Monday, December 26, 2011

Interval Training Nutrition - What Your Diet Should Be When You Are Doing Interval Training Workouts

By Steven Clayden

Interval training nutrition is an extension of your interval training workouts. When working out, whether you want to lose weight or not, being careful at what you eat is essential. A healthy diet will give you energy to perform intense exercises and will allow muscles to develop nicely.

There are many questions related to nutrition: like what to eat, when to eat, when not to eat, how much you are supposed to eat or when to drink water. Finding the answer to these questions will allow you to maximize the benefits you get out of your training.

When to eat and when not to eat

There were voices that argued that you should not eat after your interval workout, if you want to increase its benefits. However, in time, interval training nutrition has developed and has become more accurate. So, the general accepted opinion is that you should eat both before you start your training and after you finish it. Eating before training will offer you the strength you need to perform your exercises and eating after training will allow your body to recover its strength. Anyway, you should be careful at the amount of food you eat during the day.

How much to eat

As you may know, the general rule - burn more calories than you gain by eating - also applies here. If do not eat enough, you will lose fat, but you will also lose muscle. Also, your metabolism will slow down after a while, because your body will try to keep its reserves. This will lead to impossibility of losing further weight, but also to impossibility of performing interval training workouts, because they are intense and require your full strength.

The resting metabolic rate will tell you how many calories you should eat each day. This depends on your height, weight, age and gender.

What to eat - an interval training nutrition guide

You need to have balanced meals, including a lot of vitamins, nutrients and minerals. The key is to eat proteins and carbohydrates, but you must only choose carbohydrates that have low glycemic index. The correct carbohydrate-protein ratio is 4:1 (four carbohydrates for each protein). If you eat proteins and carbohydrates after your interval training (not more than 2 hours after you have finished your exercises), your body's glycogen supplies will double their value. This will result in high levels of energy.

It goes without saying that you must avoid junk foods, sweets, sodas and any other unhealthy foods.

How much water should you drink?

A proper interval training nutrition also means that you must be careful with the amount of water you drink. The recommended amount is 2 liters per day, but when exercising, your body dehydrates, so you must drink more.

Fluids are essential during workouts. However, interval training is short, intense training, so you will not have time to drink water or any other fluids while you are exercising. Still, you will have to drink water after your exercises, to replace the amount wasted through sweating.

Interval training nutrition significantly increases the benefits you get out of your interval training workouts and gives you the energy you need to work out at high speeds.

Visit our site for more Interval Training information.For a workout that will make you scream, check out our Insanity Workout DVD Review

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Just STOP It: Causes of Belly Fat

By Steve C Truax

Belly fat is an indication that you have an unhealthy lifestyle consisting of over eating and lack of exercise. By "unhealthy" I'm talking about the potential for chronic diseases such as stroke, heart attack and heart disease. You're even susceptible to Type 2 Diabetes due to the accumulation of belly fat. How? Increased fat around the waist decreases your body's response to insulin, which ultimately leads to insulin resistance. It's important to identify the causes of belly fat and stop trivializing our weight issues. We all need to get serious about this since it truly is a life or death situation.


Who doesn't have a sweet tooth? This is one of the biggest culprits for the causes of belly fat. We're all challenged to finding alternatives to eliminate sweets our daily munching. There is a tip for this: you can substitute the sweets you love with fruits such as berries, grapes, or apricots. You can also get dried fruits without all the additional sugar. This will get you past the cravings for sweets and you won't get all the added sugar and junk calories that we get from sugary treats. Try this out for a week or two and you'll find that you'll feel better and begin to melt away the belly fat.

Fast Food

If anyone needs one of the most insidious culprits for the causes of belly fat, this is it. Fast food is terrible in the battle against the bulge. Even though this food is convenient we have to remember that it's massive with junk calories, saturated fat, dietary cholesterol and refined carbohydrates. And guess where all this stuff goes? You got it, straight to the waist and gluteus maximus (aka your butt!). When you're at a fast food restaurant, ditch the junk and make a healthier selection such as a salad. Don't go for the crispy or fried meat. See if you can't get a low calorie dressing. A good rule of thumb is to just keep driving and stop by the grocery store and pick up some sushi or a healthy fruit smoothie.


Here the picture of the couch potato should come into mind. Out of all the causes of belly fat, #1 is the complacent lifestyle. This would be the person who fails to get out and exercise on a consistent basis or just doesn't get any exercise at all. The biggest concern with a sedentary lifestyle is that will increase the chances of getting major health conditions. Most health concerns due to laziness are actually preventable. So, if you fall into this category, you are increasing the chances of an early death. Please know that you can easily eliminate this risk altogether by simply eating better and moving more. Get up off the couch, turn off the TV and get out for a 20 minute walk. It's not just not limited to sitting around and watching TV; a complacent lifestyle could mean you're sitting around reading all the time or surfing the web for extended periods of time.

None of the information I've provided is revolutionary. It's basic information we all know we should be doing: Cutting the sweets & fast food and getting up and going for a walk in the morning and evening. This can be our best device against cutting belly fat and living a higher quality life.

Steve Truax has been on a journey of encouraging others on diet and exercise over the past few years. If you're interested in getting fit and want to know more about the causes of belly fat, please join him by visiting

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Strategies For A Successful Weight Loss Plan

By Gladys Alvarez

Gaining weight is a very common problem these days due to our lifestyle and food choices. People, who are overweight, are usually trying to lose the weight by using methods that are unhealthy but sound easy and quick. But instead, they can learn how to lose the weight fast and safely. You may find several weight loss programs on the Internet.

Reliable weight loss programs stress the scientific approach, mental preparedness and recommend exercising to lose the weight. They also recommend breaking off bad habits. If you are not honest with yourself, you will not be successful.

If you have a plan to lose weight, you must follow it honestly and consistently in order to obtain results fast and safely. It is most important that you overcome the obvious obstacles in your way such as fast foods, processed meats that are loaded with sodium, sugars and a number of chemicals that your body is not equipped to handle.

Eat balanced meals that consist of proteins, vegetables, fruits and nuts. Also, and this is very important, include an exercising routine into your daily program or an exercising program into your daily routine, no matter how busy it may be.

When you exercise, don't just work on one part of your body, but if you lack the time for a complete physical workout, then work one part of your body today, another part of your body tomorrow and so on until you have worked on your whole body parts equally. Lack of activity and lack of exercising is one of the major causes of weight increase; you know that another cause is eating the wrong things.

Although you are aware that exercising is important to achieve weight loss, it is just as important to set realistic goals for yourself. Do not think in terms of big numbers to lose in an unrealistic amount of time, remember that you did not gain that weight overnight, so you won't be able to lose it overnight.

Also be aware that a lot of programs promise that you will lose weight in a particular part of your body, such as your abdomen, but, and so on, but for the most part that is unrealistic, the best program is one that will give your whole body a complete workout and don't forget your heart. Follow the advice of experts who generally recommend that you do short work out sessions twice or three times a day rather than a single extended rigorous workout session for achieving your goals.

Everywhere you turn you either see or read that diet or diet plans play a key role in losing weight, but I don't like to use the word "diet", I prefer to think in terms of a lifestyle change that comprises healthy eating and the proper amount of exercise to effectively shed those extra pounds fast.

Before you start any kind of weight loss program though, you should see your physician and discuss it with him. If you are doing it on your own, then work a calorie plan based on your sex, weight, height and physical activity, then, proceed to cut 500 calories a day from your plan. Do not skip meals, it sends the wrong message to your brain and body. Eat small meals either several times a day, or do three moderate meals with healthy snacks in between. Having breakfast is important, because it helps jump start your metabolism.

Cut down on the consumption of fatty foods and processed meats that are loaded with chemicals, sodium and or corn syrup. Learn to eat fruits, vegetables and nuts. Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water it suppresses appetite and helps your kidneys. Also minimize the soft drinks or juices with too much sugar. Initially, you will lose weight quickly. However, the process gets a bit slower later on so when this happens, you change your exercise routine. You must stick to the plan to see the results in due time. Bottom line, do not give up!

Incidentally, this article is written by Gladys Alvarez

Gladys Alvarez has done what millions of interested people were hoping for; the legwork concerning weight loss and health issues. With 45 years experience in the health, fitness and weight loss fields; and through extensive research, she has finally eliminated all the hype out of the losing weight plans that are in the online weight loss programs, presenting you with only the very best. As a correspondent who has traveled world wide and experienced first hand the different styles of nutrition in diverse countries. For more information on health issues and weight loss, please visit her website at TODAY!

Copyright (c) Gladys Alvarez. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Benefits of Clean Eating?

By Catherine Stack

You may be wondering what is all the hype lately about eating clean and what exactly does that even really mean?

In simple terms, it means eating foods as close to their natural state as possible. Now that people are aware of how added preservative and chemicals in large quantities negatively affect their body over an extended period of time, they are seeking ways to remove those chemicals from their diets and their body thus bringing their body to a more balanced and healthy state. This is why the concept of eating clean is so popular right now. Eating clean means eating high quality food. The less ingredients in a food, the closer it is to its natural state and the higher in quality it is. The more ingredients in a food, the more processed the food is and the more added preservatives and chemicals it contains. Eating clean is the practice of eating whole, natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates. It also means staying away from junk food. Junk food is basically foods that include man-made sugar, bad fats (hydrogenated, trans-fat), preservatives, and white bread. Junk food is filled with empty calories and zero nutritional value.

The focus of the eating clean program is not just about losing weight but instead about being as healthy as possible. That is why eating clean is not just another fad, it is a lifestyle. It is about viewing food as fuel for your body and instead of just using food to satisfy physiological cravings. Eating clean is not an eating program based on deprivation but one of empowerment. It is about building a foundation from which you can build a healthy mind and body. Unlike a diet you do not have the fear of rebounding since it is a shift in your overall eating habits.

Dieting defeats the purpose of losing weight since it only lowers your metabolism instead of speeding it up. If you diet and deprive the body of the food it needs, then your blood sugar will be unstable which intensifies your food cravings for unhealthy foods. Another negative side effect of dieting is that you end up losing muscle since stored fat cannot be converted to glucose so your body attacks the muscle to provide glucose for energy.

There are three different ways that health experts today follow this program of eating clean. The method you choose should be based on which you find fits your own body type and lifestyle. For example, some people just want to eat the same three standard meals per day but just want to remove processed foods. Other people may want to follow a program that will increase their metabolism and balance their blood sugar so they follow number two which is currently the most widely used. Other people concerned about the threat of developing diabetes due to family history usually follow the third method. When your body is in balance then cell reproduction, focus, energy level, stress management, muscle growth are all optimized. So, whichever program you follow, you will reap the benefits of eating clean for years to come.

The Eating Clean Programs DOs:

� Eliminate refined sugar.

� Read labels and eat foods with fewer ingredients (try to avoid foods with more than 3-6 ingredients).

� Cook and prepare healthy meals to avoid making impulsive unhealthy choices.

� Stay hydrated by drinking 8 glasses of water a day.

� Eliminate alcoholic beverages (or significantly limit it).

� Always eat breakfast.

� Incorporate plenty of fruits and vegetables into your diet.

� Switch out white carbohydrates for brown (whole grains-brown rice) for ex. whole wheat pasta or whole wheat bread.

� Sleep, Exercise, Stress Management: Try to maintain a 7 to 8 sleep schedule. Other components like sleep, exercise, water, vitamins/minerals and stress management should all be working together to gain internal balance.

� Protein is important to incorporate into your diet because it causes positive release of the hormone glucagon (raises blood sugar) which in turns counteracts the hormone insulin (the one that lowers your blood sugar) resulting in stable blood sugar as the two hormones balance each other out. Protein is the main factor in the growth,repair and maintenance of your body's tissue. Complete Protein can be found in such foods as Chicken, fish, beef and turkey.

� Eat foods with fiber: Fiber is important to incorporate into your diet because since it cannot be digested, it slows down the rate of digestion which assists with maximum blood sugar stabilization. The goal is the consume 25-35 grams of fiber per day.

� Eat the Good Fat (Unsaturated) and not the bad (Saturated): Fat is not the enemy, it is eating saturated fat that cause health complications in large consumption. The benefits of eating unsaturated fat are that it slows down digestion; it causes you to release stored fat, is needed for fat soluble vitamins and it provides essential fatty acids.

Foods to Avoid-or Cut down as much as possible:

� Sugar

� Sweets (candies, cookies, cakes)

� Cheese

� Ice Cream

� Mayonnaise

� Potato Chips

� Soda

� Bread

� No pre-packed meals, box based (pop tarts, cereals, frozen entrees, cookies, pastas)

� Avoid Saturated Fats that raise your cholesterol and increase heart disease (fatty meat, whole milk, bacon, butter, cheese, ice cream)

� Incorporate small amounts of unsaturated fats-avocados, olives, canola oil.

� Trans fat (ingredient which is added to foods in order to increase the foods shelf life)

� Check for the amount of sodium in food. The amount of sodium (salt) in the food-every gram (1000mg) of sodium holds on to water molecules causing your body to become bloated and swollen and has a negative effect on how your digestive system processes food. The goal is the limit your sodium intake to 1,500 to 2000

High Quality Foods:

� Chicken

� Eggs

� Dairy

� Soy products

� Beef, game

� Nuts, seeds,

� Fish

� Turkey Breast

� Greek Yogurt

Fats Allowed-Unsaturated fats

� Coconuts, Seed oils, Olive oil, Flaxseed oil, Organic butter



Avoid processed foods of all kinds, yet eat only the standard three meals a day (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner).


Most fitness experts agree that to lose weight you must eat more. This program is based on a diet of unprocessed foods eaten in several meals throughout the day. This way of eating stabilizes your blood sugar and keeps your body in balance. Another benefit to eating clean besides riding your body of added chemicals and preservatives is weight loss. Foods that are processed more gets digested faster and may spike blood sugar. Food that is closer to its natural state, takes a lower time to digest and slower digestion yields better blood sugar stability. Blood sugar stability equates to a higher metabolism in which to burn fat and a more balanced body overall. The reason why it is important to stabilize the body's blood sugar levels is because once blood sugar levels are low the body will start to experience intense glucose cravings which leads to carbohydrate cravings since glucose is derived from carbohydrates. If you eat only three meals a day your metabolism and blood sugar levels dive and then you will be more likely to eat unhealthy meals. The way to keep your physiological food cravings under control is to keep your blood sugar stabilized throughout the day. When you follow this method you should:

� Follow the program's formula which is based on the consumption of the correct amount of calories per meal and nutrient ratios (protein (40%, fats (25%), carbs (35%)) used to stabilize blood sugar levels based on overall body composition and the amount of lean body mass (LBM). The amount of calories you consume will depend on if you want to maintain, lose or gain weight. For example if a woman wants to lose weight she would take in approximately 250 calories and a man would consume 400 calories for every meal every 3 to 4 hours. If the goal is to instead increase weight and muscle tone then a woman would consume approximately 300 calories and a man 500 calories every 3 to 4 hours until their ideal weight is achieved. Maintaining weight falls right in the middle of the two.

� Eat a balanced meal every 3 to 4 hours (five to six smaller portion meals per day).


The third method is one which Jillian Michaels, fitness expert of "The Biggest Loser" endorses. This method involves the same style of "clean eating" but eating only 4 meals in the course of a day. In this method you are suggested to eat every 4 hours instead of every 2-3. The theory behind this method is that if you eat every 4 hours instead of every 2-3 hours you will avoid continually keeping your insulin levels spiked thus helping to avoid a potential risk of developing diabetes.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Walking - Why Its Never Mentioned

By Jules Eke

Being Active is very important if a healthier lifestyle is an aim to be achieved. There are many benefits of physical activity including: Preventing Coronary heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis, providing more energy, and reducing high blood pressure. Unfortunately in the United Kingdom (UK) a recent study by the Health Survey for England found that physical activity levels are low. Over 50% of the population (both male and female) are not active enough. This can increase the risk of heart disease, as well as other risks. Unfortunately one reason people are not active is because of the assumption that high strenuous exercise has to be achieved. This can include: gym, taking on a sport, going to aerobic classes. To stress these exercises are caustically beneficial to people's health, however the rest of the population does not do these types of exercises due to the stigma attached with them. This is linked to an increased risk of health problems.

Walking is one best option for increasing physical activity but also fitness as well. Walking can help to aid the problems mentioned above, but also can burn calories, therefore lose weight. The UK Government recommends that the population should aim to do 30 minutes of physical activity five times a week.

Some communities may find this difficult, however a mixture of walking and splitting the times to 15 minutes can aid this, and encourage physical activity. For example 15 minutes of brief walking in the morning, then 15 minutes of walking again in the afternoon, can achieve the Governments recommended time.

The other benefits of walking is that it can help raise the heart rate slightly. Walking and other types of physical activity that raises the heart rate slightly is very beneficial for the health. Once the heart rate is raised slightly it is very important to keep doing the particular exercise (or other exercises) on a regular basis. Weight Management advisors in the UK use the Acronym FIT to promote the importance of physical activity. The Acronym fit stands for Frequency, Intensity, and Time. Frequency is the number of times one person exercises in a week. Intensity means to increase the content of the exercise, in order for the body to burn more calories, and to loose weight overall. Finally time means to make sure the person achieves the minimum time of physical activity, which is 30 minutes.

Overall walking is one best activity to increase physical activity. Young, older generation, families, male, female and children can walk. It can also form good relations among mothers, fathers and new born babies. Walking does not cost anything, which can be a bonus, especially in this financial climate.

i am a qualified nutritional advisor with 4 years experience. I can support people with weight management issues and general wellbeing. You can view me on either my website on Or you can view me on my blog

Both of the above can help you with any nutritional support. Or if you have any queries you can, contact me through the websites above.

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

What Parents Should Know About Healthy Eating For Kids

By Trevor John

Healthy eating for kids is an issue that affects parents everywhere. Children need to consume a diet rich in the vitamins and minerals needed for proper growth and development. Instilling good habits when children are young will encourage them to live a healthy lifestyle when they become adults.

Eliminating excess fat is important to avoid obesity. Overweight children have a higher risk of developing a variety of health problems. Making the right choices at the grocery store is an effective way to reduce fat intake. Suitable options include lean meats and poultry served without the skin. Whole grains and nonfat dairy products are better choices than processed foods made with white flour and whole milk.

Protein is important for growth of virtually every part of the body. The proteins are broken down into amino acids, which go into producing tissues, cells, hormones and enzymes. Animal and plant products contain proteins. Eggs and other animal products are the body's only source for certain essential amino acids. Protein needs fluctuate during development with the greatest need during infancy and just prior to the adolescent growth spurt.

Most people are aware of calcium's role in the development of strong bones but this mineral is crucial for other physiological functions. The body needs calcium for normal muscular activity, to regulate heartbeat and to assist in blood clotting. When calcium levels become too low, the body compensates by withdrawing it from bones. Dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese are rich in calcium.

Milk is also the primary dietary source of Vitamin D. The bones need Vitamin D to absorb enough calcium for proper growth.

Many kids do not get enough fiber in the diet. Foods like beans, vegetables, fruits and whole grains contain large amounts of fiber in addition to minerals and vitamins. Eating foods rich in fiber promotes healthy digestion. These foods will also make the child feel full longer and decrease the desire for between meal snacking.

Iron plays a crucial role in early brain development and the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout every portion of the body. Heme iron from animal products is more readily absorbed than the non heme iron in plants. Good dietary sources of iron include meat, spinach, seafood and legumes. Some food suppliers add non heme iron to pasta, cereal, bread and rice.

Children who are included in shopping for food and preparing meals will learn good nutrition habits by example. Snacking is not a bad thing as long as the food provides nutritional value instead of just empty calories. Whenever possible, parents should serve water instead of sodas and juices packed with sugars.

Sticking to a regular meal schedule will encourage good eating habits. Parents dealing with children who are finicky eaters may have to get creative at mealtime. Most kids hate plain vegetables but can be convinced to eat them with a nutritious dipping sauce. Cutting foods into shapes is a way to make dinner fun. Finding ways to encourage healthy eating for kids is challenging but necessary for proper growth and development.

Check out these tasty healthy eating for kids recipes and find out more about healthy eating for children.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Garlic Everyday Helps Keep Candida At Bay

By Timon Weller

Do you suffer from Candida? If so you would know how horrible and never ending the condition can feel. With that being said other than going on the strict diet and adding probiotics you may be wondering if there is any other powerful ingredients that may really help.


That is where garlic comes in, this small easy to get ingredient really is a powerful anti fungal food. In fact I would say it is so beneficial that it is really a super food as well. Ranging from reducing Candida all the way to reducing blood pressure, cleaning the blood, reducing colds, reducing flues, to killing infections in the body to boosting the immune system. This simple to add product does wonders. And to think any supermarket stocks it as well.

Now if you have Candida one of the best ways of having garlic for its anti fungal benefits is simply to cut a clove and stick it in the mouth fresh. I know this is hard because it is such a strong flavor however if you find you can get past that bitter taste then you will allow the anti fungal juices to come out in there strongest forms. If you can't handle it raw then try chopping really fine and adding to yeast free rye bread (like garlic bread) and see how that goes. The trick really is to have it raw as much as possible.

How Much Should I Take?

The recommended dose for those that have Candida is around 1 to 2 cloves daily, but to me personally when it comes to a yeast infections always go with the 2 unless of course you find the garlic upsets your stomach then ease back. Hopefully in time however you will get used to it as it can really help reduce the symptoms.

Just like an apple a day helps keep the dentist away with garlic it is the same for those with any type of yeast infections. However once you have your infection under control make sure to keep it in the diet as well to help keep it from coming back.

When one uses garlic for this type of yeast infection, it is always recommended to stay on the strict diet as well and also to include all the recommended supplements and probiotics ( such as Threelac ). Garlic is not the be all end all cure, it is a part of the piece when it comes to the battle of Candida. However with that being said that means it should definitely become part of your diet regime.

Thanks for reading this post on Garlic and Candida. For more reading on Candida cures visit my blog My Candida Cleanse.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dieting and What It Can Do for You

By Rob WH Harris

Dieting is a way to lose weight without having to do any rigorous exercise. By cutting out the calories you are taking in and burning the calories during the day, and you do burn calories without exercise with the body's natural processes, then you will lose weight.

By rigorous exercise I mean that you will not necessarily have to go for a run or bike ride to burn calories if you merely cut down your calorific intake. However, if you were to do so then you would lose weight a lot quicker than if you'd just dieted.

Not only will dieting help you lose weight but it will also help you to gain and maintain a healthier standard of living. If you live mostly on ready meals and you switch to eating something better prepared by yourself then this is one change that will be for the better as you can see what you are putting in your food.

Also, by cooking food from raw, you wouldn't add preservatives and other chemicals to the food that manufacturers would, had it been a ready meal.

Try to get more fruit and vegetables into your diet. Health experts say that one should consume an average of at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day. That is a conservative estimate too; it should be more than this. But then the more fruit and vegetables you get into your diet, the better.

If you think that by drinking diet equivalents of carbonated drinks, you are better off than if you'd had the full sugar original one, think again. If you are drinking them regularly then this is not a good thing. The diet version may have less sugar but they make the taste up using artificial sweeteners.

If you have these artificial sweeteners too often, then when you give your body natural sugar, it will take longer to break down than it should. This could result in gaining weight from the sugar being stored in the body and not being burned for energy.

These are just a few tips on dieting healthily. If you are looking to lose weight even quicker, you may want to take up some form of exercise as this also burn off calories quicker. If you are new to exercise, in the sense that you rarely exercise, then try just starting by going for a quick walk or a little jog and build up as you see fit.

Get access to your FREE video series on how to diet properly and thus lose weight the healthy way by visiting

Alternatively check out my blog on how to diet healthily at

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Tuesday, November 08, 2011

So What's The Big Deal About Gluten?

By Gayle Wortz

Is Gluten Bad?

Gluten just is. Is music bad, no but it could be used to promote bad things or good things. Is water bad? Depends on the proportions- good is 8 glasses a day, bad is a Tsunami, both are water. The point is, gluten is a naturally occurring part of a plant that in the right proportions will not harm most people. The problem is, it generally is not being used in the correct proportions any more. So let's take a moment to explore what gluten really is.

What is GLUTEN?

Gluten is a natural part of many different grains including wheat, barley, and rye. It is naturally "gooey" in texture, holds gasses in, and absorbs water, but is not soluble in liquid. Practically speaking, it gives dough and other products a "glue-like" texture when raw, allows the product to rise when cooked, and makes a chewy texture when consumed.

That's great in it's natural state. The problem is, farmers and food manufacturers have found that this natural part of grains, when genetically altered and/or distilled down and put into foods in higher than naturally occurring proportions causes a "feeling of fullness". According to The Natural History of Wheat, "...what is on our table has been selectively bred over time to increase the gluten content for baking or pasta-making. Most are hexaploid, octoploid, double hexaploid, or hexaploid-octoploid hybrids. This means that they have 6, 8, 12, or more sets of chromosomes. Some of this extra DNA is coding for amino acid sequences that human beings cannot break down, including a 33-amino acid sequence named 33-MER." What does that mean to you? Your wheat has been genetically altered to contain more gluten, meaning more of a feeling of satisfied fullness. That's great if you're starving in the Third World, but for most of us, it means trouble.

You see, that 33-MER that cannot be broken down can actually cause an auto-immune reaction. When it's full blown, it's called Celiac Disease, but even if you don't suffer from Celiac, ingesting things on a regular basis that your body cannot break down is not a good way to live. This 33-MER causes your immune system to hype up and can be part of the package that can lead to auto-immune or gut inflaming conditions.

Where Is GLUTEN?

Gluten has crept into areas you may not expect. The highest gluten foods are things you would assume, like breads, pastas, crackers, cereals, etc... But did you know there's gluten in all malted beverages, most condiments (like catsup), any kind of cream based soup or sauce (that's not made gluten free), most frozen meals, and even candy like gummy bears.

Fresh meats, fruits and veggies, and most dairy products generally do not naturally contain gluten. If they have been canned, breaded, creamed, or otherwise altered, they probably do. Another surprise: oats grown in the USA contain at least trace amounts of gluten (especially the rolled oats). Only Steel Cut Irish Oats contain no gluten.

What to Do With GLUTEN?

First of all, be aware of what you are consuming. This week, as you eat foods that are processed or browse the grocery isles, I challenge you to read the label. You'll be amazed where you find gluten popping up as an ingredient!

Second, try and stick to the outside of the grocery store. If you stay on the outside edges of your grocery, you'll generally be alright! Fresh fruits, veggies, meats, and dairy are generally your best bet if you are trying to avoid gluten.

Third, be sure your supplements contain no gluten.

We strive very hard to keep a wide variety of gluten free quality vitamins and dietary supplements in our stock at We also have detailed product information on every single product we sell. We want to help you get better and better, not inflaming your immune system in any way. We also have great supplements for gluten sensitive people that help restore gut health!

Gayle is a thirty-something stay at home mom who suffered from several different diseases over a two-year period including Interstitial Cystitis and Graves Disease. She chronicles her journey to health and wellness using nutrition, vitamins, supplements, and integrative medicine providing health and wellness advise and encouragement in her SupplementRelief Blog of the Nutritional Concierge.

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Monday, November 07, 2011

Food Crisis - Turning the Tide

By Gabriel J Thelen

There is a food crisis in many of our schools and society at large. I believe two fundamental questions must be answered in any effort to address this issue and affect long-lasting, sustainable solutions; what socio/political-economic forces have brought us to this point and what sustains these forces on a macro as well as micro level? The issue of skewed priorities placing an inadequate or nonexistent focus on nutritional basics has been fuelled by a range of far-reaching changes, especially over the last few decades.

Looking back over the decades one can seen an unhealthy shift in general western eating culture. Many underlying social, economic and political forces have come together to affect a confluence of changes which have significantly driven up obesity, behavioural disorders and a range of other issues such as age-related diseases triggered by cumulative nutritional deficiencies and increased oxidative stresses - with nutritional understanding sinking to unacceptable levels. Thankfully there is growing awareness that it is the underlying attitudes, educational methodologies and political/economic biases that must be addressed if we are to see long lasting and self-perpetuating general health awareness and allow more people to look after themselves and go through life with at least basic nutritional understanding and positive health-awareness.

As cities became more urbanised after the war and car-ownership exploded, more and more took up residence in what you could call 'urban islands;' people began to rely on their cars for transport to ever greater degrees, and the distances at which dwellings were being built from essentials such as shops and town/community centres generally became larger. At the same time new technologies allowed the rise of the food industry in its creation of mass-produced, highly processed, low-quality fat and sugar based food of extremely low nutritional quality. This has previously not been possible. Looking into the past, the acquisition of food was fairly generally connected to some degree of physical exertion, and even then, the sugar and fat contents for one thing, of the foods consumed, were present in a more natural manner; fruits and vegetables serve as substantive sources of sugar in the form of fructose, and whole grain, high quality, hand-made bread for example, provide a balance of carbohydrates, effecting the slow-and-steady absorption of energy. Foods that combine fats (such as trans-fats) and high concentrations of sugars in the worst possible way were practically unthinkable, literally.

At the same time, many primary and secondary schools do not practice anything resembling good nutritional education - this general lack of learning is often not compensated for at home and subsequently reinforced through the peer group. An understanding of what a balanced diet is and why we need one is certainly not innate wisdom; if signals at school are not balanced and/or reinforced by parents who set a good nutritional example, children will develop those eating habits with which they are surrounded and may be surprised when their health deteriorates. This state of affairs has been compounded by the rise of electronic distractions which are not challenged by unappealing urban environments and due to which many children are now far more sedentary than would have been possible in times gone by. This is also a developmental hazard, as physical activity is vital for healthy bone-development in children.

Junk food advertisements on television are a further major problem which induce some children to crave certain products, especially, as many have found, when insidiously connected with recognisable childhood figures. Parents cannot always control what their children eat and this kind of advertisement undermines parental authority. It should not be tolerated in such blatantly immoral forms. Even in the family environment, parents have varying grades off ability to be firm with their children and some will give in to nagging; this has been dubbed the 'nag effect.' Such pressure on parents should be minimised.

This convergence of factors; lack of nutritional awareness in schools compounded by a lack of this knowledge in more teachers than can be seen as acceptable, lessoned physical exertion, the rise of cheap, 'fast' food, and certainly a general culture that does not give meal-time informed attention and respect - are some of the main drivers behind the high obesity rates and behavioural disorders which we see across much of the western world. The food-like substances churned out by the industrial 'food' criminals and subsidised by their insiders working through government (e.g. the F.D.A in the U.S) have been shown over and over again to form the root of a plethora of problems; through their encouragement of an extremely low-nutrition diet, packed with grotesque amounts of sugar and saturated/trans-fats, packaged up with all manner of artificial preservatives, colours and taste enhancers, passing as food, generates addiction through skewing of qualitative taste signals, subsequent obesity, disruption of healthy biological processes (insulin overflow and hyperactivity through high-intensity dumping of glucose into the system by virtue of chemical-soup soft-drinks for example) and hormonal imbalances leading to diabetes. This comes together with chronic nutritional deficiencies, fuelling problems such as autism, ADHD,...(insert acronym).

All the labelling mainly serves the pharmaceutical companies who, through government control of the medical sphere resulting in competition restricting, anti-market practices, and intrenched by mandatory medical associations (special-interest tyrannies of control-freaks), reinforce such problems through a myriad of 'targeted' drugs which superficially claim to treat symptoms, ignoring the treatment of causes which is required in order to solve the problem. Furthermore, government policy, and this seems particularly pronounced in the U.S, more often than not subsidising and allowing loopholes (e.g. ingredient concealment, immoral advertising monopoly, phoney safety 'investigations' etc...) for the food-imitation 'industry,' facilitating an inordinate degree of influence and control by the junk lobby, allowing anti-ecological corporatism to run-amok, does little to assuage the problems with which we are faced. Indeed, a focus on preventative nutrition and cause-orientated, 'functional medicine,' as it is increasingly being called, within the auspices of a greater socio-political movement, is indispensable if we are going to stem and turn the tide of these problems moving into the 21st century.

Things are on the move and it seems schools are increasingly weaving basic nutritional awareness into their curriculum. In Australia there has certainly been promising progress, with many schools implementing snack policies which encourage fruits and vegetables and even some policy banning certain soft drinks and junk vending machines from school premises. It is to be hoped that these changes are set against the proper educational background. Much of this improvement is a reflection of societal shifts; the global food movement, focusing on sustainable agriculture and natural forms of cultivation has many different specific offshoots - the rise of understanding and subsequent demand for the benefits of organic food has been very pronounced, and this has come with a realisation of the need to support local produce and work towards sustainable agricultural practices. At the same time there is a growing focus on alternative medicine and the intrinsic merits of preventative living, allowing more informed and balanced medical choices, as the failures and immoral and unsustainable consequences of the special interest biased mainstream health system become ever more patent.

All this is leading to an explosion of farmers markets, which are able to offer quality and prices which are not reflective of the imbalances and artificiality of international corporatism (unfair corporate monopoly through domestic and international, government facilitated trade biases, allowing for the absurd situation of limp, pesticide infested, nutritionally leeched fibres passing as fruit and veggies taking precedence over local produce in a community). There are programs underway which have linked this local produce with schools, bringing astounding benefits to the community. I think there is a growing understanding that the more self-contained a regional economy can be, the better it is for all. We do still have a long way to go before government policy adequately reflects these changes, yet I believe the pressure will grow; as the global economy becomes more and more unstable people will increasingly move towards the safety of greater community sustainability, with aggressive and destructive forms of industrial corporatism no longer harbouring the same degree of sway in this changed world.

Schools will continue to cater to community expectations, as they become an increasingly fertile environment for the development of healthy eating habits, within a greater focus on substantive lifestyle practices. Many teaching courses now incorporate mandatory nutritional components, which is another promising sign. Society must find its feat in our modern world and develop sustainable structures which incorporate the benefits of a modern lifestyle into a necessary awareness of what we require to stay healthy. People are learning and the more we can all contribute to spreading knowledge of what sustainable living and good nutritional awareness means, the more healthy society can become. We are part of local and global ecologies which can only survive in their rich fertility if we adapt our modern lifestyle to become synergistic with one's natural environment. The illusion-induced focus on monoculture and productivity which has developed in the agricultural field disrupts our ecology, leaves us poorer, attacks our health, and robs future generations of the resources they require. A more local, quality driven focus, naturally taking advantage of the ecological and economic fundamentals of our environment is the key to prosperous, more sustainable societies.

If you would like to continue reading about this topic, I have compiled a recommended reading list pertaining to this article, to be found on my blog.

Hi, I'm passionate about nutrition, what it does for us and how important it is in this modern world to spread good knowledge about smart and balanced nutrition.

My main area of interest is preventative nutrition, so ensuring that our diets are catering to the body's requirements and giving it a foundation which reduces the likelihood of degeneration and resultant diseases, whilst helping to ensure the body remains as young as possible for as long as possible.

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Include Omega 3 in Your Diet to Improve Your Life

By Sandy Sachs

You need to take some positive steps and lead a regimented lifestyle, if you want to live long and healthy. In order to stay healthy, you will need to exercise, get adequate sleep, be sociable, eat right, and take omega 3. These steps will enable you to stay healthy in your old age.

Regular exercise helps to maintain a healthier body weight which is important for all over good health. It helps you to retain better mobility, the ability to make decisions and rejuvenates you. Plus you feel better about yourself once you have completed your daily workout. Your workout could be as simple as a 15 minute walk or a 30 minute session of aerobics. You can also do some weight lifting or dance. Just getting up and moving is what is important.

Getting enough sleep every night is very important too. It is very difficult for you to take some vital decisions, if you're tired. Or as you are driving along in your car, if tired, your reactions may be slow, resulting in an accident. You need 8-10 hours of sleep every day. Not all people strive to get this much. Many are surviving on 6 or less hours a night. This puts your health at risk.

A daily morning walk is important too. Maybe get a friend to walk with you. Having someone to talk to on a regular basis is great!. Keeping all your feelings to yourself and not being able to relate to others can cause stress and anxiety which can lead to health problems. You should try to cultivate a hobby.It will help you to become socially mobile It can be as simple as going to play bingo, or any type of hobby you enjoy. Just get out there and be sociable. Never sit at home alone.

Most of us have a problem with our eating habits. The processed foods are so tempting. Never skip your breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. Eating cereals in the breakfast gives you your daily requirement of vitamins and nutrients. Oat meal is very helpful in lowering your cholesterol. Eat healthy snacks, such as fruits and vegetables. Don't snack too often during the office hours. Take fresh carrots, fruit or nuts instead of fried snacks. It's cheaper too. Pick out nuts that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids like walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pecans and hazelnuts. We should avoid macadamia, Brazil and cashews.

You should ensure that you consume omega 3 fatty acids in your diet. If you eat fish at least 2 times a week, you are probably doing good. You should prefer fatty type of fish like salmon, mackerel, lake tuna, herring, sardines, and albacore tuna. All of them contain omega 3 fatty acids. By including omega 3 to your diet can help you fight off or treat many diseases that occur as we age. It can also help with reducing your allergies, asthma, and skin problems. Omega 3 is also found in soy bean oil, flax seed oil, and walnuts. You can also get omega 3 by taking supplements.

Along with other things like taking care of your teeth, using sunscreen, drinking water, tea and milk, can help you can start yourself on a healthy plan for life.

Adding omega 3 fatty acids to your diet will help you possibly prevent potential problems such as heart, cancer, memory loss, and many more. It can give you a better quality of life.

If you are young, middle age or ageing, why not take these steps to prevent possible illness's that could make your elderly years miserable. Make sure one big step you take is adding omega 3 to your diet.

Sandy is a common guest blogger at and offers some sound advice on What is Omega 3, which could be very helpful for you to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Lose Weight And Improve Health With Spices

By Jorg Mardian

Adding some spice to your foods may do more than give them a kickin' flavour, they may also give a subtle boost to your metabolism. New research indicates that spices, including turmeric and cinnamon, may help in the fight to lose excess body weight.

A Penn State University study shows that high calorie meals increase levels of blood triglycerides. Tests revealed that as little as 2 tablespoons of spices per meal resulted in a drop in insulin response by 20% due to antioxidants in the spices. This, researchers stated, facilitated weight loss by 30%.

Lipotropic herbs, such as cinnamon and ginseng also promote the exportation of fat from the liver, which helps the body use fat for energy. Research shows that these two herbs lower triglycerides and 'bad' LDL cholesterol, which means you're metabolising fats better. It doesn't mean they will cause your body to release stored fat. However, normalizing the burning and digestion of fat can make a marked improvement in aiding digestion and absorbing nutrients, meaning more energy, more metabolic efficiency and better overall health.

The main ingredients in some spices are the secret to their success.

  • Cinnamon seems to reduce blood sugar (with moderate use) and helps to better process carbohydrates, as well as lowering LDL cholesterol. (Diabetes Care, 2003).

  • Cayenne, which contains capsaicin, has the unique ability to trigger protein changes in the body that cause weight loss, according to the Journal of Proteome Research. And studies performed by the Journal of Obesity also found that the spice increases fat oxidation, which increases energy expenditure and stimulates activity by the sympathetic nervous system.

  • Black pepper improves digestion and promotes nutrient absorption. Its main component-piperine, also boosts fat metabolism for several hours after ingestion.

  • Mustard seed is another potent spice that helps to burn fat more quickly due to its thermogenic nature. Scientists at England's Oxford Polytechnic Institute found that a mere teaspoon of hot mustard can boost metabolism 20 to 25% for several hours after eating.

Another way that spices such as cinnamon, mace, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom and cloves impart help with weight loss is through their natural sweetness. Use of these allows you to reduce or eliminate sugar (and subsequent calories) in foods.

It should be noted that though research shows some benefit to eating spices for weight loss, the results are unlikely to be effective in the absence of a healthy diet and effective exercise plan.

Jorg Mardian is a Certified Fitness Trainer, Kinesiology Specialist, Myoskeletal Therapist and Registered Nutritionist with over 25 years of practical experience. He is also editor of "Mardian in Motion," a health intelligence blog giving clear and concise information on the real truth about nutrition and causes of disease. Find his site at -

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Garlic: Nature's Super Food

By Matt J Santori

Mother nature has blessed us with a powerful little herb called garlic. Its' piercingly pungent smell and distinct flavor makes for some unforgettably mouthwatering dishes. Garlic is one of the many valuable foods that are available to us not just for flavor but, more importantly, for its' amazing nutritional benefits.

Garlic is a super antioxidant. It protects us against pollutants and fights off toxins that can disrupt our immune system and cause cancer. It's packed with anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties. Garlic promotes circulation which in turn enhances libido in men and women. It also improves the respiratory system and helps you breath better and easier. It decreases high-blood pressure, high cholesterol, and hypertension as well as increases endurance and stamina. It is so powerful that it can cure anything from the common cold or flu to acne and plantar warts. Eating 2-3 raw cloves everyday will transform your immune system into your personal bodyguard.

Your immune system is the root and foundation of your ultimate health. It is your immune system that protects you from toxins and other harmful substances. If your immune system in weakened, it disrupts your body's internal balance and leaves you predisposed for sickness and disease. That's why a healthy immune system is essential for your over-all well-being.

What makes garlic such a powerful herb is a substance in it called allicin. Allicin is produced when raw garlic is crushed or chewed. It must be raw and uncooked because as soon as you begin to cook garlic, the allicin is weakened and all of its wonderful medicinal values will be depleted.

There are many ways to enjoy raw garlic. Crush up two or three cloves and spread it on some bread or pizza, a medley of crunchy steamed vegetable or some grilled chicken. Garlic can really compliment any dish.

It's strong aroma tends to linger in your mouth and leave you with some serious garlic breath, but it's nothing that can't be solved. The best way to get rid of garlic breath is to eat some aromatic herbs such as dill or parsley. Chewing gum, sucking on mint, drinking a glass of milk or enjoying a piece of chocolate all help in covering up the smell.

Don't shun away from garlic just because of its potent smell. Enjoy the things that mother nature provided for you.

In the middle ages it was used to heal leprosy, cancer, and even the plague. Egyptians worshiped garlic and fed it to their slaves to increase strength and stamina for building pyramids. I came across many stories and real testimonials from people worldwide that have been using this herb for centuries. So many positive benefits and so much from our world history, the truth be told if you want to live forever, eat garlic.

Matthew J. Santori

We are dedicated to providing you with information on herbs and natural healing that will give you the knowledge to live a healthy and happy life. It's my passion to pass on everything I learn and see. Thanks for reading and live life to the fullest.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

"Healthy" Is a Big Fat Lie!

By Patti Bartsch, Ph.D.

Ok, well maybe "lie" is a little on the strong side but intentional misconception hits it right on the head! Most of my coaching clients tell me that they eat "pretty healthy." And, from what they know, they are. The reality of it is that most people have a seriously warped perception of what is healthy - thanks to the successful marketing of the processed food industry. Here's a little story to illustrate my point.

This afternoon, I stopped by an "Art in the Park" fundraiser that was being held in my town. I strolled around looking at the various artists' wares and realized it was almost 1:00 and I was a little hungry. There was a catering truck (I know, I know) there and, since I like to support the vendors at events like this, I went over to see what they had. Last weekend I went to a farm auction and I was able to get a delicious veggie wrap, so I was optimistic. Anyway, I went over to the truck and didn't see anything that I would consider nourishing so I asked the gentleman "Do you have anything bordering on healthy?" He couldn't think of anything so he asked his co-worker. Her reply was, "Well, the quiches are healthy. They're made with Egg Beaters!" (Oh dear.) She continued, "They're in a pie crust (probably made with Crisco) and they're really good! They have bacon in them!" Trying to use bacon as my polite out of this insanity, I replied "Oh, I don't eat meat." Not to be dismayed, the caterer replied "In the past we've made them with that artificial bacon. They still tasted good!"

I'm going to assume that the woman wouldn't flat out consider quiche to be a health-food but compared to the rest of their deep-fried fare, this was the best she could do. The part that inspired me to blog is that this woman, like many of my clients, thinks Egg Beaters are healthy! I've never purchased Egg Beaters but experience has told me that when you take a food from nature, take out a bunch of stuff that is natural, and add a bunch of chemicals to it, that does not make it a health food. I left the art fair to go food shopping and, out of curiosity, found a box of Egg Beaters to read the label. Yup, bastardized food product. (sigh.)

I frequently quote Michael Pollan, author of Food Matters and The Omnivore's Dilemma, "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants." That's really all the nutrition advice anyone ever needs. The problem is that they are confused about the definition of Food! That, and they've been brainwashed by advertising and packaging. So let me give you a few tips.

Food comes from the earth, not from a factory. It has ingredients that come from the earth, not from a factory. Simple example: sweet potato. Ingredients: sweet potato. Complicated example: guacamole. Ingredients: avocado, garlic, cilantro, lemon. Do you see how all of those things come from nature? Guess what; if it comes from nature, your body knows what to do with it.

One of my Nutrition professors gave me some advice that I continually pass on to people. He said "Never trust anything that is written on the front of any food package - ever!" Everything you need to know is written in two places: the nutrition facts panel and the ingredients. Today we're focusing on ingredients.

I like to say "If it's not a nutrient, why would you eat it?" If it's not a nutrient, your body expends energy and water trying to get rid of it. Non-nutrient ingredients such as artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, are toxic to the body and serve no nutritional purpose. One clue as to whether or not a food is nutritious is to see how long it takes you to find the nutrition panel and ingredients on their website. Click, click, click, click, click - nothing. It's hard to find because they don't want you to find it; they want you to see more of their marketing! I gave up trying to find the ingredients on the "Healthy Choice" foods website (to make my case here). I found the nutrition panel but not the actual ingredients. Hmmmmm.

The moral of the story is that most people think they know what healthy is because their definition of healthy comes from marketing - from companies intentionally mis-educating you so that you feel good about buying their products. To modify Michael Pollan, let me say this; "Eat nutrients. Not too much. Mostly plants." The word "food" confuses people. To me, Egg Beaters, artificial bacon, and Healthy Choice entrees are not food.

Patti Bartsch, M.A., Ph.D. is the owner of Naturally Unbridled ( ), a holistic life & wellness coaching company. She is a Certified Clinical Practitioner and Holistic Life & Wellness Coach with the American Council of Holistic Medicine as well as an Adjunct Professor for Kingdom College of Natural Health. Patti combines her unique background in biotechnology, nutrition, education and holistic wellness to empower her clients to achieve their optimal life and health through simple, natural methods. Visit to take a free quiz to see how Naturally Unbridled you are and receive a FREE GIFT - the "Heal Naturally" chapter from her book "7 Steps to a Naturally Unbridled Life". Dr. Bartsch is available for interviews, networking and private and group coaching.

Article Source:,_Ph.D.!&id=6564464

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10 Tips for Eliminating Sugar From Your Diet

By Cheryl Berkowitz

There's a cozy theory that Mother Nature in her wisdom has given us four times as many sweet taste buds, front and center on our tongues, than any other type. There are various notions about why this may be so, but my favorite one is this: back in days of yore when we hunted and gathered our food in the wilds, nothing in nature that was poisonous had a sweet flavor.

Based on this notion, eating sweets was a survival strategy. Couple this lizard brain propensity with the fact that mother's milk is sweet in flavor -- not to mention that bonding with mother herself is sweet and nurturing and pleasurable -- and once again, our survival. And it's easy to see where the original passion for sweetness began.

Unfortunately, our passion for sweet flavor and the safety it brings has gone radically out of balance. The prevalence of low-quality sweeteners and sugary foods, high-stress living, and looking for love in all the wrong places, has led to an epidemic of sugar addiction.

As a point of interest, factor in the Macrobiotic theory about the energetics of food, noting that sugar, like alcohol and coffee, has an expansive effect on the body/mind. In this view, if we eat too much contracting food like meat and salt, or if we have too much contracting life energy like stress, our organism will seek homeostasis by eating expansive foods. Of course, at those times when rebalancing is necessary, the Macrobiotics recommend the sweet and starchy vegetables and squashes or kuzu root teas, not soda and candy.

But there's nothing sweet about excessive insulin in the blood. This is now implicated in diabetes, heart disease, and an array of other chronic disease processes. Sugar also stresses our adrenal glands, de-mineralizes our bodies including our bones, over-acidifies our blood, causes inflammation, and creates an internal ecology in our gut that compromises our ability to absorb nutrients and undermines our immunity.

Depending on the intensity of your sugar habit, you may need to wean yourself slowly. Frequently, there is an emotional component to a hard-to-break sugar habit. If this is true for you, take the time to get to know your needs and desires and how you use sugar in an attempt to meet them in this indirect way. And please be compassionate with yourself. You are human and doing your best to take care of yourself. But know that you are worth the time and energy it takes to meet your needs in truly healthy, nourishing and life-enhancing ways.

Here are some tips for getting sugar out of your daily diet:

1. Reduce or eliminate caffeine. Caffeine causes blood sugar swings, which can lead to sugar cravings.

2. Drink water. Dehydration can lead to cravings, including the craving for sugar.

3. Eat protein and good fats. While too much protein can tip us towards craving sugar, so can too little. For overall blood sugar balance, enhanced metabolism and satiety, include some protein and good fats with every meal and even in your snacks.

4. Don't skip meals. Skipping meals can cause a dip in your blood sugar, which can spur the craving for sugar.

5. Pass on the white flour and pasta. Not only do these foods lack nutritional value despite being filling, they convert to sugar once digested. Eat whole grains in moderation instead.

6. Eat sweet vegetables and fruit. In the context of a balanced diet, these are wonderful sweets to eat, loaded with fiber, vitamins, micronutrients and phytochemicals.

7. Use kinder, gentler sweeteners. Avoid chemical and artificial sweeteners and food with sugar added. Instead, use small amounts of gentle sweeteners like rice syrup, barley malt, maple syrup, raw honey, stevia and dried fruit.

8. Get more sleep. If you are deprived from staying up too late for months and years on end, you may be craving energy. We typically reach for sweets as a fast but backfiring boost.

9. Get more exercise. Physical activity helps to balance blood sugar and reduce stress.

10. Slow down and find sweetness without eating at all. Are you craving something sweet in your life? Time with friends, hugs, fun, creative expression, spiritual connection? Eating will never meet these needs. So feed yourself the nourishing life you truly deserve!

Cheryl Berkowitz is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor and Certified Health Coach offering nutritional and lifestyle counseling to women of all ages. Cheryl provides nutritional healing support with a mindfulness-based approach, helping clients to improve and sustain good eating habits, shift underlying imbalances, reduce stress and overcome health issues to achieve vibrant health. Cheryl supports women with Natural Bone Health, to prevent and reverse osteopenia and osteoporosis, and she leads seasonal cleanse and weight loss programs. She teaches local workshops and national teleclasses, and serves women in the Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts and across the nation, in-person, by phone and Skype.

To find out more about Cheryl's approach:

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Saturday, October 01, 2011

Proper Nutrition on the Run - Tips and Tricks for Success

By Patrick Mayer

People differ from each other regarding body types. Some of them are ectomorphs, some are mesomorphs, some endomorphs with other body types that come in between these three: ecto-meso, meso-endo and endo-ecto. They all have strengths and weaknesses of main body types:

- ectomorphs have fast metabolism, have problems gaining muscles and fats, bad muscle memory

- mesomorphs have medium fast metabolism, gain muscles easily, moderate muscle memory

- endomorphs have slow metabolism, gain both fat and muscles easily with best muscle memory

No matter what your body type is, eat more often, smaller sized meals, with no junk food. There are few rules that you have to keep in mind:

- if endomorph and want to lose weight, go low on calories - diet for life

- if ectomorph and want to gain weight, go for muscle gain and eat cleanly. Being ectomorph gives you opportunity to eat junk food from time to time, but don't overdo it - with decades, even ectomorph's metabolism slows down

- if mesomorph eat cleanly and don't bother about calories

To organize your nutrition with little time to spare you must always plan ahead. Don't find yourself in situation that you are hungry and have nothing proper to eat - if that happen, eat whatever you can find - even some fast food - just be sure to stay away as much as possible from fast carbs and bad fats. It is better to eat something then starve the body.

When going to shopping, don't go hungry. And when you shop for groceries, buy according to your nutrition plan few days ahead. Don't buy sweets or anything similar - if you buy it, you will eat it sooner or later.

When cooking, always prepare enough food for few meals. Prepared meat, for example, can be kept in the fridge for tomorrow. Also, choose recipes that don't require hours to make - there are plenty of taste and healthy recipes that require maybe 10 - 15 minutes of active time in the kitchen. Choose kitchen appliances for cooking that have timers. Practically all steam cookers have timers and they can prepare any frozen vegetable, lean cuts of meat, fish or eggs in less than 30 minutes - with maybe minute or two needed to put all that food in steamer and maybe minute or two needed to clean everything after cooking.

If you are on the run, than consider buying Meal Replacement Powders (MRPs). They are protein powder blends with high content of protein and some carbs, fats and fibers. Their content varies, so please read the labels. Good thing is that most of the supplement companies also produce sample packs, so before buying larger containers, try the samples first.

Protein and meal replacement bars are most expensive options on the run, but they are ready made meals providing body with needed nutrients. Price and quality of protein bars vary, again, please read labels. They are even more convenient than MRPs, because all you need is to open the wrapper and eat your bar. Since nutrient needs do vary from person to person, choose your bars according to your needs.

If you are vegan, there are MRPs just for vegans. These MRPs are more expensive than regular MRPs, but they are very good for increasing protein intake in vegan nutrition. Also if you are intolerant to lactose, shell fish, crabs and similar, there are MRPs that are strictly made with no such ingredients.

Obviously there are many ways to organize proper nutrition for the people on the run. What you need is some free time and plenty of motivation to do it day after day. Let the mirror and weight scale show you if you are doing things well...

About The Author

Patrick Mayer is strength coach and sport nutritionist specialized in training and nutrition of both beginners and advanced trainees. For staying fit and healthy, he highly recommends physical activity and proper nutrition.

Patrick Mayer is one of the leading authors on

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Six Tips to Healthy Eating

By Denchi Minh

Healthy eating is essential to having a fit body because everything that we ingest becomes part of our system. Health experts all concur that the fundamentals of the said practice can be generalized into three namely balance, variety, and moderation. Balance is all about eating meals that provide just the right amounts of the essential nutrients our body needs. Too little consumption of certain nutrients can lead to malnutrition. Overconsumption on the other hand may lead to a variety of health problems. Variety on the other hand is all about consuming different kinds of foods. A representative from each food group should as much as possible be present in each meal. Lastly, moderation is all about restraint when it comes to eating food items that contain undesirable substances. Given below are six basic tips towards Eating Healthy.

1. Wide Variety of Nutrient Rich Foods

Our body requires numerous nutrients in order to function well. There is no one food item that can supply all of these so our meals should be made up of different items that offer different nutrients. You can refer to the food pyramid for guidance about what nutrients each item contains.

2. Fruits, Vegetables, and Whole Grain

These food items are known to contain the highest amounts of nutrients per serving while at the same time also having the lowest amounts of undesirable nutrients per serving. See to it that you incorporate at least one of them in every meal.

3. Healthy Body Weight

The ideal body weight is dependent of numerous factors such as height, age, sex, and many others. You should go see your doctor or fitness expert to help you identify the right weight for you and then try to achieve and then maintain it. Being overweight means there are excess fat buildups in your body. These unwanted fats make your body more susceptible to various kinds of diseases.

4. Moderate Portions

Another method of Healthy Eating is avoiding the consumption of huge meals because such practice is the best way to gain weight. So unless you are underweight you should practice eating moderate sized meals. You can refer to the food pyramid or recipe books for the ideal serving sizes.

5. Regular Meals

Consumption of food at regular intervals is essential to keeping stability within the body. Skipping meals will also cause intense hunger that is difficult to satisfy and hence may lead to overeating on the next meal.

6. Organic Foods

Switching to Organic Foods is the newest method of Healthy Eating. These items are free of synthetic substances and are also more nutritious.

You are what you eat. If you want to live healthy go organic! Visit us at Organic Food Zen and get free tips about healthy eating, and learn more about organic food, benefits of organic food and where to buy organic food.

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Healthy Eating Guidelines for First-Timers

By Kate Trillin

If you have never dieted before, or ever even considered changing your eating habits, this article is for you. You see, when you are young and active, you can basically eat anything you want, and stay within healthy eating guidelines without even trying. Remember when you could eat and eat and never think twice? Now everything has changed. You may have gained weight through pregnancy, or just a sedentary lifestyle. Whatever the reason, you find the numbers on the scale just keep going up. Don't despair. You can get back to where you used to be by following the guidelines to lose weight, and increase your activity level. It won't be easy, but it you stick to these healthy eating guidelines, you will be able to lose weight, feel better and reduce your risk for heart attack, stroke and other health issues. There is no time like the present to implement these changes.

Cut out the fats, sweets and salty snacks for a start. Snacking is a terrible habit, easy to get into, but difficult to break. You can still snack within the guidelines but the foods you snack on will have to change. Instead of baked goods, ice cream, candy or salty chips and pretzels choose whole fruits and keep a supply of crunchy veggie slices to munch on when you feel the urge to snack. Your healthy eating guidelines can allow for a little flexibility but keep in mind the fat and sugar content of your food choices. Fresh fruit is the best option because it gives you sweetness for taste and fiber and vitamins for good nutrition. Cultivate a taste for fresh fruit in season. You can eat canned or frozen fruit but make sure there is no added sugar in the canning process.

Stop the Frying

Cutting out fats also means preparing foods a bit differently. You want to stop frying foods in animal fat, butter and lard. Use cold-pressed oils like corn, canola, olive and sunflowers oils instead. This small change to your food preparation adheres to healthy eating guidelines and will actually help lower cholesterol and reduce your calories through fat.

Rethink Your Beverages

You may not realize how many calories come from sodas, beer, and other processed beverages. Sweet sodas and teas are full of calories from sugar. Switch to flavored waters and diet sodas. Drinking extra servings of water are recommended by the guidelines for weight loss and good health.

Taking some basic and relatively simple steps to follow healthy eating guidelines will make a huge difference in your diet and overall health. These tips are just a few suggestions to get you on your way to a healthier way of eating. Follow healthy eating guidelines for weight loss, better eating habits and reduce your health risk at the same time.

Kate Trillin is a freelance writer who specializes in proper nutrition, healthy eating guidelines, and healthy living. She has been an avid health enthusiast for the past 5 years, and has recently ventured into the world of online publishing in an effort to reach a wider audience. Her writing focuses on providing tips and useful information on the importance of healthy eating guidelines.

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Your Mother Was Right About Vegetables</title>

By Kyle Aviance

Have you been looking after your health? Let us rephrase this question in another way. Have you been looking after your diet? We ask this question because your diet has a lot to do with your health. In fact, it is the most important aspect of a weight loss program.

As we all know, not eating well can lead to a variety of health problems. Obesity has been the cause of heart diseases, stroke and joint problems. If you don't watch what you eat, you may also be malnourished and your bones may become weaker. You may suffer from osteoarthritis prematurely. Your muscles will also weaken due to lack of nutrition.

On the flip side, if you eat well, you will enjoy more vitality, and you will feel a lot healthier. You will have more energy for social activities, work, and for your family. In other words, you get to enjoy life a lot more when you are healthy. Your quality of life improves tremendously.

Of course, if your career depended on your physical attributes, then you must take extra care to ensure that you remain fit. For instance, let's say you aspire to be a male model. This is an industry that is highly competitive and many male models are lean and have six pack abs to show to their clients. To be successful in the industry, you should try to achieve a similar physique. This is often easier said than done.

Your nutrition plan has to completely change. One way to get lean quick is to adopt a plant based diet. There are many health benefits associated with a plant based diet. Here are some of them.

1) Low or non-fat. Plants mean your foods come from fruits or vegetables. Vegetables are highly recommended because they contain less sugar when compared to fruits. Mostly, they contain almost zero fat, which makes it easier for you to become leaner and healthier.

2) Minerals and nutrients that are not found in meat. Vegetables contain lots of vitamins and minerals that are not usually found abundantly in meat and animal products. The wide variety of vegetables available also means that you get a wider spectrum of vitamin diversity in your diet.

3) Lower cholesterol level. When you don't eat meat, you don't have to be watching your cholesterol level all the time. When your cholesterol level goes through the roof, you may suffer from heart diseases or stroke. Having a predominantly plant based diet can lower your cholesterol levels dramatically.

4) Lower calories consumption. Vegetables like broccoli, long beans and celery fill you up so that you don't feel hungry all the time. This leads to lower calorie consumption for the entire day. A few weeks later, you will find that you have lost a lot of weight - most of which is fat.

5) Rich sources of protein. Plant foods also contain rich sources of protein which are important for muscle growth and recovery. You want your six pack abs to be visible quickly? Then grow your muscles fast by consuming plant based foods that are hyper rich in protein.

More fitness and health tips from Bleep Models.

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Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Importance of Probiotics for Everyone

By Dr Kevin Lau D.C.

Probiotics as described by FAO/WHO are: "Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host." Of all the micro-organisms identified in the world so far, lactic acid bacteria and (LAB) and bifidobacteria are the most common type of bacteria that are being used as probiotics, not excluding the use of yeasts and bacilli from time immemorial without any knowledge on food and industrial microbiology. Probiotics are usually added as additives in the making of fermented foods in excess as a treatment methodology by helping to replace the pathogenic bacteria in the body using the trick of competition for substrates. One would know how important the role of Probiotics is, only when you know how useful these are in the treatment of various common diseases.

Various types of probiotic food supplements:

Besides being available as medicinal supplements commercially being approved by FDA and other regulations, fermented foods seemed to contain micro-organisms that are in general good for our health and are available in the food that we usually relish, which includes miso, yoghurt, fermented and unfermented milk, juices and soymilk.


The role of probiotics in alleviating the symptoms of diarrhoea, especially those triggered during antibiotic treatment is a very common treatment and many research are being conducted to provide sound scientific backing.

Yeasts and urinary tract infections:

Probiotics are being used to treat to help in the treatment of yeast infections like vaginitis and oral thrush, and urinary tract infections. Despite no sound scientific backing has been provided to date, expect for observation of alleviation of the symptomatic conditions, these have been considered as best supplements to the regular antibiotic therapy and has been found also to reduce the occurrence of antibiotic resistance.

Probiotics are known to reduce the occurrence of cancer:

The presence of good bacteria in the gut and their ability to scavenge the free radicals has been proven to reduce the occurrence of a number of cancers like stomach cancer, colon cancer, mouth cancer, etc.

Probiotics are known to reduce allergy:

Probiotics has been useful in reducing the hypersensitivity of the immune system. One such condition for which the probiotic treatment has been well established is lactose intolerance. The presence of lactose sugars in the milk could not be digested by some of the children and causes allergy while drinking milk, and are therefore treated with acidophilus milk, which has the end product of digested lactose sugar, lactic acid, and are therefore are not deprived of the nutrition from milk. Recent studies showed their positive effect in children against the hypersensitivity reactions like eczema and asthma. Similarly, in adults probiotics have been known to treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which is usually an allergic reaction resulting in diarrhoea, while the consumption of probiotic milk aids in alleviating the symptoms instantly.

Probiotics for a healthy immune system:

Medical practitioners, these days are encouraging the inclusion of probiotics in their daily diet that they find to their support a recent study in clinical nutrition that the inclusion of probiotics in the daily diet boosts the immune system. Of the 479 adults who have subjected to probiotic diet, between the age group of 18 to 67, the use of probiotics compensated for the daily dietary intake of vitamins and minerals which otherwise is missing from the daily food along with the additional vitamin and mineral supplements. This they found to increase the presence of total T-cell count and the occurrence of some of the common seasonal diseases like common cold were reduced and even if this occurs, the severity of the disease was much reduced and the symptoms got alleviated in a fewer number of days.

Probiotics for general wellness:

The best example of probiotic for general wellness is a recent research conducted by a group of scientists in Sweden who found that the group of employees who took probiotic had reduced number of leave in their record, in contrast to the employees who did not take probiotic food. The probiotic that they were taking into consideration included Lactobacilli reuteri as the common complaint that the workers were facing were respiratory or gastrointestinal illnesses. How probiotics have been helping them is not much known, but the possible logical conclusion is that this boosted the immunity and encouraged healthiness in them.

Probiotics supplementing alternative medicines:

The beneficial role of probiotics for supplementing the effectiveness of alternative medicines has been widely known. A few examples to be cited here are as follows:

The first example is the use of American physicians who stated in the Journal of American Academy of Asthma and Immunology, came to conclusion on observation that the use of probiotics along with Chinese medicinal herbs like Gan Cao, Ku Shen and Linh Zhi had some positive role in the treatment of asthma.

Yet another good example for the same is the role of probiotics again for Chinese medicine by TCM practitioners who found the use herb Dong Quai with probiotics including the microbes like Lacotbacillus acidophilus, Lactobaacillus delbreukii, Saccharomyces boulardii and Saccharmyces cerevisiae is an effective tonic against the digestive distress that this herb usually causes. The role of this herb is to relieve PMS, menopausal symptoms and hormonal imbalances in women and support fertility and prostrate health in men.

Probiotics for Treatment of Colicky Infants:

Recently Nestle Nutrition Institute has released a press release stating about a medical breakthrough in the treatment of colic in children by Dr. Flavio Indrio. His group found that colicky infants are a condition that is not very often easily recognized, when the healthy baby keeps crying causing distress to the parents and the doctors. They not only standardized the diagnosis of finding out whether the infant is colicky or not, they also found out how effective is the use of the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri. This non-profit independent organization, found that 96 % of the infants reduced their crying time by 50 percent while under the treatment with this probiotic, which was not the case of other infants. This probiotic is available only in Singapore to date and could be administered to the infants via easy to use droppers as prescribed by the doctors. They are now looking for a scientific backing as to how this helps in reducing the condition of colicky, but this can happen only when more knowledge is obtained on how and what are the root causes for colicky condition by itself?

Probiotics for Treatment of Osteoporosis and Scolosis:

This has been one of the latest topics and an upcoming field of scientific discussions that probiootics can aid in the treatment of bone related diseases like osteoporosis and scolosis. One of the main culprits that has been identified in causing the above two diseases is the happy chemical "serotonin", which in excess amounts has been the root cause for these two diseases. Keeping this in mind, Dr. Kevin Lau, in his book "Your plan for natural Scoliosis prevention and treatment" has highlighted how maintaining a healthy gut can cure scoliosis. This he finds to be a well-known fact that the much renounced medical practitioner of the earlier days, Hippocrates said, "All diseases begins in the gut". He recommends in his book traditional fermented food to be included regularly in your daily diet, which seemed to help in the treatment of this disease along with a well-planned exercise routine. Some of the common traditional fermented foods that are not found in the shelves of supermarket or a medical shop, which he finds very highly helpful for his method of treatment practice, involve the use of kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi and natto. In his book, he details on how these foods are being prepared as a short note and focuses on how and why they are very helpful for his practice in treating scoliosis and relieving and alleviating the symptomatic conditions of this disease.

Dr Kevin Lau DC is the founder of Health In Your Hands, a series of tools for Scoliosis prevention and treatment. The set includes his book Your Plan for Natural Scoliosis Prevention and Treatment, a companion Scoliosis Exercises for Prevention and Correction DVD and the innovative new iPhone application ScolioTrack.

Dr Kevin Lau D.C. is a graduate in Doctor of Chiropractic from RMIT University in Melbourne Australia and Masters in Holistic Nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health in USA.

In 2006 I was awarded the "Best Health-care Provider Awards" by the largest Newspaper publication in Singapore on October 18 2006 as well as being interviewed on Primetime Channel News Asia as well as other TV and Radio. For more information on Dr Kevin Lau, watch his interviews or get a free sneak peek of his book, go to: Health In Your Hands website.

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