Sunday, November 21, 2010

Healthy Eating on the Go

By Becki Andrus

Healthy eating on the go can be difficult, because the most common food that people turn to are the convenience foods that are full of fat, sodium and nutrition-less calories. This article is going to help you to identify some healthy foods that can be eaten, even on the busiest days.

When you find yourself in a rush to get somewhere, the initial thought is usually to stop at a gas station or drive-thru and grab something quick and easy. But, these foods can be very dangerous to your health. Instead of just eating the first thing that comes available, try taking a little time to plan ahead so that you always have a good snack option available.

I like to keep healthy snacks in my purse and also in the glove box of my car. Almonds and mixed nuts are a great on-the-go snack, just fill a small baggie with them and keep them with you when you leave the house. Unroasted, unsalted nuts will provide you with a great source of plant-based protein, and they will give you the energy that you need to get through the day.

Another great snack is fruit. Apples are easy to eat and they taste great, I like to munch on them in the car when I am driving to my destination. You may also consider taking along carrot sticks, celery sticks, or cucumber slices. Carrot sticks are usually the easiest, because you can simply open the bag of baby carrots, fill your to-go baggie, and then you are ready to go!

If you find yourself in need of a meal, you can find some healthier options at a drive-thru or a deli counter at the grocery store. Find menu items that are full of vegetables, such as a salad or a broth based soup. Try to avoid menu items that contain high amounts of meat, and ask them to hold the cheese and croutons. Also, be sure that you are eating a healthy brand of salad dressing, sometimes it is even a good idea to keep a bottle of good salad dressing in the fridge at work so that you always have a good option available.

Healthy eating habits are very effective in improving the overall health of you and your family. Learn how to easily implement a healthier lifestyle by visiting my website at

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