Sunday, October 30, 2011

Include Omega 3 in Your Diet to Improve Your Life

By Sandy Sachs

You need to take some positive steps and lead a regimented lifestyle, if you want to live long and healthy. In order to stay healthy, you will need to exercise, get adequate sleep, be sociable, eat right, and take omega 3. These steps will enable you to stay healthy in your old age.

Regular exercise helps to maintain a healthier body weight which is important for all over good health. It helps you to retain better mobility, the ability to make decisions and rejuvenates you. Plus you feel better about yourself once you have completed your daily workout. Your workout could be as simple as a 15 minute walk or a 30 minute session of aerobics. You can also do some weight lifting or dance. Just getting up and moving is what is important.

Getting enough sleep every night is very important too. It is very difficult for you to take some vital decisions, if you're tired. Or as you are driving along in your car, if tired, your reactions may be slow, resulting in an accident. You need 8-10 hours of sleep every day. Not all people strive to get this much. Many are surviving on 6 or less hours a night. This puts your health at risk.

A daily morning walk is important too. Maybe get a friend to walk with you. Having someone to talk to on a regular basis is great!. Keeping all your feelings to yourself and not being able to relate to others can cause stress and anxiety which can lead to health problems. You should try to cultivate a hobby.It will help you to become socially mobile It can be as simple as going to play bingo, or any type of hobby you enjoy. Just get out there and be sociable. Never sit at home alone.

Most of us have a problem with our eating habits. The processed foods are so tempting. Never skip your breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. Eating cereals in the breakfast gives you your daily requirement of vitamins and nutrients. Oat meal is very helpful in lowering your cholesterol. Eat healthy snacks, such as fruits and vegetables. Don't snack too often during the office hours. Take fresh carrots, fruit or nuts instead of fried snacks. It's cheaper too. Pick out nuts that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids like walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pecans and hazelnuts. We should avoid macadamia, Brazil and cashews.

You should ensure that you consume omega 3 fatty acids in your diet. If you eat fish at least 2 times a week, you are probably doing good. You should prefer fatty type of fish like salmon, mackerel, lake tuna, herring, sardines, and albacore tuna. All of them contain omega 3 fatty acids. By including omega 3 to your diet can help you fight off or treat many diseases that occur as we age. It can also help with reducing your allergies, asthma, and skin problems. Omega 3 is also found in soy bean oil, flax seed oil, and walnuts. You can also get omega 3 by taking supplements.

Along with other things like taking care of your teeth, using sunscreen, drinking water, tea and milk, can help you can start yourself on a healthy plan for life.

Adding omega 3 fatty acids to your diet will help you possibly prevent potential problems such as heart, cancer, memory loss, and many more. It can give you a better quality of life.

If you are young, middle age or ageing, why not take these steps to prevent possible illness's that could make your elderly years miserable. Make sure one big step you take is adding omega 3 to your diet.

Sandy is a common guest blogger at and offers some sound advice on What is Omega 3, which could be very helpful for you to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Lose Weight And Improve Health With Spices

By Jorg Mardian

Adding some spice to your foods may do more than give them a kickin' flavour, they may also give a subtle boost to your metabolism. New research indicates that spices, including turmeric and cinnamon, may help in the fight to lose excess body weight.

A Penn State University study shows that high calorie meals increase levels of blood triglycerides. Tests revealed that as little as 2 tablespoons of spices per meal resulted in a drop in insulin response by 20% due to antioxidants in the spices. This, researchers stated, facilitated weight loss by 30%.

Lipotropic herbs, such as cinnamon and ginseng also promote the exportation of fat from the liver, which helps the body use fat for energy. Research shows that these two herbs lower triglycerides and 'bad' LDL cholesterol, which means you're metabolising fats better. It doesn't mean they will cause your body to release stored fat. However, normalizing the burning and digestion of fat can make a marked improvement in aiding digestion and absorbing nutrients, meaning more energy, more metabolic efficiency and better overall health.

The main ingredients in some spices are the secret to their success.

  • Cinnamon seems to reduce blood sugar (with moderate use) and helps to better process carbohydrates, as well as lowering LDL cholesterol. (Diabetes Care, 2003).

  • Cayenne, which contains capsaicin, has the unique ability to trigger protein changes in the body that cause weight loss, according to the Journal of Proteome Research. And studies performed by the Journal of Obesity also found that the spice increases fat oxidation, which increases energy expenditure and stimulates activity by the sympathetic nervous system.

  • Black pepper improves digestion and promotes nutrient absorption. Its main component-piperine, also boosts fat metabolism for several hours after ingestion.

  • Mustard seed is another potent spice that helps to burn fat more quickly due to its thermogenic nature. Scientists at England's Oxford Polytechnic Institute found that a mere teaspoon of hot mustard can boost metabolism 20 to 25% for several hours after eating.

Another way that spices such as cinnamon, mace, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom and cloves impart help with weight loss is through their natural sweetness. Use of these allows you to reduce or eliminate sugar (and subsequent calories) in foods.

It should be noted that though research shows some benefit to eating spices for weight loss, the results are unlikely to be effective in the absence of a healthy diet and effective exercise plan.

Jorg Mardian is a Certified Fitness Trainer, Kinesiology Specialist, Myoskeletal Therapist and Registered Nutritionist with over 25 years of practical experience. He is also editor of "Mardian in Motion," a health intelligence blog giving clear and concise information on the real truth about nutrition and causes of disease. Find his site at -

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Garlic: Nature's Super Food

By Matt J Santori

Mother nature has blessed us with a powerful little herb called garlic. Its' piercingly pungent smell and distinct flavor makes for some unforgettably mouthwatering dishes. Garlic is one of the many valuable foods that are available to us not just for flavor but, more importantly, for its' amazing nutritional benefits.

Garlic is a super antioxidant. It protects us against pollutants and fights off toxins that can disrupt our immune system and cause cancer. It's packed with anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties. Garlic promotes circulation which in turn enhances libido in men and women. It also improves the respiratory system and helps you breath better and easier. It decreases high-blood pressure, high cholesterol, and hypertension as well as increases endurance and stamina. It is so powerful that it can cure anything from the common cold or flu to acne and plantar warts. Eating 2-3 raw cloves everyday will transform your immune system into your personal bodyguard.

Your immune system is the root and foundation of your ultimate health. It is your immune system that protects you from toxins and other harmful substances. If your immune system in weakened, it disrupts your body's internal balance and leaves you predisposed for sickness and disease. That's why a healthy immune system is essential for your over-all well-being.

What makes garlic such a powerful herb is a substance in it called allicin. Allicin is produced when raw garlic is crushed or chewed. It must be raw and uncooked because as soon as you begin to cook garlic, the allicin is weakened and all of its wonderful medicinal values will be depleted.

There are many ways to enjoy raw garlic. Crush up two or three cloves and spread it on some bread or pizza, a medley of crunchy steamed vegetable or some grilled chicken. Garlic can really compliment any dish.

It's strong aroma tends to linger in your mouth and leave you with some serious garlic breath, but it's nothing that can't be solved. The best way to get rid of garlic breath is to eat some aromatic herbs such as dill or parsley. Chewing gum, sucking on mint, drinking a glass of milk or enjoying a piece of chocolate all help in covering up the smell.

Don't shun away from garlic just because of its potent smell. Enjoy the things that mother nature provided for you.

In the middle ages it was used to heal leprosy, cancer, and even the plague. Egyptians worshiped garlic and fed it to their slaves to increase strength and stamina for building pyramids. I came across many stories and real testimonials from people worldwide that have been using this herb for centuries. So many positive benefits and so much from our world history, the truth be told if you want to live forever, eat garlic.

Matthew J. Santori

We are dedicated to providing you with information on herbs and natural healing that will give you the knowledge to live a healthy and happy life. It's my passion to pass on everything I learn and see. Thanks for reading and live life to the fullest.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

"Healthy" Is a Big Fat Lie!

By Patti Bartsch, Ph.D.

Ok, well maybe "lie" is a little on the strong side but intentional misconception hits it right on the head! Most of my coaching clients tell me that they eat "pretty healthy." And, from what they know, they are. The reality of it is that most people have a seriously warped perception of what is healthy - thanks to the successful marketing of the processed food industry. Here's a little story to illustrate my point.

This afternoon, I stopped by an "Art in the Park" fundraiser that was being held in my town. I strolled around looking at the various artists' wares and realized it was almost 1:00 and I was a little hungry. There was a catering truck (I know, I know) there and, since I like to support the vendors at events like this, I went over to see what they had. Last weekend I went to a farm auction and I was able to get a delicious veggie wrap, so I was optimistic. Anyway, I went over to the truck and didn't see anything that I would consider nourishing so I asked the gentleman "Do you have anything bordering on healthy?" He couldn't think of anything so he asked his co-worker. Her reply was, "Well, the quiches are healthy. They're made with Egg Beaters!" (Oh dear.) She continued, "They're in a pie crust (probably made with Crisco) and they're really good! They have bacon in them!" Trying to use bacon as my polite out of this insanity, I replied "Oh, I don't eat meat." Not to be dismayed, the caterer replied "In the past we've made them with that artificial bacon. They still tasted good!"

I'm going to assume that the woman wouldn't flat out consider quiche to be a health-food but compared to the rest of their deep-fried fare, this was the best she could do. The part that inspired me to blog is that this woman, like many of my clients, thinks Egg Beaters are healthy! I've never purchased Egg Beaters but experience has told me that when you take a food from nature, take out a bunch of stuff that is natural, and add a bunch of chemicals to it, that does not make it a health food. I left the art fair to go food shopping and, out of curiosity, found a box of Egg Beaters to read the label. Yup, bastardized food product. (sigh.)

I frequently quote Michael Pollan, author of Food Matters and The Omnivore's Dilemma, "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants." That's really all the nutrition advice anyone ever needs. The problem is that they are confused about the definition of Food! That, and they've been brainwashed by advertising and packaging. So let me give you a few tips.

Food comes from the earth, not from a factory. It has ingredients that come from the earth, not from a factory. Simple example: sweet potato. Ingredients: sweet potato. Complicated example: guacamole. Ingredients: avocado, garlic, cilantro, lemon. Do you see how all of those things come from nature? Guess what; if it comes from nature, your body knows what to do with it.

One of my Nutrition professors gave me some advice that I continually pass on to people. He said "Never trust anything that is written on the front of any food package - ever!" Everything you need to know is written in two places: the nutrition facts panel and the ingredients. Today we're focusing on ingredients.

I like to say "If it's not a nutrient, why would you eat it?" If it's not a nutrient, your body expends energy and water trying to get rid of it. Non-nutrient ingredients such as artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, are toxic to the body and serve no nutritional purpose. One clue as to whether or not a food is nutritious is to see how long it takes you to find the nutrition panel and ingredients on their website. Click, click, click, click, click - nothing. It's hard to find because they don't want you to find it; they want you to see more of their marketing! I gave up trying to find the ingredients on the "Healthy Choice" foods website (to make my case here). I found the nutrition panel but not the actual ingredients. Hmmmmm.

The moral of the story is that most people think they know what healthy is because their definition of healthy comes from marketing - from companies intentionally mis-educating you so that you feel good about buying their products. To modify Michael Pollan, let me say this; "Eat nutrients. Not too much. Mostly plants." The word "food" confuses people. To me, Egg Beaters, artificial bacon, and Healthy Choice entrees are not food.

Patti Bartsch, M.A., Ph.D. is the owner of Naturally Unbridled ( ), a holistic life & wellness coaching company. She is a Certified Clinical Practitioner and Holistic Life & Wellness Coach with the American Council of Holistic Medicine as well as an Adjunct Professor for Kingdom College of Natural Health. Patti combines her unique background in biotechnology, nutrition, education and holistic wellness to empower her clients to achieve their optimal life and health through simple, natural methods. Visit to take a free quiz to see how Naturally Unbridled you are and receive a FREE GIFT - the "Heal Naturally" chapter from her book "7 Steps to a Naturally Unbridled Life". Dr. Bartsch is available for interviews, networking and private and group coaching.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10 Tips for Eliminating Sugar From Your Diet

By Cheryl Berkowitz

There's a cozy theory that Mother Nature in her wisdom has given us four times as many sweet taste buds, front and center on our tongues, than any other type. There are various notions about why this may be so, but my favorite one is this: back in days of yore when we hunted and gathered our food in the wilds, nothing in nature that was poisonous had a sweet flavor.

Based on this notion, eating sweets was a survival strategy. Couple this lizard brain propensity with the fact that mother's milk is sweet in flavor -- not to mention that bonding with mother herself is sweet and nurturing and pleasurable -- and once again, our survival. And it's easy to see where the original passion for sweetness began.

Unfortunately, our passion for sweet flavor and the safety it brings has gone radically out of balance. The prevalence of low-quality sweeteners and sugary foods, high-stress living, and looking for love in all the wrong places, has led to an epidemic of sugar addiction.

As a point of interest, factor in the Macrobiotic theory about the energetics of food, noting that sugar, like alcohol and coffee, has an expansive effect on the body/mind. In this view, if we eat too much contracting food like meat and salt, or if we have too much contracting life energy like stress, our organism will seek homeostasis by eating expansive foods. Of course, at those times when rebalancing is necessary, the Macrobiotics recommend the sweet and starchy vegetables and squashes or kuzu root teas, not soda and candy.

But there's nothing sweet about excessive insulin in the blood. This is now implicated in diabetes, heart disease, and an array of other chronic disease processes. Sugar also stresses our adrenal glands, de-mineralizes our bodies including our bones, over-acidifies our blood, causes inflammation, and creates an internal ecology in our gut that compromises our ability to absorb nutrients and undermines our immunity.

Depending on the intensity of your sugar habit, you may need to wean yourself slowly. Frequently, there is an emotional component to a hard-to-break sugar habit. If this is true for you, take the time to get to know your needs and desires and how you use sugar in an attempt to meet them in this indirect way. And please be compassionate with yourself. You are human and doing your best to take care of yourself. But know that you are worth the time and energy it takes to meet your needs in truly healthy, nourishing and life-enhancing ways.

Here are some tips for getting sugar out of your daily diet:

1. Reduce or eliminate caffeine. Caffeine causes blood sugar swings, which can lead to sugar cravings.

2. Drink water. Dehydration can lead to cravings, including the craving for sugar.

3. Eat protein and good fats. While too much protein can tip us towards craving sugar, so can too little. For overall blood sugar balance, enhanced metabolism and satiety, include some protein and good fats with every meal and even in your snacks.

4. Don't skip meals. Skipping meals can cause a dip in your blood sugar, which can spur the craving for sugar.

5. Pass on the white flour and pasta. Not only do these foods lack nutritional value despite being filling, they convert to sugar once digested. Eat whole grains in moderation instead.

6. Eat sweet vegetables and fruit. In the context of a balanced diet, these are wonderful sweets to eat, loaded with fiber, vitamins, micronutrients and phytochemicals.

7. Use kinder, gentler sweeteners. Avoid chemical and artificial sweeteners and food with sugar added. Instead, use small amounts of gentle sweeteners like rice syrup, barley malt, maple syrup, raw honey, stevia and dried fruit.

8. Get more sleep. If you are deprived from staying up too late for months and years on end, you may be craving energy. We typically reach for sweets as a fast but backfiring boost.

9. Get more exercise. Physical activity helps to balance blood sugar and reduce stress.

10. Slow down and find sweetness without eating at all. Are you craving something sweet in your life? Time with friends, hugs, fun, creative expression, spiritual connection? Eating will never meet these needs. So feed yourself the nourishing life you truly deserve!

Cheryl Berkowitz is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor and Certified Health Coach offering nutritional and lifestyle counseling to women of all ages. Cheryl provides nutritional healing support with a mindfulness-based approach, helping clients to improve and sustain good eating habits, shift underlying imbalances, reduce stress and overcome health issues to achieve vibrant health. Cheryl supports women with Natural Bone Health, to prevent and reverse osteopenia and osteoporosis, and she leads seasonal cleanse and weight loss programs. She teaches local workshops and national teleclasses, and serves women in the Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts and across the nation, in-person, by phone and Skype.

To find out more about Cheryl's approach:

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Saturday, October 01, 2011

Proper Nutrition on the Run - Tips and Tricks for Success

By Patrick Mayer

People differ from each other regarding body types. Some of them are ectomorphs, some are mesomorphs, some endomorphs with other body types that come in between these three: ecto-meso, meso-endo and endo-ecto. They all have strengths and weaknesses of main body types:

- ectomorphs have fast metabolism, have problems gaining muscles and fats, bad muscle memory

- mesomorphs have medium fast metabolism, gain muscles easily, moderate muscle memory

- endomorphs have slow metabolism, gain both fat and muscles easily with best muscle memory

No matter what your body type is, eat more often, smaller sized meals, with no junk food. There are few rules that you have to keep in mind:

- if endomorph and want to lose weight, go low on calories - diet for life

- if ectomorph and want to gain weight, go for muscle gain and eat cleanly. Being ectomorph gives you opportunity to eat junk food from time to time, but don't overdo it - with decades, even ectomorph's metabolism slows down

- if mesomorph eat cleanly and don't bother about calories

To organize your nutrition with little time to spare you must always plan ahead. Don't find yourself in situation that you are hungry and have nothing proper to eat - if that happen, eat whatever you can find - even some fast food - just be sure to stay away as much as possible from fast carbs and bad fats. It is better to eat something then starve the body.

When going to shopping, don't go hungry. And when you shop for groceries, buy according to your nutrition plan few days ahead. Don't buy sweets or anything similar - if you buy it, you will eat it sooner or later.

When cooking, always prepare enough food for few meals. Prepared meat, for example, can be kept in the fridge for tomorrow. Also, choose recipes that don't require hours to make - there are plenty of taste and healthy recipes that require maybe 10 - 15 minutes of active time in the kitchen. Choose kitchen appliances for cooking that have timers. Practically all steam cookers have timers and they can prepare any frozen vegetable, lean cuts of meat, fish or eggs in less than 30 minutes - with maybe minute or two needed to put all that food in steamer and maybe minute or two needed to clean everything after cooking.

If you are on the run, than consider buying Meal Replacement Powders (MRPs). They are protein powder blends with high content of protein and some carbs, fats and fibers. Their content varies, so please read the labels. Good thing is that most of the supplement companies also produce sample packs, so before buying larger containers, try the samples first.

Protein and meal replacement bars are most expensive options on the run, but they are ready made meals providing body with needed nutrients. Price and quality of protein bars vary, again, please read labels. They are even more convenient than MRPs, because all you need is to open the wrapper and eat your bar. Since nutrient needs do vary from person to person, choose your bars according to your needs.

If you are vegan, there are MRPs just for vegans. These MRPs are more expensive than regular MRPs, but they are very good for increasing protein intake in vegan nutrition. Also if you are intolerant to lactose, shell fish, crabs and similar, there are MRPs that are strictly made with no such ingredients.

Obviously there are many ways to organize proper nutrition for the people on the run. What you need is some free time and plenty of motivation to do it day after day. Let the mirror and weight scale show you if you are doing things well...

About The Author

Patrick Mayer is strength coach and sport nutritionist specialized in training and nutrition of both beginners and advanced trainees. For staying fit and healthy, he highly recommends physical activity and proper nutrition.

Patrick Mayer is one of the leading authors on

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