Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Eating For Energy - Five Top Benefits of Eating Raw and Live Foods

Eating For Energy - Five Top Benefits of Eating Raw and Live Foods By Ntathu Allen

Do you lack energy; feel bloated or tired after eating?

The food you eat has a massive effect on your body's ability to function correctly. I am sure you are familiar with the saying "you are what you eat".

If you are looking for simple ways to boost your energy and feed your soul, eating more raw and live foods in your daily diet may be the answer.

From a nutritional point of view, you need to eat foods which are easily digested and maintain their "life-giving properties." These foods are known as "Energy foods."

What Are Energy-Rich Foods

1. Energy rich foods are whole, natural, raw and live foods.

What Are Raw Foods

1. Raw foods are energy rich foods. They are plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables; nuts and seeds, grains and beans which are eaten uncooked and in their natural state.

2. Food is not regarded as "raw" if it is heated at over 40-47 degrees C (104-117F.)

3. Raw and living foods are juiced, blended, grated or chopped and dehydrated as opposed to boiling and roasting.

What Are "Live Foods"

1. Living foods are beans and seeds which are eaten live, through a process known as sprouting. The more popular seeds/beans sprouted are mung bean, alfalfa, sunflower, buckwheat, radish.

Five Top Benefits Of Eating Raw And Live Foods

1. These foods aid detoxification and help you to effectively manage your energy and restore health. . 2.Raw and live foods are easy to digest.

3.The enzymes in foods are destroyed when food is heated over 116 degrees.

As raw and living foods are uncooked they contain all the enzymes your body needs. They are known as the "Life-Force" or "energy" of foods and play a key role in the digestive process and are essential to the body's absorption of nutrients.

4.The high level of nutrients found in raw and living foods contribute to improved physical health and emotional wellbeing; a stronger immune system, detoxification, higher energy levels.

5.Eating raw and live foods give you more energy. They provide the maximum amount of energy your body needs with less effort.

The more you look after yourself in your diet and exercise programme, the more energy and vitality you will have to do the activities you enjoy the most.

So, if you wish to feel energised and experience that "feel-good" factor during your day, try and eat more raw and live foods - energy foods - in your daily diet.

Ntathu Allen, Yoga and Meditation Teacher works with women who want a richer, more fulfilling life for themselves and their families. She teaches you easy yoga postures, meditation practices and relaxation techniques to help you live a healthier, wealthier and happier stress-free life. To find out more go to: and sign up for your copy of Ntathu's free monthly yoga Inspires enewsletter. The newsletter contains a goldmine of tips, techniques and strategies you can use to become healthier, wealthier and happier.


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