Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Top 12 Healthy Fall Foods

By Amirah Bellamy

It's Fall so in the spirit of continuing on our quest toward nutritional wellness let's look at the top 12 healthy foods that are in season.

1. Apples - are good for strengthening bones, cancer prevention and lowering cholesterol. Moreover, apples aid in blood sugar regulation and are one of the richest sources of flavonoids which prevent strokes and heart disease. Apples are also a good source of Vitamin C and potassium.

2. Carrots - are loaded with nutrients. They are packed with iron, protein, calcium, potassium and fiber. They also contain Vitamins C, K, B1, B2, and B6. Finally, like several other foods included on this list, carrots are great for strengthening the immune system.

3. Sweet Potatoes - not only make the absolute best pies, but they're well-known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. If that's not enough, they're a great source of calcium, Vitamin C, folate, fiber, potassium, and beta carotene.

4. Onions - are good for lowering blood pressure. Like apples, onions are also a good source of flavonoids which enhance cardiovascular health and are a rich source of Vitamins C and B6, fiber, potassium, folate and manganese.

5. Pomegranates - are good for promoting heart health, treatment of sore throats, urinary infections, digestive and skin disorders, arthritis, and some forms of cancer. They also lower cholesterol and blood pressure amongst a long list of other things.

6. Garlic - like onions in terms of nutritional properties, have a long list of benefits. In fact, both garlic and onion are from the lily family. Garlic is a powerful antioxidant, is good for lowering blood pressure and blood cholesterol, treating skin and digestive system disorders, improving metabolism and can be used as an antibiotic. Garlic is also a rich source of Vitamins B1, B6 and C, manganese, protein, and calcium.

7. Ginger - is most commonly known for its treatment of nausea. However, ginger is also good for reducing cold and flu symptoms, heartburn and menstrual cramping. This is a good food to always have around.

8. Peppercorn - most commonly known as black pepper has many health benefits, aside from being a seasoning. Peppercorn assists with the absorption of Vitamin B, selenium and beta-carotene, is a good antioxidant and promotes intestinal health. Lastly, peppercorn is a rich source of Vitamin K, iron and fiber.

9. Tomatoes - are a great source of Vitamins A, C, E, lycopene and potatssium and they taste good too!

10. Red Bell Peppers - contain 3 times the Vitamin C found in oranges along with beta carotene making them good at boosting the immune system

11. Kale, Swiss Chard - is packed with goodness from Vitamins C, E, folate and beta carotene to calcium and magnesium. Kale is also a good source of lutein, which is good for preventing cataracts.

12. Butternut Squash - is high in Vitamin C and betacarotene.

Now that you are armed with this list of Fall goodness, make your way to the farmer's market today and stock up.

Amirah Bellamy is a Vegan Transitional Coach, Vegan Fitness Meal Planning Expert, and Author. To learn more about her fabulous Vegetarian Meal Plans, purchase her infamous eBook "The 50¢ Book That's Hotter Than 50 Cent," or INSTANTLY grab her FREE Vegetarian Starter Kit go to http://www.AmirahBFit.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amirah_Bellamy


Some Tip-Top Health Tips

By Thomas King

A healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy body. Americans have becoming increasingly unhealthy, sedentary, and unhappy in the last decade and rank relatively lower on the scale than other nations for overall healthiness and happiness. The two do often go hand in hand. Obesity is on the rise, closely correlated with a sedentary lifestyle and is one of the leading reasons for depression. The famous line "a healthy mind leads to a healthy body" also applies when talking about overall healthiness. This is a list of the top health tips for leading a happy and healthy lifestyle.

· Don't diet. Eat healthier all of the time and it will be better in the long run. Losing weight gradually is generally better than losing it quickly and is more likely to stay off.

· Eat a high fiber diet. This is an important top health tip. This includes whole grains, brown bread, and cereals. Fiber regulates the digestive system and reduces the risk of bowel cancer. Average about 13-18 grams of fiber a day.

· Stay away from hazardous artificial sweeteners, and try to substitute sugar with the likes of natural sweetening alternatives such as agave nectar or better yet stevia artificial sweetener that is safe and sweet.

· Reduce the amount of saturated fat consumed daily. Only 35% of daily calorie intake should be fat calories and only 10% of those should be from saturated fats.

· Drink less alcohol. Men and women have different requirements - women should have less than 14 units per week and men should have less than 21 units of alcohol. That is equivalent to one glass of one or half a pint of beer. As usual, moderation wins out - a small amount of alcohol helps the heart while a large amount is bad.

· Try to eat the recommended five fruits and vegetable servings a day. It helps to vary the daily diet with different colored fruits and vegetables and also gives a wide range of vitamins and minerals.

· Consume more fish. Omega three fatty acids in the oils are very protective against heart disease and raised cholesterol levels. The recommended weekly serving of fish is two to three - because it provides 1.5 grams of fatty acids.

· Reduce the amount of salt consumed. No more than 5-6 grams of salt should be consumed daily and too much salt can cause heart complications later on.

· Drink about eight ounces of liquid a day. This is not limited to water and can be fruit juices. This helps the kidneys to flush and stay healthy and reduces urinary tract infections.

· Take vitamin and mineral supplements as a back up only. It is much easier to consume the proper foods and meet the minimum nutrient requirements.

· One of the most important top health tips is to exercise! Exercise thirty minutes a day at least to lower the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and most of all, to combat obesity.

These top health tips covered overall health, but it is important to remember that there are other ways to help our bodies stay healthy. For females, we should look to reduce our risk of osteoporosis. For males, prostate health and heart health are very important. These are the top health tips for bone health:

· Weight control. The bones are the shock absorbers of the body. If the body weighs more than is recommended the bones are under undue stress and can lead to osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and increased blood pressure. Avoid junk foods that are high in fat and cholesterol and have little nutritional value.

· Movement is another important top health tip. This will keep the body from gaining weight and the joints stiffening up from disuse. Low impact for at risk people is best.

· Do weight bearing exercises. As a person ages their bones become less dense and more brittle. Strengthening joints and bones with low impact exercise is optimal; not only does it keep the bones and joints moving, it also keeps the heart and other body systems in shape.

· Flexibility exercises are a top health tip as well; range of motion improves joint health by lubricating the joints and keeping them from becoming stiff.

· Dietary aids that are rich in calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus naturally fortify bones.

These top health tips will help anyone achieve a healthy life style and improve overall health. An active person is happier than a sedentary one. This list provided the top health tips for achieving a lower overall body weight, a healthier heart, and helps to prolonging the effects of aging. Reading this list of top health tips can assist with leading a better lifestyle.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thomas_King


Saturday, November 27, 2010

How To Eat Right To Get A Healthier Body?

By Ramir Sarmiento

Eating the right amount of nutrient or food is very important to gain more nutrients and the minerals that you need to fuel your body so that you will be able to work for long periods of time. Eating is the very first thing that keeps you alive and well shaped.

The food we eat supplies our body with enough energy so that we cannot feel tired easily. Our body depends on the energy that food gives. If we did not eat for a long time, we will be dead. Here are some of the facts about eating:

1. Exercising with your stomach empty. Your stomach gives you warning signs that tell you that he is hungry. The rumbling sound is one of that. If you heard this cry of your stomach, you should eat immediately or your body will become weak causing you to pass out.

2. Energy drinks. Relying on energy drinks is not bad if this is done in moderation. Because they are energy drinks, they contain energy that your body needs. However, they are not a substitute to natural things such as fruits and vegetables. Natural foods do not contain preservatives that might trigger certain types of cancers.

3. Not eating breakfast. It is not advisable to skip breakfast. During sleep, your body undergoes fasting. The moment you wake up, you must eat enough food so that you will have the energy you will need for the day. If you did not eat breakfast, you might acquire stomach problems such as ulcer.

4. Diets with low amount of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates give your body energy that you need to perform heavy tasks. It supplies your muscles with energy so that they will function well. Carbohydrates can be gained from cereals and rice.

5. Eating everything you want to eat. It is a fact that eating healthy food accompanied by exercise can give your body the fitness that everyone desires. It is not bad to eat much as long as your body burns the stored energy in your body so that it will not be converted into fats that are the reason for obesity.

6. Eating with low mount of calories. Calories are one of the reasons of being fat. Losing calories means to achieve the slim body everyone especially woman desires. However, losing calories in a fast-paced manner is not a safe thing to do. Losing calories should be gradual and step-by-step. You should get enough calories to make your body function smoothly.

The way you eat determines the status of your body's health. It is very important to eat well-balanced food that contains all the essential nutrients that your body needs to survive and live a healthy life.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ramir_Sarmiento


Friday, November 26, 2010

Can You Really Do Yoga To Lose Weight?

By Carly Marx

When people think of the various exercises they can do to lose weight, they often think of riding a bike or running for miles on end. They may think of jumping rope or doing crunches. But what they may not think of is using yoga to lose weight. That is sad, because yoga can be a calming, motivating way to finally get to a healthy weight without putting a lot of impact on your joints.

Yoga has been used for centuries, not only for physical exercise but as a spiritual awakening and method of grounding the body and soul to one another. As a beginner, you will learn ways to link your breathing to your movements, letting you really feel your body so that you are more attune to its needs. And while you are not moving fast, you will really feel the effects of the practice when you are done.

While you may use yoga to lose weight as an exercise program, you will also find it is a mental boost especially when it comes to reaching and attaining the goals that you set for yourself. There might be one pose that you just cannot get during your early practices but you keep at it, working until finally you do get it right. Then you move onto a more difficult pose and more and more as you grow and change. You gain strength and balance and more control over your body. Soon, you are able to make better food choices for yourself because you want to feel healthy and strong, not sluggish and bloated.

After you have learned the beginning poses, you will be able to move into more advanced yoga that will allow you to use linking movements to go from one pose to another in one fluid movement that engages and stretches muscles that have long been forgotten or overlooked. You are so busy concentrating on your balance and your breathing that you don't realize that you are sweating and when you are done, when you get to lay down in corpse pose and restore yourself, you will reflect on how energized and revitalized you suddenly feel.

The next time you come to the mat, you will find some of the poses are so much easier to hit and to hold and you will be relishing the thought of the more difficult ones. Yoga becomes more than just an exercise that you have to do, it is about a state of mind that you want to get back to.

Learn To Do Yoga Weight Loss It is possible. At Strip That Fat you will be taught about healthy eating and exercise you can do for the long-term.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carly_Marx


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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Healthy Eating Habits Work, Diets Do Not

By Carolyn Hansen

Have you noticed that you are having a hard time maintaining a healthy weight? Or that you have added some fatty pockets sporadically throughout your body? Or that you just do not have the energy that you once had and often feel tired and worn out?

Many would say that this is all part of the aging process and that you just have to sit back and let it happen. This; however, could not be further from the truth! The way you eat plays a large role in the way you age. It is time to create healthy eating habits now before it is too late.

You have been eating a certain way your entire life, so do not expect to be able to change this over night. This is the exact reason 99% of diets do not work. Most diets expect you to nearly starve yourself leaving you feeling worse than you did before you started. As soon as you cannot take it anymore or the dieting period is over, most of the weight you lost comes right back, and then some.

Dieting, because you are starving your body, actually slows down your metabolism. Once you start eating again, your body cannot process the food as it used to, causing weight gain and lethargic reactions.

Dieting, also, usually fails because you are depriving yourself of the foods you truly love. If you really focus on taking care of yourself and your health via a healthy balance diet, you will allow yourself a treat here and there; something most diets forbid you to do. But seriously, who wants to live their life eating lettuce all day every day, nobody, so don't.

Rule of thumb, when it comes to healthy eating, is to eat an 80/20 diet. What this means is that you eat healthy foods 80% of the time and treat yourself the other 20%. Now, I wouldn't go crazy with this and eat ice cream that entire 20%, but you get the drift.

Changing the way you eat is much easier than it may appear. Forget about all the failed diets you have been on and focus on the energy that you can have back by eating proper foods. The best way to change your eating habits is to take it one step at a time. Start with a healthy breakfast; replace your existing breakfast with some organic yogurt, fruit, and nuts.

Do this for a couple of days and move on to your next meal or snack. Before you know it, you will have replaced all of your meals with healthy, satisfying meals.

It won't take long for you to start feeling better once you are eating more natural, organic foods.

Your body automatically knows what to do with these foods and how to process it for the energy you need. Therefore, your energy level nearly instantly increases and you start to feel like you can conquer the world again. Whatever you do, ignore all those diets out there, and focus on a lifestyle of healthy eating habits. You, and everyone in your life, will thank you for it.

If you feel that overeating might be a problem for you, and you would like to put an end to it and get on the fat loss fast track, grab my free 35-page report that shows you how to Outsmart Your Hunger. You can download it right now from this healthy eating page at http://21daystohealthyeating.com/special/optin_oyhb.php?id=2

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Hansen


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Let Go of 4 Common Diet Myths

By Martha McKinnon

If you have a lot of strong beliefs around food, dieting and metabolism, it may be time to let some of them go (or at least to re-think them). Buddha offered sage advice when he said, "Believe nothing. No matter where you read it, or who said it, even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." (And I would add your own personal experience.)

Here are 4 common myths about diet, which may seem radical to our conventional approach to diet and weight loss, that have helped me totally transform my relationship with food, to say nothing of my life!

Myth #1: The best way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more.

Truth: This formula seems to make sense, but it isn't complete. For most people this formula fails over and over again. (If it could work for people over the long term, don't you think it would have by now?) The fact is that your body is designed to survive under extreme conditions like famine, so when you overexercise and under-eat you slow your metabolism as it switches into "survival mode." Focusing on nourishing your whole self and finding fun forms of exercise will be much more effective in the long run.

Myth #2: The reason you eat too much is lack of willpower.

Truth: We eat too much because we can. (There has never been a time when food was as plentiful and convenient as it is in the US today.) Our ancient survival physiology is programmed for overeating when food is available and also when our meals are deficient in relaxation, time, pleasure, awareness, and high-quality food. Once you realize what is driving your behavior, you can take steps to work with your biology instead of against it. (Work smarter, not harder.)

Myth #3: As long as you eat the right foods in the right amounts, you'll ensure good health and lose weight.

Truth: You can eat the healthiest food in the universe and in the perfect amount, but if you consume it in a state of anxious rushing, your physiologic stress response will cause you to burn calories at a much slower rate. You will also excrete more vital nutrients (like vitamins and minerals) leaving less to be absorbed and used. It's important to remember that you eat is only part of the nutrition equation. How you eat is another important part.

Myth #4: The experts are your ultimate source of reliable and scientifically accurate nutrition information.

Truth: There is much conflicting nutrition information out there. (And the advice seems to be always changing.) The truth is your best source of nutrition information is inside you. Its scientific name is the"enteric nervous system" (ENS). (But I like to think of it as your belly brain.) Did you know your belly has as many nerve cells as your spine? The key is to learn to "listen" to your belly brain and let it guide you toward eating in a way that is best for you. (Your body really does know best.)

Begin letting go of these diet myths and begin experiencing a whole new relationship with food and your body.

Martha McKinnon is a health coach and yoga instructor who believes that eating great & losing weight can be simple & delicious when you focus on nourishing the whole you - body, mind, & soul. Her website is http://www.simple-nourished-living.com. Stop by for a free copy of her E-cookbooklet full delicious granola bar recipes.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Martha_McKinnon


Monday, November 22, 2010

Hot Bath After a Workout

By Sheila Roman

There is always a discussion going on amongst the fitness experts as to whether a hot bath is actually good to prevent muscle soreness. The doubt always lingers as to its real effectiveness and there are enough people to argue for and against both. Many more also believe that the hot bath is actually soothing for the muscle pain. The truth lies actually somewhere between the myths, beliefs, findings and actual relief.

When the muscles are exercised, acids are formed in the body and coupled with this there is a lack of blood flow as well as oxygen to the muscles which results in muscle soreness.

When the body is subjected to hot bath, the water activates the blood flow in the body and the muscles get sufficient blood supply, with the result they return back to normal and the soreness disappears in no time.

Similarly by giving hot water splash or keeping hot water bag over the area where there is muscle pain, will not only smooth the muscle but help relieve the pain as well. You can do the same thing even when the muscle is sore. The hot water splash as well as bag stimulate the blood flow externally and help relax the muscles.

The hot water splash or hot water bag not only improves the blood flow into the muscles, it also helps flush out the acid built up in the muscles. You can also use ice pack as well as hot water pack alternatively.

When you apply cold ice pack and hot water bag alternatively, the blood vessels in the affected area get expanded and contracted successively with the application of the pack and changes the blood pressure of the flow. Thereby the acids from the muscles get washed out in no time and relax the muscle and relieve the pain.

There is another remedy too. You can take some Epsom salt, dissolve in warm water and use it on the affected area directly. The salt draws out the toxins and acidic particles accumulated in the muscle and thereby relieves the muscle of the pain.

Having a hot water bath everyday is always good for the muscles in your body.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sheila_Roman



Health Foods To Eat For Optimal Health and Wellness

By Becki Andrus

There are many health foods available in the grocery stores, but it can be tricky to determine which items are actually healthy, because the packages can be deceiving. This article is going to cover the 5 health foods to eat, focusing on these 5 foods will help you to improve your overall health.

1. Fruits and Vegetables

We all know that we are supposed to be eating our fruits and vegetables, but many people don't eat as many as they should. Eat abundantly of fresh produce, these foods will fill your stomach with healthy fiber and also provide your body with the essential vitamins and minerals that it needs to be healthy.

2. Beans and Legumes

People often look past beans and legumes, but these foods are a great source of plant based protein. Beans can be used to replace meat in many dishes, they are very versatile and can be used many different ways. Try to eat beans every day to increase your plant protein.

3. Whole Grains

Most of the grain consumption in our modern diet focuses around refined grains: white flour, white rice, processed corn, etc. These processed grains have been stripped of many of the nutritious parts including the fiber, vitamins and minerals that naturally occur in grains. Replace the processed grains with whole grains such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, quinoa, etc.

4. Nuts and Seeds

Eating nuts and seeds can be a great way of boosting your protein intake, and you will also benefit from the other vitamins and minerals that they contain. Nuts contain many great nutrients that are healthy, just be careful to not eat too many because they are high in calories!

5. Healthy Fats

Don't be scared of eating fats, your body actually needs some fat in order to be healthy. The most important thing to remember is to eat healthy fats. Focus your fat intake on natural sources of unrefined fats, such as extra virgin olive oil, avocados, nuts, coconut oil, flax seeds, etc.

These are the top 5 health foods to eat, if you plan your meals around these healthy ingredients you will find that your health will improve and you will be able to avoid diseases and illness.

There are several easy ways to start a healthy eating habit and improve your overall health. Access more detailed information, yummy recipes, and learn simple daily steps that you can follow by visiting my website at http://EverydayHealthGirl.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Becki_Andrus


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Healthy Eating on the Go

By Becki Andrus

Healthy eating on the go can be difficult, because the most common food that people turn to are the convenience foods that are full of fat, sodium and nutrition-less calories. This article is going to help you to identify some healthy foods that can be eaten, even on the busiest days.

When you find yourself in a rush to get somewhere, the initial thought is usually to stop at a gas station or drive-thru and grab something quick and easy. But, these foods can be very dangerous to your health. Instead of just eating the first thing that comes available, try taking a little time to plan ahead so that you always have a good snack option available.

I like to keep healthy snacks in my purse and also in the glove box of my car. Almonds and mixed nuts are a great on-the-go snack, just fill a small baggie with them and keep them with you when you leave the house. Unroasted, unsalted nuts will provide you with a great source of plant-based protein, and they will give you the energy that you need to get through the day.

Another great snack is fruit. Apples are easy to eat and they taste great, I like to munch on them in the car when I am driving to my destination. You may also consider taking along carrot sticks, celery sticks, or cucumber slices. Carrot sticks are usually the easiest, because you can simply open the bag of baby carrots, fill your to-go baggie, and then you are ready to go!

If you find yourself in need of a meal, you can find some healthier options at a drive-thru or a deli counter at the grocery store. Find menu items that are full of vegetables, such as a salad or a broth based soup. Try to avoid menu items that contain high amounts of meat, and ask them to hold the cheese and croutons. Also, be sure that you are eating a healthy brand of salad dressing, sometimes it is even a good idea to keep a bottle of good salad dressing in the fridge at work so that you always have a good option available.

Healthy eating habits are very effective in improving the overall health of you and your family. Learn how to easily implement a healthier lifestyle by visiting my website at http://EverydayHealthGirl.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Becki_Andrus


Friday, November 19, 2010

Is Honey Vegan - Yes or No?

By Amirah Bellamy

Over the years this has been a pretty highly debated topic among vegans. Thus, the best way to resolve it is to start by looking at some basic definitions. Let's first define what a vegan is. Generally, a vegan is defined as someone who does not consume any animals or animal products. Pretty straight-forward right? Okay, so what about bees? Well, bees are insects, which are a type of animal. That was pretty straight-forward as well.

Now for the sticky part (pun intended). The argument gets sticky here because some vegans argue that honey is not an "animal product," but again this is easily resolved. Typically, the term "animal product" refers to things such as dairy that come directly from the body of animals. Honey is what is produced in a process whereby bees ingest flower nectar, partially digest it, regurgitate it, then fan and cool it to produce the substance that we know as honey. So let's see, honey is produced by and comes directly from the body of bees making it, by definition, an animal product.

Now as promised, that was pretty easy to resolve, but the debate does not end there. There are other vegans who assert that although honey is an animal product it is still vegan because, unlike cows, bees do not experience pain which satisfies the goal of vegans not inflicting pain on animals. The only way to resolve this argument is to say that it just depends on your perspective of death. If you view death as painful than honey is probably not vegan since many bees are killed in the process of being robbed of their hives.

Whether you position yourself on the side of the argument that is for or against consuming honey all can agree that there are several alternatives to be used as natural sweeteners. Some include organic raw cane sugar, raw agave nectar, barley malt syrup, blackstrap molasses, brown rice syrup, date sugar, maple syrup and more. As such, if you'd rather not debate the issue and just want to get down to enjoying some of the sweet tastes of nature why not give some of these a try? Not only are they a healthy alternative, but procuring them doesn't involve inflicting any harm to any animals or getting caught up in a never-ending debate.

Amirah Bellamy is a Vegan Transitional Coach, Vegan Fitness Meal Planning Expert, and Author. To learn more about her fabulous Vegetarian Meal Plans, purchase her infamous eBook "The 50¢ Book That's Hotter Than 50 Cent," or INSTANTLY grab her FREE Vegetarian Starter Kit go to http://www.AmirahBFit.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amirah_Bellamy


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Defining Cholesterol

By Dr. Manuel J Sanchez

Cholesterol is a substance found in the body that is needed by the membranes of our cells and it is also needed by our bodies to manufacture certain hormones like estrogen and testosterone. It is really important to keep our levels of cholesterol in control, since high levels of cholesterol have been linked with the development of certain heart conditions.

Cholesterol comes in two kinds: low density cholesterol and high density cholesterol. Low density cholesterol is usually referred as the "bad" cholesterol because this type of cholesterol can accumulate in our arteries and together with some other substances it will promote the formation of arterial plaque. When plaque is formed, regular blood flow is disturbed and when the plaque levels have risen high enough, this can lead to different problems depending on the place where plaque has accumulated. For example, if there is a plaque buildup in the coronary artery (artery that carries blood to the heart) this will cause coronary artery disease, a condition which is the leading cause of death in the United States.

High density cholesterol is referred as "good cholesterol" and this is so because it helps to reduce bad cholesterol. What high density cholesterol does is that it "carries" the bad cholesterol and takes it away to the liver, which converts the bad cholesterol into bile, a substance that is required for the digestion (breaking down) of fats.

So what can you actually do to keep your cholesterol from going out of control? As repetitive as this might seem, since this is a recommendation given in commercials, health campaigns, and most importantly by doctors, you should have a healthy diet. Bad cholesterol is found mainly in foods that contain saturated fats, so avoiding these foods is a must if you are trying to maintain low bad cholesterol level. Cholesterol is found only in animal products, such as milk, cheese, meat, eggs, and animal fat. Vegetables, grains, fruits do not contain cholesterol. Also, another way to keep bad cholesterol low is by increasing good cholesterol, since as it was already mentioned good cholesterol reduces the amount of bad cholesterol. Exercise and any type of aerobic activity can help you raise your levels of high density cholesterol. Smoking might reduce the levels of good cholesterol in your body so this is not recommended.

Sometimes those measures are not enough to control cholesterol levels, but nonetheless it is important to never ignore them since they still help. There's also prescription pills that can help so it is important to go to your doctor and have regular checkups and it is recommended to start checking your cholesterol levels after you are 20 and after that, every 5 years, or as recommended by your doctor.

And now I would like to invite you to our website and browse around for other important information regarding other diseases at http://www.familypracticecenter.com

While at our website if you have any questions regarding your health please email me, and please allow 48hrs before I respond. At Family Practice Center you can receive advanced medical treatment for everything from routine physicals to minor surgery, all in one convenient.

-Dr. Manuel J Sanchez

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Manuel_J_Sanchez


Why You Should Walk For Health

By Michel Maling

For many of us, the thought of going to the gym to exercise leaves us cold. Why not try walking for health. It's easy and you can have fun while getting fit and healthy.

The benefits of walking include improved muscle strength and better balance. Walking will improve bone density and thus decrease your chances of developing osteoporosis. Other health benefits include:

1. Stronger and bigger lungs

2. A stronger heart

3. A lower density of bad cholesterol

4. Better moods

5. Better management of your weight

6. Reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes

The above benefits should make a lot of sense, and hopefully encourage you to walk more.

To get the most of your walking, start off slowly and walk every second day. Start with about twenty minutes and gradually build up to 45 minutes to an hour five times a week. One of the advantages of walking is that you can do it anywhere, from a treadmill in a gym to out in the park. Remember you are exercising, so don't dawdle along. Walk at a brisk pace. If you can't talk with ease, you must slow down, as you are working your heart to hard.

Concentrate on your posture while you are walking and breathe through each step that you take. Walk tall, but don't be too stiff. Hold your tummy tight and hold your head erect with your eyeline straight ahead. Your chin should be parallel to the ground. Strides should be long, but not over-stretched. Bend your arms at about 90 degrees and swing at waist level naturally with each step.

Make sure to do some gentle stretches before and after your walk. You don't need to make the stretches too strenuous, as you are only walking, not sprinting.

If you want to walk for general health benefits, then you need to walk for at least thirty minutes a day at talking pace. For cardiovascular fitness, you will need to walk three or four days a week at a fast pace. Your breathing should be hard, but you shouldn't be gasping for air. For weight loss, walk at least five days a week for forty five to sixty minutes at a brisk pace. You should hear yourself breathe, but you should still be able to talk.

Lastly, try and find yourself a friend to walk with. This will make your walking program easier to stick to. Arrange to meet at the same time and place a few times a week, and this will motivate you to walk, as you wont want to let your walking partner down.

Michel Maling has enjoyed learning all she can about internet marketing and passing the knowledge on in order to help others.
More tips for making money online at http://profitonlinefromhome.com/recommends/category/entrepreneur-health

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michel_Maling



Monday, November 15, 2010

Workout Program for Beginners

By Katharina Scharruhn

If you are new to the exercise world, it can be overwhelming and daunting. There are a multitude of gadgets, workout routines, gym memberships etc. Each claims to be more effective than the other. It's confusing. What do you do? Where do you begin? First, let's look at how you define a workout and what it means to you.

5 Steps to begin your workout program

1. Change your perception of what you need to do to workout. A workout can be as simple as a 5 minute walk, especially if you are a beginner.

2. Consistency. Do a little bit each day. You are changing a habit, changing a way of life. This takes time. In our society, we want instant gratification. This is a marketing ploy. In the long run, it does not work. Our bodies do not operate this way. We need to do a little bit each day consistently to have lasting results.

3. Do something you enjoy. For example, if you used to play football as a youngster, go out and throw the football again! If you like to dance, turn on your favorite music and start moving!

4. Celebrate that you did it. Pat yourself on the back. Congratulate yourself for every effort that you make.

5. Accountability. Hook up with someone who enjoys the same thing.

This article focuses on the psychology of "working out". When you change how you think about working out and view it as something enjoyable that you look forward to, chances are that you will do it again and stick with it. You will feel differently about it, which is why it needs to be fun. Do something you enjoy or do something practical. Let's say you need to make your yard look nice for the holidays. Forget the leaf blower! Rake the leaves. You will burn calories. You will have a whole body workout. It will save you money (no gas for the leaf blower) and your yard will look nice.

Have fun beginning your personal workout program!

And, if you would like more specific recommendations, please visit http://www.aphysicianspersonaltouch.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Katharina_Scharruhn



Sunday, November 14, 2010

Learning About Intestinal Candida Symptoms

By Amy Blake

Intestinal Candida symptoms are the symptoms brought about by the virus named Candida Albicans when it infect the human digestive tracts. Most of these areas are usually the moistest places in the body and this is because the yeast virus tends to stay in these places in order for them to develop rapidly. One important thing to keep in mind is that these Candida Albicans are naturally residing in the human body and so are not harmful by nature. Other areas that can be affected are the vaginal, penile and oral areas.

The Causes

There are several factors that can cause the overgrowth of the Candida Albicans in the intestines nut the biggest cause of all is probably due to antibiotics. Intestinal Candida symptoms are so common that at times the host mistake this disease for another one. The host will then just take antibiotics as medication. In the event that this happens and the antibiotic enters the body, there's a big possibility that the good bacteria will die along with the bad bacteria and thus, worsen the disease. Furthermore, other factors cause intestinal Candida symptoms are the weakening of the immune system and stress. Also, a poor diet can also be a big factor.

The Symptoms

As mention before, people often take this disease as for another one and this is the biggest problem and when this happens one may be already be too late. Some of these symptoms are:

Pain in the joints

Lower abdominal pain

Fuzzy thinking

Itching or burning skin


Sudden allergic reactions,


Unexplained fatigue,

Yeast infections on the others parts that can be infected

The Treatment

There are a number of treatments for the intestinal Candida symptoms. The first one is probably the easiest and safest way which is through the Candida diet. This diet helps the patient by strictly eliminating the foods with sugar and starch that one eats and replacing them with carbohydrate-rich food and fresh vegetables. There are a number of recipes that can be found online. Another treatment is through taking in dietary supplements that include probiotics and digestive enzymes. These can help in fighting and controlling the development if yeast. In additional, the patient also should engage in activities that can reduce stress such as meditation, yoga and the like. Lastly, in extreme cases, anti-fungal medication can also be prescribed.

Combating this disease isn't that hard like in the usual mindset of people. It only takes discipline in oneself.

To know more about intestinal candida symptoms is like having a weapon against yeast infection. So learn more in my website www.naturalyeastcure.org.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amy_Blake



Saturday, November 13, 2010

How to order Univera Products

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Go to the Univera web site at http://us.univera.com and select the "Products" menu to place your order. Upon adding the first item to your cart, you will be prompted for an Associate ID to order your products under. The person introducing you to your Univera products (your sponsor) will provide this to you. For example, our Associate ID is 1076491. Upon checking out, you will be given the opportunity to buy at a reduced rate via the convenience plan while collecting your billing information.

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You can also order via telephone by calling (877) 627-4787.

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Upon your initial order, you will be assigned your own Univera ID number and a password for future online orders. You can use this for future orders or to change your convenience plan selection at any time. See Univera Office. You can also phone in your order or find out your ID (if you have forgotten) by calling (877) 627-4787.

Specials and Items Not Listed

For items that are on monthly special or not listed (some new items and packages are not shown) on the web interface, please call customer care or your sponsor directly for assistance. 

Do You Have a Stomach Ache or a Gluten Intolerance?

By John William Hill

This is an interesting question and something that I come across quite often as a personal trainer. As a personal trainer and someone who has lost a lot of weight, there are certain things that I know and certain things I don't. When it comes to things like wheat or gluten however I am a big fan of test and measure.

What I mean by test and measure is that I am firm believer in testing small things when it comes to diet and seeing how people get on with them. Gluten, which is the protein in wheat, is one of things that a lot of the human population are very sensitive to and perhaps don't realise it. That's why a lot of foods say "contains gluten" on the back of the packet.

The fact that a lot of people potentially have gluten intolerance really doesn't fit in with the modern diet which is composed mostly of grains and bread in particular. Have you ever noticed how we are conditioned to believe that bread must the corner stone of any diet? If you think about breakfast, normally it is either a wheat based cereal or toast that we automatically assume to be "normal" I am a very big believer in challenging these preconceived ideas.

In truth the only people qualified to discuss dietary specifics are Doctors and nutritionists but I would certainly say if you suffer from bloating, gas or indigestion, in my experience, a doctor is more concerned with cure rather than prevention. On the weight loss side I have seen massive changes when things like bread have been cut out of peoples diets, the good thing is that I have never seen any research that states that bread or wheat are essential to the human diet. The only thing that does this is the food pyramid (which is produced by government agencies who receive "contributions" from large companies who produce sugar based products) which bears no resemblance to the food we consumed for millions of years prior to the agricultural revolution.

So, when it comes to test and measure, I would certainly advise anyone to try either reducing the amount of bread they eat on a daily basis or cutting it out altogether for a week or two and seeing how they feel. This also inspires creativity, particularly at breakfast time when it is easy to have cereals and milk or toast and jam. Of course, specific concerns should always been discussed with a doctor but small adjustments like reducing bread intake may mean massive improvements in energy levels, reduction in weight and even better digestion.

Hi I'm John, I am a mobile personal trainer covering Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Solihull. If you tired of not fitting into those jeans or getting our of breath too easily, I can help you. I have successfully lost five stone and kept it off and I understand how difficult weight loss can be.

Please visit my website now for more information



Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_William_Hill



Friday, November 12, 2010

Stress Tip - Fix Your Diet

Stress Tip - Fix Your Diet

By Robert Carleton

Many of us consider stress to be something that is really bad but the reality of it is, stress is actually a natural reaction to difficult situations. It was built into us and for centuries, we have used stress in order to be able to handle problems that may occur. The difficulty is, many of us are living lives that are so full of stressful situations now that our stress levels never really drop back down to where they should be again. There are also a number of different situations which may be causing us additional stress without us even realizing it. Our diet is one of these.

People can eat the wrong things and although this seems like a rather simplistic statement, the reality of what occurs as a result of eating the wrong things can be anything but simplistic. For example, many of us eat sugar regularly and this can not only cause a difficult time with weight gain it can also raise our stress levels considerably. Have you ever noticed that whenever you eat a meal that is high in sugar that you immediately feel good afterword and then you just suddenly seem to crash? This is as a result of the insulin in our body and being unable to handle all the sugar that is being pumped into our bloodstream. Not only does it cause our body to crash, it puts us in a situation where we need to eat more sugar in order to feel as if we are not stressed out again.

Another thing that causes stress in the diet is not eating enough during the day. Many people tend to eat two or three meals every day but the reality of it is, you must eat multiple meals during the day in order to keep your energy levels up. There is a direct correlation between the amount of energy that you have and the amount of stress that you have. If you have plenty of energy, you can handle situations that come your way much easier. If you are lacking in energy, on the other hand, you will be stressed out because you cannot handle even the simplest thing that comes your way.

If you want to reduce the amount of stress that you have, it helps immensely if you are able to balance yourself out as far as your diet is concerned. Eat healthy and you will find that your stress levels are reduced as a result.

Stress kills. When it doesn't - it smothers your life! If you read the article above you owe it to yourself to see one of the most successful forms of stress reduction. CLICK HERE.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Carleton


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Univera GoVera

Stay Fit Through The Holidays

Stay Fit Through The Holidays

By Mark Warrington

The holidays are just around the corner. This is the most joyous time of the year. Everybody's looking forward to it. The holidays give us a chance to see old friends and family. And of course, when people gather, food and drinks aren't far behind. People gain a lot of weight during the holidays. The combination of food and drinks and your busy schedule are the two main reasons for this. That's why everyone's new year's resolution is to lose weight. We can, however, avoid weight gain during the holidays. A little self restraint and a little discipline will go a long way towards achieving this goal.

Before you set your goals, make sure that they are realistic. The holidays are bound to be busy. There will be lots of food to tempt your palate, so set your goals around these expectations. If your goals include setting time for a 3 hour gym workout, you might get disappointed. If you resolve not to drink any alcoholic beverage during the holidays, that would be wishful thinking too. The holidays won't be the same without food and drinks. The point here is to simply make your goals achievable. If you expect to be busy partying, try walking for 30 minutes in the morning. Just do something active. Recruit a friend who is also after the same goals, and encourage each other to exercise and eat right.

High caloric food and drinks are plenty during the holidays, so don't skip meals. It's a sure bet that you're going to eat a lot if you're going to a party on an empty stomach. Make an effort to eat something healthy and low-calorie before partying. Drink lots of water to help suppress your appetite, because sometimes what you perceive as hunger is actually thirst. Make it a habit to always bring a bottle of water with you. Depriving yourself of party foods can backfire, so allow yourself to eat rich foods but in moderate amounts.

Taking the time to exercise during the holidays can really help you maintain your weight more than you think. Make working out a priority even if it's just for a few minutes a day. If possible, include strength training in your routine. If time is tight, just go for the basics. This will help to maintain your muscle tone. Going back to your regular routine will also be easier.

You need not sacrifice staying fit during the holidays. It's all a matter of eating and drinking in moderation. Staying active will keep you in good shape. Enjoy the holidays but enjoy it responsibly. You won't regret it when the new year comes around.

Over at the FitnessArmory.com, you can let our expert advice on fitness and equipment reviews help you create the perfect home gym but without all the huge costs. We have the exclusive reviews on all your favorite brands and models to help you get in shape, get healthy and look great. Recent product reviews include: Proform 890 E Elliptical, Proform 790 E. We invite you to stop by or drop us a line if you have any questions or need help with your fitness equipment selections.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Warrington


Sunday, November 07, 2010

The Dreaded Holiday Splurge

The Dreaded Holiday Splurge

By Chris Fluck

With the holiday season approaching, I thought it would be fitting to give some helpful tips on how to avoid the holiday splurge and not pack on extra pounds. The first step is to control your portion sizes. Just because it is the holidays does not mean you need to get out the big plates and load them up with food. A simple solution is to use smaller plates. By the time you are done eating your body and brain will be satisfied with the smaller portion.

If you still feel the need to get the big plates out then take the time to enjoy the food and your company. Slowing down the eating process will allow your food to digest. It usually takes around 15 minutes to digest the food and send the message to your brain. Doing this will help you to avoid the big Holiday splurge. If you do want to let loose a little, treat the holidays as three separate days and not one month of overeating. Plan to enjoy your meals on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years but be more strict on the days in between. It is important to get a workout in the following day and to drink plenty of water.

If you do fall victim to the Holiday splurge there are some simple ways to get back into shape. Goal setting is important so you should set a minimum goal, an optimal goal, and a fairly ambitious goal. Setting goals keeps you on track and even if you only reach the minimum goal, then you are still making progress which is great for morale. A good example of a minimum goal would be to lose 5-10% of your body weight. This is beyond reasonable and can be obtained if you adhere to a program consisting of weight training and cardiovascular training. The most important aspect of getting in shape is eliminating the all-or-nothing approach. The weight is not going to come off in one day so be patient. Losing weight is a process so if you slip up one day do not give up. Get back on track the following day and be ready to achieve your goals. Success is contagious so do not ever give up on reaching your goals.

Chris Fluck

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Fluck



Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Univera November 2010 Specials

Univera November 2010 Specials


L'initié® Holiday Gift Special – Purchase the entire L'initié Collection at regular price and receive $30 off an additional L'initié Complete Hydrating System!

Order ITEM# 110258

Holiday Helper Special – Purchase 1 RegeniFREE® and 1 Bone & Joint™ at regular price, and receive 50% off 1 box of Essentials® MINIs!

Order   ITEM# 110259

Purchase the GoVera™ Triple Pack and get a FREE Go-Vera Nylon Drawstring Backpack PLUS 10 bonus BV

Order  ITEM# 101003

All trademarks shown are trademarks of Univera Life Sciences

Enhanced Life Options is a Independent Univera Marketing Associate


Promotions end 11:59 p.m.(Pacific Time) November 30, 2010