Sunday, September 22, 2013

How to Eat Organic on a Budget

By Barbara Middleton

I budget the money for the bills and other necessities and one of those is good, healthy, clean foods. For the most part, this means eating organic. With GMOs, preservatives, and all kinds of other nasty things being put in our food, it's important to eat as clean as possible. Unfortunately if you go to the grocery store, you'll notice that the organic produce, meat, and dairy is more expensive than the other foods. That's extremely unfair! If you're like me and on a budget, how can you make sure you're getting the best without sending your grocery bill through the roof?

Farmer's Markets. This should be your only place to shop for fresh fruits and vegetables. Farmer's markets are great for finding all the good stuff at the peak of their growing season. The food is generally cheaper, too. By keeping everything local, you aren't paying the high transportation costs and overhead that is usually required in order to get food to a big chain grocery store. The best part is, it all just tastes better, too. I don't think there's anything more satisfying than eating a fresh peach from a roadside fruit stand.

Pick and Choose. During a recent grocery trip my husband said, "I know you want to get all organic but can we keep the grocery bill down just a little?" And he had a point. Take strawberries, for example. The organic ones were a dollar more than the ones that weren't. I did some research and found the "Dirty Dozen." These are fruits and vegetables that should ALWAYS be bought organic because they are some of the most heavily treated with chemicals. But of course, like all fruits and veggies, please be sure to thoroughly wash them before using: Peaches, Apples, Strawberries, Grapes, Cherries, Nectarines, Pears, Red Raspberries, Sweet Bell Peppers, Celery, Spinach and Lettuces, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Milk, and Meat

Grow Your Own. Of course the best way to ensure that you are getting the best quality you can is to grow your own. It's a great way to learn about your environment and can also be an activity that's fun for the whole family.

There are ways to be able to eat clean and healthy without breaking your bank. The goal is to eat organic whenever possible. If you can't, decide which choices would be the best for you and your family. I promise you, your body will thank you for it.

Article Source:

The Four Essential Principles of Nutrition for Losing Weight

By John T Baker

On a daily basis men and women wonder, "This weight loss diet isn't performing, what precisely am I carrying out wrong?" In the event that you haven't been practicing the four pillars for diet success, the answer is likely in this article.
Get the Correct Information
If perhaps one is using faulty instructions, although you might be completely devoted and observe every single step completely it still won't perform! You will want to have the right tools for the job. The best solution to get the facts is to find fit individuals and find out what works best for them. Should a method really perform, then it will benefit the majority of people. Naturally you must look for a solution that fits your personality too, but you've got to make sure the framework is solid.
Understand How to Dine Long Term
You've got to consider the future. You would like to slim down now, except you don't really want to simply put that fat back on in a years time. A diet that you force your body to adhere to but don't like is going to fail. Consuming food is a task you do on a daily basis, a lot like a job for many of us. If you happen to dislike your career you're going to be a far more dissatisfied human being and will most likely end up quitting. It happens to be the very same thing with eating, love it or loathe it, the decision is in your hands.
Minimize the Unhealthy Stuff
People have an instinct regarding what is wholesome and also about those things that are not. People who don't take an active role in their daily diet can easily eat nothing but unhealthy food. You know, the products that are heavily refined, loaded with processed sugar and unhealthy fat and no longer resembles something that once grew in the ground. You recognize it, however you still might munch on it in your routine. Take some time next time to think about why, and then make the decision to minimize the junk food. Of course the periodic snack is ok, and if you carry on slowly removing the junk, eventually, unexpectedly, you'll end up eating healthy.
Have More Healthy Food
After you minimize the bad foods you'll be able to swap them by getting more good things. For most people the place to start off is by eating extra lean protein, fruits and vegetables. Gradually increase your consumption of the healthy food. If you generally have veggies once a week, start increasing it to 2 or more. If the time has come to decide between fries or something green start making the healthy option more frequently. Just as before, this is not about completely getting rid of these foods from your diet program, yet making an effort to have more of the good and less of the unhealthy.
What To Do Now
From now on the time has come to head out and start eating. Always keep all of these 4 fundamentals in your thoughts and success will happen, just remember: You will succeed.
These are the basic principles that you can follow in your life to gradually make the change from unhealthy to healthy eating. If you need help finding more awesome diet tips and learning the key to picking a diet plan that is right for you click here now!

Article Source:

Saturday, September 21, 2013

You Know What's Healthy To Eat, Here Are 10 Tips On How To Eat Healthy

You Know What's Healthy To Eat, Here Are 10 Tips On How To Eat Healthy
By Patrick Michael Williams

Conventional wisdom will tell you that it takes at least 21 days to make a habit. I have found (through the lens of my client's experience) that it really only takes about 14 days of consistent effort to develop a sustainable habit. In the beginning it is more important to learn how to eat healthy than merely what to eat. The vast majority of us know what is healthy and what is not. You absolutely know that ordering grilled chicken with vegetables is a superior option to buffalo wings and fries.
Treat these 14 days as something brand new. This is going to be fun! Especially when the fat starts melting off. It doesn't matter how many times you have attempted to change your nutrition for the better and failed. You can do this.
Again, the purpose of this article is to provide practical tips to teach you how to eat healthy, instead of merely what to eat. I have personally witnessed hundreds of people achieve incredible results by implementing these concepts.
Here are my top 10 practical tips on HOW to eat (and drink) healthy in no particular order of importance.
1. Carry a reusable bottle of water that holds 30oz. Your requirement for water will vary based on a number of factors, but if you are nearing the 100oz. mark that is probably a good start.
2. Buy tons of Tupperware! You will need it.
3. Do your best to set aside an hour long block of time on a Saturday or Sunday to cook your meals for the week.
4. Eat with purpose! Don't snack just to snack.
5. Keep "emergency" foods around such as almonds and Greek yogurt. These are insurance policies in case you are too busy to prepare all of your meals.
6. Eat 5-6 small meals a day, every 2 1/2 -3 hours. If you are off by up to 30 minutes don't sweat it! I am sure you would like to see how this is possible. As an example, take a look at my day.
Meal 1- 4:15AM

Meal 2- 8AM

Meal 3- 11AM

Meal 4- 1:30PM

Meal 5- 4PM

Meal 6- 7-7:30PM
7. If you are attempting to lose weight or change your body composition in any way; approach each meal as if it is just as or more important as your workout.
8.  Remember that you are changing for the better while eating, and that diet accounts for roughly 70% of your results from exercise. Hearing this fact is one thing, but experiencing it is illuminating and encouraging!
9. Once you have either consulted a dietitian, nutritionist, fitness expert, or done your own research, stick to your plan no matter what.
10. This last tip is most of my clients' favorite. Plan to have your cheat meals comprise 10% of your total meals. If you eat 5 meals a day 7 days a week that would equal 4 meals (I am rounding up for your benefit).
Bonus tip: Do not have a complete "cheat day." They take way too long to recover from!
I hope this article helps you lose bodyfat!
I am an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist  based in DFW, Texas
Contact me with your fitness-related questions at
If you really are interested in simplifying this whole "diet" thing, and don't want to spend hours and hours cooking and preparing your meals, click on the link below.

Article Source:,-Here-Are-10-Tips-On-How-To-Eat-Healthy&id=8009698