain. Particularly around the mid-rift. Through years of looking at eating habits and body fat distribution patterns I can firmly say that whose who skip breakfast consistently end up looking like a pear.

In same light using a cereal box as your method of starting the day has also had a large part to play in keeping people erring towards the muffin top shape.

Most of us are familiar with the food pyramid?

Well try the reverse food pyramid in the sense that make your breakfast the largest meal of the day and taper off your calorific intake as the day progresses.

Assuming that we all know that 5-6 'feedings' are better than 3 'fill-your-boots- type' meals then your calorific intake at each meal would look like this if you were shooting for 1500 kcal a day:

Breakfast - 400 kcal, Meal 2 - 200 kcal, Meal 3 - 300 kcal Meal 4 - 200 kcal Meal 5 - 200 Meal 6 - 200 kcal

Better blood sugar management, leaner physique, no hunger, better moods, more food to eat (!!) and so on. What is there not to like about this?

You see instead of perpetuating a cycle of sugar cravings by leaving gaps between meals (longer than 2-3 hours) we are actually feeding our bodies regularly.

So what's the big deal with breakfast?

What you eat first in the day will determine your hormonal and energy levels. Try this practical experiment. For the next five days try meat, salad and nuts breakfast. Think of it as having dinner for breakfast.

See how your energy levels are for the rest of day. Then go back to your cereal based breakfast and compare.

I will guarantee more energy and certainly less sugar cravings. It is unsurprising that your dopamine levels will increase providing you with extra 'get-up-and-go' to face the day.

Some other options for breakfast can be leftover dinner, homemade patties with a side salad or chicken breast with salsa or Guacamole.

Typical comments I have received in the past are 'I felt like gagging' and 'where am I going to find the time?'All I can say to this is - 'try it, you won't be disappointed'

So what then do you have for dinner? Try something light like a salad with cold meats or a Vegetable Omelette.

In fact Eggs are quick and easy to knock up alongside the fact that they are rich in choline, a nutrient geared towards optimal brain health. Not a bad food to have on your side if you are in the middle of a feeding frenzy at the zoo.

Most of my female clients have settled into the swing of cooking up their breakfast whilst knocking up dinners.

For the males this is a bit tougher. For most of them, reading the instructions on a Pot Noodle is as far as it goes.Although one athlete I used to room with at college was caught emptying the contents of one a pot noodle into a saucepan before transferring it back into the pot to eat.This is the same guy who assembled a flat pack bed downstairs.So can you see how important your nutrition is to your brain health?

Start your day with a power breakfast, not some dehydrated excuses of fruit with an empty cereal. Prepare your food the night before whilst you cook your dinner. At worst have left-overs. Your brain, waist line and energy levels will thank you with open arms.

John Lark is a personal trainer and body transformation specialist. Download more tips and secrets at

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Monday, October 13, 2008

How Should I Exercise to Burn Fat?

How Should I Exercise to Burn Fat? By Lee Isaacs

If you are planning to exercise to burn fat, you will have to exercise long enough and hard enough so you work up a real sweat which gives your heart and lungs an effective aerobic workout.

A good aerobic workout gets your heart pounding and your lungs laboring hard. It makes your cardio-vascular system stronger, and it speeds up your metabolism so you burn fat fast.

You can get a powerful workout like this in any number of ways: running, fast walking, swimming laps, cycling, running on a treadmill or going out dancing (preferably without drinking any alcohol).

How you exercise your body really doesn't matter. What matters is that you do it at least three times a week and preferably six times a week.

Experts agree you should exercise for half-an-hour (minimum) to a full hour, and 15-20 minutes of that workout period should be pulse-racing and sweaty - to get your body into fat-burning mode and to speed up your metabolism .

Some people play a team sport like basketball, netball, hockey, baseball or football. Others prefer a martial sport such as boxing, fencing, wrestling or judo. Whatever appeals to you; give it a go. They are all extra good for you because you will make friends while you're getting fitter. You will socialize more.

Now, when you exercise to burn fat, there won't be much weight loss initially from all the good exercise. Why? Because you're burning fat and building muscle. And guess what? Muscle weighs more than fat.

That means that exercise alone may actually _put on_ a few pounds for you at first.

Don't be scared, it is perfectly normal. And it's healthy... However, you need to change the way you eat to encourage weight loss.

Here's where a healthy, well-balanced but portion-controlled diet comes into the picture. A well-designed weight loss diet will stop you gaining weight from your exercise routine. And it will slowly change your metabolism so you start shedding the pounds. That's how you can lose weight from your workouts, burning up fat while all that good exercise makes you fitter and healthier.

A fitter, healthier and better-looking body - for a new and happier you. That will give you a feeling of accomplishment, especially when your friends start to notice what's happening.

But don't take that as a signal you can relax and go back to your old bad habits. You have to keep up your exercise to burn fat, and stay on the food plan. A nutritionist or personal coach can advise you how to make adjustments from a weight loss diet to a maintenance food plan when your new body is ready for it.

Remember, there is no quick fix. It took years of bad habits to turn you fat and flabby, so it will take years of careful eating and exercise to burn fat and to make you healthy once again.

Lee Isaacs knows about being overweight, losing pounds through dieting and workouts, and keeping healthy by personal experience over several decades. He shares some of his insights at and also at

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

How Do I Get Rid of Stretch Marks With Just 3 Types of Exercise?

How Do I Get Rid of Stretch Marks With Just 3 Types of Exercise?

By Maia Pells

Getting rid of stretch marks doesn't have to be a complicated process. Some of the best methods to eliminate stretch marks include diet and exercise. These are things almost anyone can do. For me, I do as little as 3 types of exercise to get rid of my stretch marks and keep in shape. So how do I get rid of stretch marks with just 3 types of exercise?

First, the point of exercising in this case is to firm up the muscles so that the skin becomes firm, too. Firm skin means the skin will not scar easily. My firming exercises include sit ups/crunches (for tummy stretch marks), squats (for stretch marks in the buttocks), and leg raises (for thigh stretch marks). I try to use as little weights as possible, especially with the squats, as gaining muscles too quickly is one cause of stretch marks. 25 reps for each type of exercises should be the maximum, but start with fewer reps and gradually increase as you go along. I also like to alternate exercises so I don't get bored.

The second type of exercise is cardiovascular training. I usually just walk for 30 minutes before doing firming exercises. Good blood flow means more nutrients reach the skin. Skin with stretch marks need more nutrients to do some extensive repair work, so simply walking should help tons.

Finally, do some stretching exercises every now and then. I do yoga classes at least once a week to distress. Stretching exercises are also known to prevent stretch marks because they keep the skin flexible.

So how do I get rid of stretch marks with just 3 types of exercise? I do cardio training, firm up and stretch! At the same time I also use a stretch mark cream to further improve my skin.

Stretch mark prevention is never more than the best treatment away. Discover how you can prevent stretch mark during pregnancy now!

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Why Diet Foods Aren't Always Good For You<

Why Diet Foods Aren't Always Good For You By Susan Patterson

The diet industry is making billions of dollars a year from people just like you who are dying to take off the extra weight they've acquired over the years. Unfortunately, a lot of the claims you find are just hype designed to sell a product. It really doesn't matter to them if you lose weight or not. As a matter of fact, they are placing bets that even if you lose weight you won't keep it off. Their bet pays off again and again as you stay frustrated and spend even more money, while their paychecks grow exponentially every year. And sadly, diet food is following the same tune, making big bucks off of your hopes and dreams.

Take a trip to any grocery store and you'll be overwhelmed by the amount of diet food you find. There are fat and sugar free versions of every food imaginable, from donuts to yogurt. Even ice cream is available in a low carbohydrate version. Then there are the meal replacement shakes and bars, promising quick weight loss if you follow their diet for only a couple of weeks. While this used to be limited to certain brands like Weight Watchers and Slim-Fast, now major food brands like Breyers and Kellogg's are making their own special weight loss foods. The Special K Diet came from a popular cereal that originally wasn't a diet food at all.

The trouble with these foods is not what the label says, but what it doesn't say. In order to make up for the lack of certain ingredients, other ingredients become problematic. For example, a sugar free version of your favorite cookie probably has up to double the amount of salt or fat than the original. Fat free food usually includes much more salt. Another issue is that people tend to overeat on these foods, believing they are safe because they are healthy. If you overeat on a low fat food, you will end up with just as much fat as if you bought the original. Others buy things they wouldn't normally eat because of the special labeling, adding unneeded calories to their diet.

With any weight loss program, appetite control is the key to success. It is important to get moderate exercise and reduce your calories. If hunger is especially tricky, try using a natural appetite suppressant such as hoodia to help curb cravings. The goal is not to starve yourself, but in order to see results you must create a deficit between the amount of calories your body takes in and burns each day. A hoodia shot can help you achieve this while taking your mind off of food, allowing you to focus on what's in front of you instead of feeling hungry all the time.

Susan Patterson has been studying alternative medicine and health for over 10 years. She loves to write to help others, especially in the area of quick weight loss, which can be accomplished safely. She has found several herbal remedies to be effective in her journey to better health without the side effects that medications cause. She is particularly passionate about hoodia for weight loss.

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Feed the fish

Saturday, October 11, 2008

How to Eat Smart When Eating Out

How to Eat Smart When Eating Out By Lauren S Johnson

Studies show that Americans consume approximately 24% of their meals dinning out. This includes anything from fast food to upscale restaurants. Since our dinning out makes up such a big percentage of our diet, making bad food choices at restaurants can surely have a bad effect on our waist line. However, there is no need to worry because numerous restaurants are now offering a wide selection of weight loss friendly meals.

When it comes down to making good selections at restaurants be sure to chose a meal that consists of lots of fruit, lots of vegetables, lean fish, lean chicken, lean cuts of meat, and veggie based soups rather than cream. Also try to start out every meal with a side salad with light dressing. Eating a salad prior to your meal will help you feel fuller once your dinner plate arrives. Most restaurants today, offer a special section of meals for those people who are concerned with their weight. As far as quick lunch menus are concerned, there are also numerous healthy options. If you enjoy a quick dish of Chinese food during your lunch break, numerous take-out places offer certain healthier alternatives. When choosing your meal be sure to order non-fried chicken that's light on the sauce, also, be sure that your Chinese meal is heavy on vegetables and includes steamed rather than fried rice.

As far as sandwiches are concerned, most of your favorite sub joints probably offer the option of create-your-own sandwich. In this case you have the choice of making your sandwich healthier by including whole wheat bread, low fat turkey or ham, light condiments and lots of vegetables. So as you can see, when it comes down to dinning out there are always healthy alternatives, you just have to be willing to make the change.

Lauren S. Johnson writes health articles about fitness and nutrition. Some of her favorite passions include studying the medicinal benefits of herbal remedies, diet pills, and hoodia gordonii

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Friday, October 10, 2008

How To Give Up Bad Eating Habits. -This Might Just Save Your Life!

How To Give Up Bad Eating Habits. -This Might Just Save Your Life!

Many people know that chemical-laden, trans-fats stuffed, starchy, grainy and sugary junk foods are not good for you. However, the problem for many is how to kick the habit of overdoing it with these junk foods. Here is my success story, revealing my technique on how to kick the habits and stay slim, healthier and feel that much more vitalized. I will take sugar products as an example but the method in principle could be used on kicking the habit with any junk food, or even smoking for that matter Some might be able to cut sugar out of their diet straight away, but I'm sure there are many others who would not be able to give it up so easily. ...So here's what you could do Give up sugar on a slow and steady gradient -This is how I have given up some of my eating habits. It is quite simple and has worked really well for me, without feeling too uneasy along the way. First give up something you feel comfortable with. No matter how small or insignificant it is. Just do it. Then, after a length of time, you haven't eaten this food, and no longer want to, go on to the next step. Then, on step two, give up something else you feel comfortable with...and apply the same principles as step one. Then give up something else in the same way and so on... There are two crucial principles that must be applied when it comes to giving up sugar on a slow and steady gradient (or giving up any dietary habit for that matter). In order for it to work, chose time lengths between each step that are comfortable for you. For example if it takes as long as a couple of years to successfully give up sugar completely, because each step took so long then so be it...and NEVER, NEVER, go back into eating any of the smallest things you have given up along the way. The same of course applies after having kicked the habit completely. Just the slightest fanciful morsel eaten will open the floodgates for your habit to return fully and no doubt become the ruin of you! Turn to fruits instead There are plenty of highly nutritious low-glycemic index fruits, which could be eaten as a compromise for the sweet stuff. Low glycemic index fruits include: Apples, cherries, plumbs, grapefruit, and bananas... Eat more proteins and fats, instead of the starchy/grainy carbohydrate foods on the market with little nutrition value Some of the starchy/grainy foods are advertised as low-calorie, but it also follows they have a low nutrition value. -Don't be fooled by the advertising on the label. Finally, eat at regular intervals so that your insulin levels are more consistent.

I, Paul Phillips am a health writer researcher. I graduated in 'Biological Sciences' which includes biochemistry, physiology and nutrition. I have worked in various related research and development labs. I am always willing to give advice and help people in my field. For a free ebook and much more information please try the link below
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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Healthy Living Tips

The difference between hoping something will happen and making it happen is preparation. When it comes to healthy living, it's important that you create an environment that supports what you're trying to achieve - not one that sabotages your efforts. Nutrition If you're trying to cut back on junk food, don't keep it in your home or office. Want to increase your fruits and veggies? Keep them on hand. You can reduce the number of times you inhabit the drive-through by packing snacks and lunches ahead of time. Fitness If hitting the gym isn't your thing, set your home up so that working out is convenient. If your goal is to get onto your treadmill three times a week, for instance, it probably won't happen if it's sitting in your basement. Purchase weights, mats, videos - anything that will make physical activity more convenient and less of a chore. Stress Sometimes creating a less stressful environment is as simple as ditching the clutter and reorganizing. Design an environment in which stress is kept at a manageable level or which allows you to respond to stress more appropriately. Rest Restructure your schedule to allow for an average of six to eight hours of restful sleep a night. This often involves turning the TV off earlier. Studies show that averaging less than seven to nine hours of quality sleep a night correlates with various health issues, even obesity.

How to Massage Your Neck Pain Away

How to Massage Your Neck Pain Away

Neck pain is one of the most common reasons patients seek medical treatment. In fact, the lifetime prevalence of a significant neck pain episode ranges from 40 to 70 percent. But you don't have to let it become a constant problem: regular massage treatments can help you manage it, especially if you are suffering from neck pain long after a neck injury has occurred.

The condition often occurs with back pain, and the symptoms are similar. Symptoms of neck pain may include spasm, stiffness, muscle discomfort, limitation of movement and headaches. Neck pain can occur suddenly (acute) or be constant (chronic); an acute injury can lead to chronic pain and loss of range of motion, if left untreated.

Massage is a non invasive alternative to prescription medication commonly used for treating neck pain. Massage is a manual therapy that uses hands-on manipulation of the muscles and other soft tissues to relieve muscle tension and reduce stress. Although massage affects the whole body, it is especially therapeutic for the musculoskeletal, circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems.

A combination of techniques, performed by an experienced massage therapist, will provide pain relief and help your recovery. Several types of massage that have been shown to provide neck pain relief including Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, and Shiatsu.

Swedish massage is the term used to describe a variety of therapeutic massage techniques that help release tension with applied pressure to the surface muscles. This type of massage may be helpful in reducing emotional stress and tension that may add to your neck pain. It is also known as a full body massage.

Deep tissue massage may be performed with Swedish massage to release tension from the deeper muscles and connective tissues in the neck and upper back. With deep tissue massage, the applied pressure is harder, more intense, and focused on releasing adhesions ("knots") or scar tissue that may be causing your neck pain.

Trigger point therapy uses steady pressure to release neck muscle spasms and promote blood flow to the area to aid healing. Specific points or knots in muscles are located and released that often are the source of referred pain from the shoulder and back to your neck.

Shiatsu is a form of Japanese massage in which the practitioner uses his or her body weight to gradually press acupressure points. By palpating, or feeling, the network of vessels through which your energy flows (meridians), the Shiatsu practitioner will be able to feel and simultaneously adjust the flow of energy ("Ki") in your body.

What if you could you could heal, improve, relieve, relax, even arouse just with the power of your hands? The beneficial effects of the various massage therapies available are too often ignored as a natural method of easing common ailments. It is not difficult to learn the basics of massage and the rewards are fantastic. Discover how you can harness the power of your hands and be able to massage with confidence at

Sunday, October 05, 2008

How to rate your water quality

I found this on YouTube today and found it really informative. I can't vouch for the product he is promoting however the message aligns well with Xooma. View Video Steve