Saturday, January 08, 2011

Fiber - A Much Needed Nutrient

By Emanuel Cane

When thinking about the foods we eat and the benefits derived from these foods, the least thought of nutrient is fiber. We read the labels on the foods we buy, now more than ever. We tend to study the amounts of vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, low fat, high fat, transfats, and calories, but pay little attention to the fiber content. There are two forms of fiber. Insoluble fiber as the name suggests is exactly that. Fiber in this form will not be dissolved during the digestive process. As it winds its way throughout the digestive tract, it acts as a scrubbing agent. You can call it the body's natural "Roto Rooter". This action aids in the elimination of waste and prevents the buildup of toxins. It is this action that makes it such a powerful cancer preventive. Keeping the colon cleansed in this fashion also prevents a condition called "Diverticulosis". This is a condition where little pockets are form in the colon. Food tends to accumulate in these pockets and become fermented. Toxins are formed because of this fermented food that are more or less stored in these pockets and will leach into the bloodstream causing a variety of conditions and illnesses. The cleansing of the colon also promotes regularity and will prevent hemorrhoids.

The other form of fiber is soluble fiber. As the name suggests, this form of fiber is dissolved during the digestive process. Its ability to be dissolved makes it readily available and can be utilized by the major organs of the body. This soluble fiber also ferments in the colon and produces fatty acids that help in the control of blood sugar and cholesterol levels. The benefits of fiber as previously stated are many, and are as follows: Prevents constipation. Prevents hemorrhoids. Prevents the buildup of toxins in the colon, thus protecting the body from these toxins. Controls the blood cholesterol, thus preventing the buildup of plaque in the arteries. Controls blood sugar that can be an important part of preventing diabetes. Fiber can play an important role in the prevention of colon cancer. Fiber is a component of a great many foods, however it is the type of foods that you eat that makes it so important in eating the fiber that will give you the most benefits. These foods are: Whole-grain bread and crackers. The Nabisco Triscuits are such a cracker. Wheat bread is not as high in fiber. White bread is certainly not high in fiber. Read the label, it should read whole-grains. Vegetables are an excellent source of fiber, particularly the green leafy variety. The deeper the color the better. Sweet potatoes are a very good source of fiber. White potatoes are not as good, and should be eaten with the skins. Beans are an excellent source of fiber. The best varieties are, kidney, navy, pinto, black, and lentil and garbanzo beans. Of the fruits, oranges are an excellent source of fiber. Cereals are a great source of fiber but need to be chosen for the fiber content. Known high fiber cereals are, Kellogg's All-Bran, Post Grape-Nuts or Post 100% Bran. Oats are another great source of soluble fiber. Eating oatmeal has been lauded for its ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Eating the above-mentioned fruits and vegetables on a daily basis is extremely important and will help the body in maintaining a strong immune system, preventing weakened conditions and becoming sick at the slightest invasion of your immune system. It will keep the body healthy and full of vigor. Getting the most of a high fiber will require you to have al least 2 servings daily of the above foods. For breakfast you can have a cupful of a cereal high in fiber. Adding fruit to the cereal will increase the fiber content. During the day, eating a piece of fruit adds additional fiber and is also heart healthy. You won't be adding unnecessary calories that will aid in weight control. For dinner, include a salad using the green leafy vegetables. Use Romaine lettuce instead of the iceberg lettuce, and do not be afraid to use a good amount of it. Iceberg lettuce lacks the nutrients found in Romaine lettuce. Add other vegetables to the Romaine lettuce. Use other green vegetables and vegetables of other colors, such as carrots, peppers (green, red, yellow) and beets, using the canned variety if necessary. Add beans to this salad. The best beans to add to a salad are garbanzo beans (also called chick peas). Following the above recommendations will not only add the necessary fiber to your diet but will also add many of the required nutrients and antioxidants that will maintain a healthy heart and also act as a colon cancer preventive, and keep the immune system at its peak levels.

Dr. Emanuel M. Cane, D.C.

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1 comment:

Buy Vega said...

Fiber prevents certain diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes. It's definitely important for our health.