Friday, November 12, 2010

Stress Tip - Fix Your Diet

Stress Tip - Fix Your Diet

By Robert Carleton

Many of us consider stress to be something that is really bad but the reality of it is, stress is actually a natural reaction to difficult situations. It was built into us and for centuries, we have used stress in order to be able to handle problems that may occur. The difficulty is, many of us are living lives that are so full of stressful situations now that our stress levels never really drop back down to where they should be again. There are also a number of different situations which may be causing us additional stress without us even realizing it. Our diet is one of these.

People can eat the wrong things and although this seems like a rather simplistic statement, the reality of what occurs as a result of eating the wrong things can be anything but simplistic. For example, many of us eat sugar regularly and this can not only cause a difficult time with weight gain it can also raise our stress levels considerably. Have you ever noticed that whenever you eat a meal that is high in sugar that you immediately feel good afterword and then you just suddenly seem to crash? This is as a result of the insulin in our body and being unable to handle all the sugar that is being pumped into our bloodstream. Not only does it cause our body to crash, it puts us in a situation where we need to eat more sugar in order to feel as if we are not stressed out again.

Another thing that causes stress in the diet is not eating enough during the day. Many people tend to eat two or three meals every day but the reality of it is, you must eat multiple meals during the day in order to keep your energy levels up. There is a direct correlation between the amount of energy that you have and the amount of stress that you have. If you have plenty of energy, you can handle situations that come your way much easier. If you are lacking in energy, on the other hand, you will be stressed out because you cannot handle even the simplest thing that comes your way.

If you want to reduce the amount of stress that you have, it helps immensely if you are able to balance yourself out as far as your diet is concerned. Eat healthy and you will find that your stress levels are reduced as a result.

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