Tuesday, June 14, 2011

An Actionable Plan For Getting In Shape

by Katherine Crawford

The most successful dieters have the highest speeds of implementation. In other words, they take action faster than the average Joe.

Thus, here is a plan for getting in shape you can begin right now:

1. Start writing down what you eat: Simply estimating caloric intakes is not accurate enough. As a bare minimum you need to spend at least 1 week tracking what you eat. This will show you exactly how many maintenance calories you need.

2. Beef up breakfast: A small piece of toast and a huge coffee don't count as breakfast. Breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day for you. If it's not, you will hinder the efficient absorption of every single other meal in your day.

3. Stop drinking calories: Liquid calories are the worst thing you can put into your body. Not only are they a significant source of calories, but they also spike levels of insulin. Even worse, they promote tooth decay.

4. Optimize circadian rhythms: This is a very powerful technique for increasing energy while simultaneously maximizing the output of fat burning hormones. Interestingly, even individual organs follow their own rhythms. One way to begin optimization is by eating at regular times every day.

5. Eliminate processed food: Especially fast food because this type of food will make you balloon up faster than you can imagine. Even worse, if there are hidden trans fats (very common) your cells will change at the structural level.

6. Bring your own food to the rat race: Please do not assume that the food at your office is healthy. You are the person that cares most about your health. So start bringing your own home cooked food to work.

7. Go overboard with vegetables: I've never heard of someone getting sick from eating too many vegetables. In fact, increasing your vegetable intake to insane levels will increase energy and rates of weight loss more so than anything else.

More Information:

Writer Katherine Crawford, an exercise physiologist and former flabby arms sufferer, instructs on how to get rid of bingo wings. Unearth how to get sexy and toned arms by visiting her blog with arm exercises for women now!

Source: http://www.PopularArticles.com/article342228.html

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