Thursday, October 23, 2008

Feeling Sluggish? Boost Your Energy Today!

Feeling Sluggish? Boost Your Energy Today!

By Graham Park

One of my friends swears by a red bull first thing in the morning and believes it keeps her going but can't figure out why she hits a wall at around midday. Guess what - red bull might give you wings for a few minutes but the answer to long term energy and health does not come in a bottle.

If you are reading this sitting at your desk and really should be working (because you just can't be bothered), perhaps the lack of concentration is because of stress, resulting in energy drain. Stress is the leading cause of your energy decrease so try some simple breathing exercises and see if the oxygen doesn't help for a start.

Some other really important tips to note are below. If you integrate them into your every day, you will find that there is a spring in your step and a smile on that dial.

1.Eat breakfast - We have been told for decades that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but with our hectic lifestyles means our ability to rise a little early and make something good to eat is impossible for nearly half the population. You need to think of food as fuel. After a nice long rest, you must fill your body's gas tank and get it revving or it simply won't carry you to where you have to go. Try some quick and easy solutions or at worst, just try to grab a piece of fruit on the way out the door. Yogurt and fruit Whole grain cereal with skim milk Eggs - any way you like.

2.No snooze, you lose - The average amount of recommended sleep is eight hours but really it is up to the individual as to what feels right for you. Without proper sleep the body drains itself of energy and obviously, that fuel tank of yours will feel empty.

3.Supplement your diet - Even eating only organic food and the right amount of it does not guarantee that your body will get the minimum dietary requirements you need. A multivitamin is an absolute must. Make sure you choose a good, tested brand. (Email the author for a list of preferred brands.)

4.Water - In the winter months just gone, it is easy to forget to drink water but now that the weather is turning, make it one of your "must do's" every day. It is important for so many reasons like keeping your skin and digestive health in top form, and also for energy levels.

5.Exercise - Now, I am the last person you will find at the gym or running down the road in short shorts but I do know that physical activity is important so even if you just do some walking or go to a yoga class or the like, it will increase your energy by getting the heart pumping providing oxygen to working muscles and increasing cardio respiratory capacity.

Although the idea of getting your daily energy requirements from a bottle, muesli bar or local cafe is inspiring and a common theme on TV, the reality is that energy comes from a number of sources and by implementing these tips into your everyday routine can make changes happen really quickly.

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