Monday, November 10, 2008

How important is Water to Your Health?

How important is Water to Your Health?

You could be dying of thirst and not even know it.

In fact thousands of individuals are actually shortening their lifespan simply because they are not getting the required hydration their bodies require.

Are you overweight? Do you have excess hunger or do you feel depressed and anxious? If you do then you may not be drinking enough good quality water.

The earth is 70% water. Water makes up two thirds of our body weight. Our brains are 85% to 95% water and our blood is 82%.

It’s easy to see how important water is. The amount of water you consume and the quality of the water with proper minerals and ph levels is vital to your health.

Most Americans are suffering from dehydration which can cause fatigue, fuzzy memory and even eyesight problems.

Water serves as a lubricant. It helps form saliva and provides fluids around our joints. It also regulates temperature, alleviates constipation, plus regulates our metabolism.

Our water supply is in danger of pollutants all around us. The problem is increasing every year.

We can all help by trying not to pollute. From gas, to sewer drains, storm sewers, septic tanks and treatment plants, these all add to polluting our precious water supply.

All water is not equal. Many of us are drinking bottled water because we know that tap water has much to be desired. It contains pollutants and poison such as chlorine. So we often look for alternatives.

Many studies on bottled water indicate that it’s not any better then tap water. You are likely wasting your money and degrading your health if you are drinking bottled water.

Water filtration may be a better choice. With the proper filtration system you can eliminate the bad particles while hopefully keeping any beneficial minerals. This can get complicated and expensive however.

Some believe that reverse osmosis systems and distillation, removes all the good minerals along with the bad. This could possibly influence the water property to act as a mineral sponge. Since the water is in effect too pure, the net effect could be that it is taking minerals from your body.

Tap water is usually too acidic. Alkalinized water is believed to be better for your health. Alkalized water rich with minerals will help hydrate you faster.

Electrolytes in water helps cells maintain their voltage across cell membranes. This also support the ability of nerve impulses to work more efficiently. They also help muscle contractions and provide peak physical performance.

Good quality water with the proper ph, minerals and electrolytes will keep your body running smoothly while giving you a longer, healthier life.

So you see that it is important to drink adequate water that is of the highest quality and includes the essential minerals needed for optimal performance.

A final note, water is around 600 times cheaper then cola and much better for you, so drink up!

Steve Caldwell is a student of health and an advocate of people interested in improving a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition and exercise. To become a part of this healthy movement, feel free to join our social community, HealthEWorld.
Copyright © Steve Caldwell 2008. All rights reserved.


Amy said...

Thanks for sharing such wonderful post about this supplement water
and the information as well I truly appreciate it. Thanks again and I hope to see more of your posts.

Anonymous said...

Water is essential for health. Not enough and there is dehydration. Too much and the sodium is flushed from the body.