Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why Is Eating Healthy Important?

By Elias Cecil

Do you ever wonder, why is healthy eating important? Many people know that it is, yet many more are unsure why or don't completely grasp just how important it is. Here is a list a made of the top three reasons why healthy eating can make all the difference in the world.

1. Food is your fuel - Just like a car the type of fuel, oil, or anything else you put into it determines the life the car will have. If you take care of it and put the right fuel and oil regularly then you have a good chance that your car will last. If you use cheap oil, or put diesel in a gas engine you are going to have problems.

2. Disease - So much about what we eat can affect our ability to fight off disease or worse increase our chances of contracting disease. Why increase your chances if you don't have to. Not only that but eating healthy will increase all other positive aspects of your life.

3. Brain food - Your mind is a terrible thing to waste, but filling your body with toxins and the wrong kinds of foods can make your thoughts seem hazy and clouded. This is one of those things that most people don't know because they have either always eaten bad or it changed gradually and they didn't notice. You will feel so clear and focused once you start to eat well.

So why is eating healthy important. Only because your mind and body are riding on it. The decision to start today is not that hard and you only have to start small so that your whole life isn't turned upside down. If you make the change your life will increasingly become better and more enjoyable. You will uncover things you never knew about our food in the US and how bad things really are.

Elias Cecil
For a complete nutrition guide and meal plans check out my site
The Diet Solution

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