Thursday, January 21, 2010

How to Have a Desire to Exercise

How to Have a Desire to Exercise
By Amber J. Cabrera

Many of us want a fit and healthy body, but the thought of exercising on a regular basis is unpleasant. Here are a few suggestions on how to have a desire to exercise.

There is a common misconception that a person needs to exercise strenuously and for long periods of time to see any results. This is simply not true. In fact, all you need is about 20 to 30 minutes, three to five times a week, of solid exercise to gain the benefits of health and losing weight. Here's the good news; it can be fun!

Do you enjoy activities like sports, outdoor activities, dancing, martial arts, and swimming? All of these can be your salvation to "disguising" exercise. I call it disguising because these activities lead us to concentrate on the fun part, rather than seeing it as exercise. Focus on the fun of an active hobby, rather than concentrating on the pressures of losing weight.

If you are not as interested in joining or developing yourself within a sport or high impact activity, walking is still the best low impact exercise around that also provides you with positive fat burning results.

In fact, for anyone wanting to lose weight, it is recommended that you exercise in the lower range of your target heart rate. An easy way to gauge this is if you can still talk or hold a brief conversation with minimum difficulty as you're doing it.

Another easy way to monitor if you are in the fat burning zone is to calculate your heart rate. Take your age and subtract it from the number 220. Multiply it by 65%. This is the lower target range at which your body optimally burns fat. Once you have that number take your pulse by counting the number beats you feel in either your neck or your wrist for six seconds. Add a zero to that number. This will tell you the range that your heart is beating. After awhile, you will be able to tell where you are just by how you feel. It's a great method for staying on track.

Once you have that down, you can measure by any activity that you choose to do and as long as you're within that range you will be burning fat. You'll be surprised at how easy it feels when achieving that target heart rate.

If you can associate exercise with fun rather than a painful chore, you are more likely to want to do it consistently.

It is always a good idea to check with your physician before starting any kind of exercise regimen. Good luck!

The longer you wait to get started, the lower your chances of ever achieving the body you want before you die. Find out how to take action and do it today, go to:

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