Saturday, December 24, 2011

Just STOP It: Causes of Belly Fat

By Steve C Truax

Belly fat is an indication that you have an unhealthy lifestyle consisting of over eating and lack of exercise. By "unhealthy" I'm talking about the potential for chronic diseases such as stroke, heart attack and heart disease. You're even susceptible to Type 2 Diabetes due to the accumulation of belly fat. How? Increased fat around the waist decreases your body's response to insulin, which ultimately leads to insulin resistance. It's important to identify the causes of belly fat and stop trivializing our weight issues. We all need to get serious about this since it truly is a life or death situation.


Who doesn't have a sweet tooth? This is one of the biggest culprits for the causes of belly fat. We're all challenged to finding alternatives to eliminate sweets our daily munching. There is a tip for this: you can substitute the sweets you love with fruits such as berries, grapes, or apricots. You can also get dried fruits without all the additional sugar. This will get you past the cravings for sweets and you won't get all the added sugar and junk calories that we get from sugary treats. Try this out for a week or two and you'll find that you'll feel better and begin to melt away the belly fat.

Fast Food

If anyone needs one of the most insidious culprits for the causes of belly fat, this is it. Fast food is terrible in the battle against the bulge. Even though this food is convenient we have to remember that it's massive with junk calories, saturated fat, dietary cholesterol and refined carbohydrates. And guess where all this stuff goes? You got it, straight to the waist and gluteus maximus (aka your butt!). When you're at a fast food restaurant, ditch the junk and make a healthier selection such as a salad. Don't go for the crispy or fried meat. See if you can't get a low calorie dressing. A good rule of thumb is to just keep driving and stop by the grocery store and pick up some sushi or a healthy fruit smoothie.


Here the picture of the couch potato should come into mind. Out of all the causes of belly fat, #1 is the complacent lifestyle. This would be the person who fails to get out and exercise on a consistent basis or just doesn't get any exercise at all. The biggest concern with a sedentary lifestyle is that will increase the chances of getting major health conditions. Most health concerns due to laziness are actually preventable. So, if you fall into this category, you are increasing the chances of an early death. Please know that you can easily eliminate this risk altogether by simply eating better and moving more. Get up off the couch, turn off the TV and get out for a 20 minute walk. It's not just not limited to sitting around and watching TV; a complacent lifestyle could mean you're sitting around reading all the time or surfing the web for extended periods of time.

None of the information I've provided is revolutionary. It's basic information we all know we should be doing: Cutting the sweets & fast food and getting up and going for a walk in the morning and evening. This can be our best device against cutting belly fat and living a higher quality life.

Steve Truax has been on a journey of encouraging others on diet and exercise over the past few years. If you're interested in getting fit and want to know more about the causes of belly fat, please join him by visiting

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

It will take some amount of monitoring of your current diet and a commitment to being more physically active on your part to reduce belly fat.