Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fiber - It's Not Just For Making Clothes!

Fiber - It's Not Just For Making Clothes!

By Linda Henderson

It takes fiber to make rope and pants. But, we need to eat fiber as well. We all know, whether we do it or not, the need for good nutrition, which is a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrate and fat. What we don't always think about is fiber, that is, dietary fiber, and its importance to our health and well-being. Fiber is not broken down by the digestive process and thus, it passes right through without being absorbed. So you might wonder why bother then? Fiber actually performs a variety of important functions to help us stay healthy.

Fiber comes in two varieties and each has importance in helping us maintain health. The first is soluble fiber and its job is to slow the passage of food through the intestines, allowing for more absorption of nutrients. By dissolving in water it forms a gel which helps keep the stool soft. Good foods for soluble fiber include fruits, vegetables and beans.

Insoluble fiber comes from the cell walls of grains, beans and vegetables. It provides bulk which helps us feel full with less food, and also aids in the movement of food through the intestines. Also, it increases stool bulk benefiting people who have problems with constipation.

Here are some benefits to a high fiber diet:

Helps us lose weight by taking longer to chew and it makes a meal feel larger and linger longer in the stomach.

Aids in controlling blood sugar levels by slowing the absorption of sugar.

Can reduce low density lipoprotein, the bad cholesterol.

Prevents constipation by increasing the size of the stool and keeping it soft.

Lowers the risk of hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome.

So we need a balanced nutrition of protein, carbohydrate, fat and fiber. Rope, clothes and food. Fiber is great stuff, indeed!

Article Source:!&id=1594885

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