Sunday, February 06, 2011

Ginger Root And The Many Health Advantages You Can Get From Eating It

By Brody Phillips

You might not have heard about it, but ginger is actually healthy for you. Have a grumbly tummy? Ginger can help you out. Feeling nauseous? Ginger to the rescue! Want some anti-oxidants? There are some here too! China has used it for years for those specific purposes - you should as well.

You could use it in a number of methods. Tea and pills are only two of the ways you can use ginger.

Ginger ale or tea is one of the best ways to settle a person's stomach, especially if a person is feeling nauseous or has been vomiting. Ginger solves nausea in general - the source of the nausea is often irrelevant to the effectiveness of ginger. It could be from food poisoning or surgery - either way, ginger will help.

If you've got a headache, you could use ginger tea. It can thin your blood enough to alleviate most headaches, even migraines. Other pain can also be handled with ginger as well. People suffering from arthritis can find that ginger oil can relieve that pain.

Drink ginger in the form of tea or ale can help sooth a sore throat, which can be difficult to deal with otherwise. Bloating and flatulence can also be handled with just a little ginger tea.

Ginger stimulates a number of things, most of which involve the digestive system. The gastrointestinal system, gall bladder and salivary glands are all affected by ginger. This makes it extremely potent in handling your stomach, settling it when it's grumpy and making sure that you don't build up too much gas.

Anti-oxidants are important to your body and luckily, ginger is rife with them. It can strengthen your immune system and keep things like the flu and colds away from you. It can also help you against cancer - though it may not cure it, every little bit helps.

Ginger is a great thing. It should be in your daily diet.

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