Sunday, January 30, 2011

Indulge Yourself on Healthy Eating

By John M Ellis

There is now a growing concern among people in respect to the food they eat, whether or not they themselves engage in healthy eating. Due to the presence of fast-food chains, with diners and restaurants that serve hi-fat meals, many people really have to worry about their health. So, the question you should ask yourself is simple, am I indulging on healthy eating? To ensure yourself that you are finally eating healthy, you must make sure that you are able to eat foods that contain the nutrients your body needs.

Make sure you get to eat whole grains. These foods are perfect in form, pure and unprocessed. This means that your body would be able to get all the nutrients that whole grains provide. Whenever possible, opt for whole grain organic. This way, you can be assured that no chemicals were used in the culture of that grain.

Do not forget fruits and vegetables. Take them in their freshest form. Eating them as soon as possible after they have been picked would be ideal. Fruits are much more delicious when they are fresh and you will get the most out of the nutrients they provide.

Instead of red meat, try to have more oily fish for your protein needs. These fish contain essential fatty acids that the body needs. Trout, herring, mackerel, fresh tuna and sardines, are some examples of these types of fish.

Also, if you are going to ensure healthy eating, there would be foods you should avoid too. Some of these foods include saturated fats and sugar. Examples of these foods are sausages, butter, lard, cheese, pastries, cakes and cookies, and coconut oil. Try reducing your intake of soda as it is known to have a high sugar content.

Whenever possible, eat smaller amounts of salt. Make a point to consume no more than 6g of salt a day.

Once you are able to follow these tips on healthy eatings, you can truly say that you have engaged in healthy eating habits.

Information just like this will not only teach you more about healthy eatings but also, help you discover how to lose fast weight.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Natural Sources of Protein for Vegetarians and Vegans

By Robin Reichert

Protein is essential to a healthy body, and every cell in the body requires protein to function properly. Proteins are broken down into amino acids, which are the building blocks of cells. Protein is found in the greatest quantities in meat, fish and poultry. Vegetarians can get enough nutrition from animal products, such as milk, cheese and eggs. Vegans need to be especially careful to eat vegetables that provide enough nutrition for their bodies. Dried beans and peas, nuts, seeds, tofu and many grains and some vegetables provide adequate nutrition for a healthy body.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that adults need at least 35 percent protein of their daily caloric intake. Vegetarians who do consume eggs, milk and cheese will probably get enough protein in their diet. Vegans, on the other hand, who only eat plant-based foods may not be getting the nutrition they need for good health. A variety of vegetables, beans and grains can provide all the protein necessary for a healthy diet. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine says that too much protein in the diet is linked to kidney disease, calcium stones in the bladder and urinary tract, osteoporosis and even cancer. They also recommend getting enough protein in the diet by eating 5 or more servings of grains every day, 3 servings of vegetables including at least one serving of raw vegetables, and 3 servings of bean protein daily.

Beans are a very good source of nutrition, and they are low in fat but high in fiber content. Lima beans, kidney beans, black beans, navy beans, pinto beans and red beans are all rich sources of plant protein. Red beans contain the highest amount of plant nutrition. Vegetables like broccoli, carrots, corn, spinach and tomatoes are abundant in plant protein. Nuts and seeds, such as flax, walnuts and pecans also provide essential fatty acids to the diet. Vitamin E and protein are plentiful in almonds and hazelnuts.

Vegans can get enough nutrition from plant foods as long as their diet includes a variety of beans, vegetables and grains. Too little or too much protein in the diet can cause serious health problems. The key to a healthy vegan and vegetarian diet is to eat a variety of meatless foods that contain protein.


The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine: Protein Needs:

Centers of Disease Control and Prevention: Protein Requirements:

Robin Reichert is a certified nutrition consultant, certified personal trainer and freelance writer. She has been involved in the health and fitness industry for over 10 years. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of San Francisco and a Master of Science in natural health from Clayton College. Robin's goal is to make every personal training session fun and effective for her clients. Her services include both in-person and online personal training at Lose up to 10 lbs with a 24-DAY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE! Visit my website to get started today!

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Saturday, January 08, 2011

Fiber - A Much Needed Nutrient

By Emanuel Cane

When thinking about the foods we eat and the benefits derived from these foods, the least thought of nutrient is fiber. We read the labels on the foods we buy, now more than ever. We tend to study the amounts of vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, low fat, high fat, transfats, and calories, but pay little attention to the fiber content. There are two forms of fiber. Insoluble fiber as the name suggests is exactly that. Fiber in this form will not be dissolved during the digestive process. As it winds its way throughout the digestive tract, it acts as a scrubbing agent. You can call it the body's natural "Roto Rooter". This action aids in the elimination of waste and prevents the buildup of toxins. It is this action that makes it such a powerful cancer preventive. Keeping the colon cleansed in this fashion also prevents a condition called "Diverticulosis". This is a condition where little pockets are form in the colon. Food tends to accumulate in these pockets and become fermented. Toxins are formed because of this fermented food that are more or less stored in these pockets and will leach into the bloodstream causing a variety of conditions and illnesses. The cleansing of the colon also promotes regularity and will prevent hemorrhoids.

The other form of fiber is soluble fiber. As the name suggests, this form of fiber is dissolved during the digestive process. Its ability to be dissolved makes it readily available and can be utilized by the major organs of the body. This soluble fiber also ferments in the colon and produces fatty acids that help in the control of blood sugar and cholesterol levels. The benefits of fiber as previously stated are many, and are as follows: Prevents constipation. Prevents hemorrhoids. Prevents the buildup of toxins in the colon, thus protecting the body from these toxins. Controls the blood cholesterol, thus preventing the buildup of plaque in the arteries. Controls blood sugar that can be an important part of preventing diabetes. Fiber can play an important role in the prevention of colon cancer. Fiber is a component of a great many foods, however it is the type of foods that you eat that makes it so important in eating the fiber that will give you the most benefits. These foods are: Whole-grain bread and crackers. The Nabisco Triscuits are such a cracker. Wheat bread is not as high in fiber. White bread is certainly not high in fiber. Read the label, it should read whole-grains. Vegetables are an excellent source of fiber, particularly the green leafy variety. The deeper the color the better. Sweet potatoes are a very good source of fiber. White potatoes are not as good, and should be eaten with the skins. Beans are an excellent source of fiber. The best varieties are, kidney, navy, pinto, black, and lentil and garbanzo beans. Of the fruits, oranges are an excellent source of fiber. Cereals are a great source of fiber but need to be chosen for the fiber content. Known high fiber cereals are, Kellogg's All-Bran, Post Grape-Nuts or Post 100% Bran. Oats are another great source of soluble fiber. Eating oatmeal has been lauded for its ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Eating the above-mentioned fruits and vegetables on a daily basis is extremely important and will help the body in maintaining a strong immune system, preventing weakened conditions and becoming sick at the slightest invasion of your immune system. It will keep the body healthy and full of vigor. Getting the most of a high fiber will require you to have al least 2 servings daily of the above foods. For breakfast you can have a cupful of a cereal high in fiber. Adding fruit to the cereal will increase the fiber content. During the day, eating a piece of fruit adds additional fiber and is also heart healthy. You won't be adding unnecessary calories that will aid in weight control. For dinner, include a salad using the green leafy vegetables. Use Romaine lettuce instead of the iceberg lettuce, and do not be afraid to use a good amount of it. Iceberg lettuce lacks the nutrients found in Romaine lettuce. Add other vegetables to the Romaine lettuce. Use other green vegetables and vegetables of other colors, such as carrots, peppers (green, red, yellow) and beets, using the canned variety if necessary. Add beans to this salad. The best beans to add to a salad are garbanzo beans (also called chick peas). Following the above recommendations will not only add the necessary fiber to your diet but will also add many of the required nutrients and antioxidants that will maintain a healthy heart and also act as a colon cancer preventive, and keep the immune system at its peak levels.

Dr. Emanuel M. Cane, D.C.

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Friday, January 07, 2011

How To Live With a Healthy Life Style

By Chris Sarvaiya

Let's have a look at the work-out plan for workout so that readers can have an idea and can incorporate the same in their daily routine.

This workout begins with a number of circuit training in which one switches from one exercise to the other without taking rest. By doing so, one is able to burn more calories than normal work-out. The circuit training module includes several exercises like Clean and Jerk, Squat, Dips, and Barbell Curls etc. The clean and jerk involves grabbing a barbell unto your thighs and slowly pushing them to your shoulders. While pushing up, it is necessary that you inhale as exhaling at this time will make you feel weak.

Now, pull the barbell unto your head by giving it a jerk. The clean and jerk is an ideal way to loose fat quickly. A dip is another important exercise which is a part of workout. To do dips, you must hang from a bar and while keeping the arms straight, lower the body so that arms are bending at an angle of 90 degree. Then try to lift your body to the original position. One is advised to keep his shoulders locked in order to avoid strain. Most of the workout of the actor involves dumbbell exercises. The dumbbell raises are done with light weight; the arms are to be bent at 90 degrees and dumbbells are pushed upwards to bring them up to shoulders.

One of the most difficult exercises of this workout is pull ups. It involves standing straight with hands in upward direction to make a grip over the hanging bars, then pushing your body upward so that your chin goes over the bars. Press-ups are common exercises of the actor's regimen. In these, one lies on ground with his belly facing down and hands resting on the ground in forward direction. Now, try to lift upper portion of your body with hands still resting on ground. The dumbbell exercises can also be incorporated in this exercise by holding dumbbells in hands. The squat exercise is used to build the muscles of thighs and buttocks. In it, one stands straight with weights held on the upper back, and then he tries to bend the knees so that torso gets lower, then he tries to get back to his upright position.

Now a few words on the healthy food that one must adhere to in order to get enough nutrition. Here is a list of healthy foods that one can include in his diet-regime. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, fenugreek, cauliflower, cabbage etc. are excellent for getting nutrition and vitamins.

One must have lots of fruits and vegetables in his diet. Papaya, apples, grapes, mangoes and citrus fruits like lemon, orange etc. are beneficial for body and fulfill the requirements of vitamins and minerals. One should avoid processed and refine products as they lack in minerals; instead one should stick to whole grain products in which husk or the outer portion is not removed. Lean meat, fish, olive oil, nuts, almonds, raisins can also be included in the list of healthy foods. As far as spices are concerned, cinnamon, peppermint, ginger, garlic, turmeric, mustard, cumin and fennel are good options.

For more information, one can go through the site and get health tips. One can also get information on various dumbbell exercises.

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Thursday, January 06, 2011

The Vegan Diet - What to Do When Your Family Invites You for Dinner

By James Takahara

Every year when the big holidays hit the calendar, such as 4th of July, Thanks Giving or Christmas, a huge dilemma comes to the mind of vegans... what am I going to eat?

This is a very common situation for every vegan, unless you are so lucky that you grew up in a family full of vegans, you will find this questions complicated to answer. After all, you are invited to have a family dinner and there is always the 20 pound turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, cookies, cake and salad. Out of every food there is, the salad is the only thing you can eat as a vegan and of course every single family member will look at you weird.

So how can we deal with this food situation when having dinner with the omnis? (non-vegan people)

What I have found to be very useful and makes the situation less stressful, is that I will call beforehand and tell the person in charge of organizing the dinner, about how I'm going to contribute with the family reunion and the food. I will tell him or her that I will be bringing some really good dishes to share at the table. Now whether you tell them its vegan, it's up to you, but for me, I will not tell them that the food I'm bringing is vegan (of course this will only work if they do not know of your vegan lifestyle). In this way I'm making sure people would not start judging the food without trying it out first.

Bringing vegan food at your family reunions is a win-win situation because you are helping them with the food and also you would not feel deprive or isolated at the dinner table. Also your family members might be impress by how really good the food is without the need of dairy or meats, add vegan foods at future feasts, or even switch to vegan dishes over time, replacing the 20 pound turkey. This might open new doors in your relationship with them.

Now, if you are not a great cook and bringing food to your reunion is not a possibility, then you can say you are having dinner with your friends but will love to stop by after your dinner. Just make sure you are saying things in the right manner and your family members will not take it as a personal thing.

By the way, do you want to learn and discover everything you need to know about the vegan diet so you could reach a better quality of life?

If so, we are going to put all the hard work for you so you can easily become and stay vegan. Click Here to discover 6 easy steps you can take right now and start seeing results. Becoming a Vegan should not be hard at all. To learn more about this diet Click Here.

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Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Holiday Nutrition: 10 Tips for Managing Food and Stress

By Jay M Scott

The Holiday Season is here again. This is your coveted time to forget about your cares and sorrows and rejoice with family and friends. Unfortunately, we usually do a little too much celebrating this time of year, and that excess celebration is often in the form of food and drink. This all adds up to a little (sometimes a lot) of extra baggage when the New Year appears.

Let us resolve this holiday season to buck the trends and avoid the Seasonal Seven (The average weight most of us will gain between Thanksgiving and the New Year). Yes it's true most people do gain that much over the holidays and I'm sure you don't want to be a part of this statistic. Santa's job prerequisites are to be round and jolly, but I seriously doubt its part of yours! Well the jolly part is ok, you can keep that.

Moderation is the word of the season (at least as far as diet, don't get me involved in your gift expenses!). It's the secret to achieving a fun but also healthy holiday time. Try to use this mantra concerning what you eat (or don't eat) and also how much you exercise. This will help you avoid packing on weight AND also partake in all of the fun of this time of year. So start this season with a determined note now instead of starting in January with lots of extra pounds to lose.

Here are ten tips to help you avoid shaking like a bowl full of jelly January 1st!

1. Don't try to stick to an overly restrictive diet this holiday season. If you enjoy your favorite foods in small portions you'll feel more satisfied. Trying to stay away from certain foods may make you feel deprived, which may cause you to eat more than you intended to.

2. Don't let stress get you down, take time for yourself. Although spending time with family and friends is essential, it's also important to carve out some relaxation time (at least five minutes) for yourself. Stress can lead to overeating so this is an important tip that will improve your health mentally and physically.

3. Stay active with seasonal activities. Try ice skating or building a snowman with the kids/grandkids. Go for walks and enjoy the beautiful winter landscape. Lift that turkey over your head 20 times before placing it on the table (that was a joke, DO NOT attempt this!)

4. Drink plenty of water. Although the cold weather may make you less inclined to grab a glass of water, it's just as important during the winter as in the summer. Water helps counter the dehydration effects of travel, and it may also help satiate your appetite since thirst is often mistaken for hunger.

5. Spread out meals. Don't feel like you have to eat everything at once. Try eating dinner early and then taking a walk before sitting down for desert. Waiting that extra time will give your body time to register it's full.

6. Don't aim for perfection, and enjoy the imperfections. There is no such thing as the perfect party or the perfect decorations or the perfect way to spend the holidays. Don't set yourself up for disappointment by putting unrealistic demands on yourself.

7. Avoid or limit liquid calories. Many popular holiday beverages contain stimulants and alcohol. These substances are only a temporary escape from stress, and you may end up worse off when the effects wear off. Remember alcohol is a very calorie rich substance. So keep these drinks out of the picture and have a cup of tea or coffee instead.

8. Don't set unrealistic exercise goals. Keep your exercise sessions at an hour or so, 2-3 times a week. This should give you plenty of time for your shopping, socializing, and other festivities.

9. EAT on Thanksgiving and Christmas. These holidays come but once a enjoy them to the maximum. Eat anything you want at Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas dinner. After that meal though, watch your calorie intake the rest of the day. In other words eat one big meal and don't eat tons of food the rest of the day. Just snack.

10. Make your workouts a priority. Get on a consistent and effective exercise program. Make sure it incorporates weight bearing exercise and cardiovascular conditioning. Like stated earlier this will take 3 hours a week max, so were not talking about an unattainable goal. Set aside that hour in advance to keep from procrastinating.

Well, there we have it, 10 tips that WILL work if you put them into practice. Remember, the holidays can be fun and enjoyable without being gluttonous and stressful. Oh, and don't tell Santa I made fun of his jellylike midsection or I might end up with coal in my stocking!

Jay Scott is the Owner and Founder of CE-Fitness, Lexington's premier Personal Training business. He is a Certified Fitness Trainer through the International Sports Sciences Association, NPC National Level Bodybuilder, Fitness Model, and has over a decade of experience in the field of Personal Training. Contact him by email at or by phone at (859) 576-4453.

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Top 5 Foods To Eat To Add Fiber To Your Diet

By Ashley D. Wilson

Hi everyone! For this article I decided to talk a bit about diets and how to add fiber to your diet. Fiber is a very important part of your diet. If you don't have enough fiber in your diet, this can lead to problems with constipation. Constipation is very unpleasant and no one wants to deal with that, so how do we go about increasing the fiber in our diet? Here are my top 5 foods that you should eat to increase your fiber intake.

1. Beans

I'm sure you know what everyone says about beans. But they really do have a lot of fiber and can help in avoiding constipation. Heck, one cup of beans can have over 10 grams of fiber! It depends on the beans of course, but any type of beans are good, especially black beans!

2. Raspberries

Raspberries contain a LOT of fiber. In fact, a simple cup of raspberries can equal nearly 10 grams of fiber. That's nearly 50% of your targeted fiber intake in a day through just one cup of food. I highly recommend starting the day off with a cup of raspberries.

3. Veggies

Veggies in general can contain a lot of fiber. Some of the best vegetables for fiber specifically are broccoli and artichoke. Artichoke alone can have over 10 grams of fiber in just one serving size.

4. Cereal

Many different types of cereal can contain a lot of fiber. Some cereals will contain more fiber than others, so you need to look closely at the boxes at the supermarket. However, a couple cereals that especially have a lot of fiber are Total and Special K.

5. Strawberries

A lot of people like strawberries, and how can you not? They are good! They taste even better knowing that they are very healthy for you and contain a high amount of fiber. So next time you go to the supermarket, don't hesitate to buy some strawberries!

I hope you have some ideas as to what you can eat to increase your fiber intake now that you have read this article. Many people find it difficult to increase their fiber intake, however, it's really not difficult once you know the foods to eat. So with that, now you have no excuse to not eat more fiber. Good luck.

Ashley has had a history of dealing with constipation for many years. Earlier this year she decided to create her own Constipation Remedies blog. Through this blog she has researched constipation remedies and posted any information that she learns.

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Monday, January 03, 2011

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Saturday, January 01, 2011

Diet Tips - You Are What You Eat

By Barbara M Johnson

Thinking yourself into a whole new persona is one step, and getting your diet right is another. You can't change yourself overnight, but you can start by cutting three cookies down to one, or making one serving of pudding last, so you don't need a second helping.

Many diet plans are always based on the understanding that slimmers aren't second-class citizens, and if everyone else is eating cookies or pudding, they can too. 'Have some fruit instead' is the usual advice for dieters at dinner parties, or 'Ignore the peanuts and choose the carrot and celery sticks instead.' Well, it doesn't sound much of a life to me. Vegetables and mineral water can be dressed up to sound thrilling, but we all know they're boring. When you see people in party dresses pulling into the twenty-four-hour service stations, it's not to buy gas, it's to stock up on the vast quantities of chocolate, cookies and apple pies they've spent the last five hours trying to avoid, and in the process had a thoroughly rotten time.

I only ever recommend banning something on the grounds of spoiling your looks, as in the case of fried foods and chocolate, or for health reasons. Coffee, alcohol, fried foods and sweets are fine in small quantities, but we rarely stick with small amounts. Coffee and alcohol are addictive drugs which cause' free radical attack, sweets contain too much sugar and give you spots, and fried foods contain far too much fat and also damage your skin.

Apart from this small list, banning foods doesn't work. Restricting yourself to small portions does; rationing your­self to so much a week and no more also works. Treating yourself well and allowing yourself proper, decent food like everyone else also contributes to lasting success.

The reason I mention all this is because today's meal choices, often consist of eating bland food or forgoing your diet completely. Instead start by eating smaller portions, it may sound odd at first but if you gradually start eating smaller portions your body will get used to it and you won't overeat. The sad fact is Americans are vastly overweight, and most of it has to do with portion sizes. Just think about it, almost everywhere you go crazy marketers are screaming at you "do you want to jumbo size that" or chefs who think everything needs to be falling off the plate.

Written by, Barbara Johnson. If you enjoyed this topic you may want to consider a career in healthcare as a nurse, for more information you can visit my website which covers CNA Training and passing your CNA certification nursing exam.

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