Saturday, November 27, 2010

How To Eat Right To Get A Healthier Body?

By Ramir Sarmiento

Eating the right amount of nutrient or food is very important to gain more nutrients and the minerals that you need to fuel your body so that you will be able to work for long periods of time. Eating is the very first thing that keeps you alive and well shaped.

The food we eat supplies our body with enough energy so that we cannot feel tired easily. Our body depends on the energy that food gives. If we did not eat for a long time, we will be dead. Here are some of the facts about eating:

1. Exercising with your stomach empty. Your stomach gives you warning signs that tell you that he is hungry. The rumbling sound is one of that. If you heard this cry of your stomach, you should eat immediately or your body will become weak causing you to pass out.

2. Energy drinks. Relying on energy drinks is not bad if this is done in moderation. Because they are energy drinks, they contain energy that your body needs. However, they are not a substitute to natural things such as fruits and vegetables. Natural foods do not contain preservatives that might trigger certain types of cancers.

3. Not eating breakfast. It is not advisable to skip breakfast. During sleep, your body undergoes fasting. The moment you wake up, you must eat enough food so that you will have the energy you will need for the day. If you did not eat breakfast, you might acquire stomach problems such as ulcer.

4. Diets with low amount of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates give your body energy that you need to perform heavy tasks. It supplies your muscles with energy so that they will function well. Carbohydrates can be gained from cereals and rice.

5. Eating everything you want to eat. It is a fact that eating healthy food accompanied by exercise can give your body the fitness that everyone desires. It is not bad to eat much as long as your body burns the stored energy in your body so that it will not be converted into fats that are the reason for obesity.

6. Eating with low mount of calories. Calories are one of the reasons of being fat. Losing calories means to achieve the slim body everyone especially woman desires. However, losing calories in a fast-paced manner is not a safe thing to do. Losing calories should be gradual and step-by-step. You should get enough calories to make your body function smoothly.

The way you eat determines the status of your body's health. It is very important to eat well-balanced food that contains all the essential nutrients that your body needs to survive and live a healthy life.

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